Applying for jobs.



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    willhub wrote:
    Mcdonalds near me only has 4 full time places, 2 of which are customer care assistant and the other 2 'crew members', fully flexible shifts.

    Go for it
    I like bikes...

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    " (Although you can apply now, if successful, your start date will be dependant on which part of the UK you live in). Click here to check your start date. "

    So I cant apply now? As I'm living in Manchester until July and I'm putting in my home address.

    Surely they should ask when you are available to start?
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    Nope I've not had a job.

    Now, if you can just unlearn everything you know about bikes, you're almost guaranteed the Halfords job! :P
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have put part time.

    And that I am available monday to friday and sunday in the day (8am-7pm), how many hours you rekon I should do? Is 30 alot? Or should I put like 50?

    I'm going to go to halfords later I think and get an application form, might try Aldi too.
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    Good luck, Will.

    In His will is our peace...
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    If absolutely anything will do, you could try restaurant and hotel work. They often employ in the holdiays on a "casual" basis, as in they phone you when the need you, or book you in weeks in advance when they have functions on. I did a lot of work as a silver service waiter when I was a student, the benefit is that in the summer you can go to some tourist trap town and get a job in a hotel serving food and in the winter you can work serving food at company Christmas lunch and dinners. The Christmas dinners are a bit of a laugh as well, there's usually some p*ssed secretary who wants to get off with you...

    I had absolutely no experience, but as long as you look presentable and can carry stuff without dropping it you'll be fine!

    In the summer I worked at seaside towns, I used to serve breakfast and dinner at hotels and have the middle of the day to spend on the beach. I also used to serve in various Chinese restaurants (I'm not Chinese but had Chinese friends who got me jobs) and the tips were fantastic if you butter people up.

    I worked on the west coast of Wales, we used to work from 7pm til midnight, shut the restaurant, we split the tips and then head out on the town with the cash. Next day at midday we'd get up, hit the beach. I basically spent my tips in bars, saved my salary and the restaurant provided accommodation and a lot of the food
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  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    willhub wrote:
    I have put part time.

    And that I am available monday to friday and sunday in the day (8am-7pm), how many hours you rekon I should do? Is 30 alot? Or should I put like 50?

    I'm going to go to halfords later I think and get an application form, might try Aldi too.

    You will have to "opt out" (max is 48 hours) to work 50 hours a week, I doubt they will let you. Part time is probably 16-25 hours a week. 36/48 seems to be a bout the norm for full time.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I've put down 37 but cant submit the form yet as I cant get confirmation of when I finish me course and start it in september.

    It says 20th on my planner but it might be possible to finish the course by end of june.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Will, I think you are looking too deeply into it all! Just fill in the form with rough dates and crack on with it!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Will - did you not read my post about trying to get work on a farm for summer? It'll be outside, keep you fit and healthy, and it might actually look good on your CV - show you aren't afraid of hard work.

    Otherwise, councils often have their own in-house temping agencies, and those jobs can be quite dull, but fairly well-paid (by which I mean about £6.50-7/hour). It will quite good on your CV as well.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    johnfinch wrote:
    Will - did you not read my post about trying to get work on a farm for summer? It'll be outside, keep you fit and healthy, and it might actually look good on your CV - show you aren't afraid of hard work.

    Otherwise, councils often have their own in-house temping agencies, and those jobs can be quite dull, but fairly well-paid (by which I mean about £6.50-7/hour). It will quite good on your CV as well.

    I wanted to work on a farm in my teens bu my mum wouldn't let me, she said farm machinery is too dangerous. About 2 weeks after I she stopped me, the farmer who I was going to work with fell into some kind of machine and was killed. Sad but true...

    I don't know if many councils have in house temp agencies now do they? I think they've outsourced just about everything like that, however going to a temp agency is certainly an idea, they can often get you into something for the summer. I also worked at Luton Airport for a while when I was a student, that was through an agency, in the summer airports are v busy with tourists. I think that would be the best thing to do - think about seasonal demand, that's where you'll find good summer jobs.
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I will but I just want to get this application form compleated, my parents are confusing me.

    It is asking me for personal/business/accademic reference and it asks for name, relationship, address, phone and email, and my mum is trying to tell me to use the student of the year form on the wall which I dont understand how that is a reference.

    I was going to put my tutor down from my last course but I have to ask permission to use them as a reference no?
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Don't listen to your Mum by the sound of it.

    BTW, if you're doing an application form the word "centre" might come up. Try spelling it correctly, instead of writing "center". Sorry, don't mean to be critical, but spelling is really important on an application form, especially if you're a student - if you don't check it properly they'll think you can't be arsed. Which will bar you from working as a male prostitute. :lol:
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    willhub wrote:
    I was going to put my tutor down from my last course but I have to ask permission to use them as a reference no?

    Yes. Definitely.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It certainly looks like it's hard to complete application forms, I cant get in contact with the tutor I was going to put down, I've got my uncle that is a business man but it can only be classed as personal since he is related. Dont really know any Business people I could put down, just tutors from college but means going through lots of messing to get in contact with.

    I've been 2 hours on this application now.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Not a clue what your Mum is on about there Will!
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Is this all seriously just for some summer job?! Sounds like you're filling in some standard application form which is also used for full time jobs. If they're only employing you for a dead end job over the summer, chances are they will employ you on gut feel rather than go through all the motions of contacting all your references etc. IME for summer jobs they either offer you the job on the spot, or a couple of days later or not at all, they're not going to spend ages contacting all your references. I wouldn't worry too much, if you're getting this stressed over a mere part time job, whatcha gonna be like when uni ends and you actually have to apply for real jobs?! Save your concentration.
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    No I just want to make sure I have filled it all in, so I should leave the references blank? Maybe that could mean the difference between getting and not getting a job..
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    No, fill it in with your college tutor's details having asked their permission...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It'll be a week or so untill I've asked for permission so I'll have to hold fire on compleating the form untill then, which is abit annoying :(..

    I wanted to get it over and done with.

    I'm applying at Aldi now too.
  • dbb
    dbb Posts: 323
    for this job - just use your uncle and get the form in.

    i'm sure he will act as a reliable reference for your character - that's all they are looking for for this type of job.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    So far, by the end of the week (in which I'll be back in Manchester)

    I'll have applied at


    I'll enquire at the council and some bike shops too.

    My uncle was the owner of the Garage where I did work experience also.
  • trickeyja
    trickeyja Posts: 202
    I've just gone back to sixth form after my easter holidays, during which I worked 40 hours a week for three weeks.

    I managed to find a job with a self employed gardener. The wage was not bad for my age (almost age 21 minimum), and it was great to be outdoors! I think I was really lucky to find work at my age (16) especially at this time. I previously worked with the same gardener for five weeks last summer which is how I afforded my road bike.

    Have you tried asking relatives if they know any people who might have some work? See if there are any self-employed people who would be willing to take you on. Shop work is the obvious thing but to be honest I would rather be outside - you could try things like small building companies, council parks department, farms etc..

    Best of luck :wink:
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,457
    Do you drink much?

    Don't want to sound like a stuck record but to get a job in a bar you just need to chat to someone there, tis a fine life for a student and you get served quicker when your out 8)