whats your beliefs?

gergusmcbergus Posts: 57
edited April 2009 in The bottom bracket
howdy everyone
out of sheer boredom and nosiness, i was wondering what your religious beliefs are (or aren't)
feel free to say what your personal beliefs are, i'm interested to know more about the religious convictions of cyclists on this forum
love gerg
like a rolling stone


  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    God dosen't exist. END OF.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • mmitchell88
    mmitchell88 Posts: 340
    I don't believe in gergusmcbergus.
    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir... gently and firmly. You've got to grind your beans until they squeak.
    And then you put in the milk.
  • trickeyja
    trickeyja Posts: 202
    Cogito, ergo sum.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I don't have any convictions at all.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    NapoleonD wrote:
    I don't have any convictions at all.

    But how many people have you got convictions for ? :wink:
    I like bikes...

  • Beeblebrox
    Beeblebrox Posts: 145
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    edited April 2009
    We don't know how our particular universe came into being - and more importantly, we don't know why it's here......... we're here because our universe is here (evolution of one sort or another), but again the big question is...... why does our universe exist?.......... I don't have the answers. I certainly think there's a possibility of an impersonal higher-entity - maybe it created this universe...... not sure why though?

    It's highly likely that a Personal God doesn't exist though.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • mmitchell88
    mmitchell88 Posts: 340
    edited April 2009
    Mettan wrote:
    We don't know how our particular universe came into being - and more importantly, we don't know why it's here......... we're here because our universe is here (evolution of one sort or another), but again the big question is...... why does our universe exist?.......... I don't have the answers. I certainly think there's a possibility of an impersonal higher-being - maybe it created this universe...... not sure why though?

    It's pretty likely that a Personal God doesn't exist.

    How could ANY higher-being exist which would allow the suffering which goes on daily, the continual barrage, the torture, the erosion of everyone's personal dignity that comes with the words 'campag vs shimano'.

    Damn you God, for making us this way. (FIst shake)
    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir... gently and firmly. You've got to grind your beans until they squeak.
    And then you put in the milk.
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    Why not guess what their religious convicitons are? That might be more fun. And offensive. :twisted:

    Je suis an atheist, though I don't subscribe to being evangelical about it (i.e. convincing others that there isn't any superbeing/god).
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • mmitchell88 - are you a buddhist by any chance?
    teagar - okey dokey then :P well then, sir...what am i??
    like a rolling stone
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    mmitchell88 - are you a buddhist by any chance?
    teagar - okey dokey then :P well then, sir...what am i??

    Cheeky poo :P.


    Can I stab at Protestant-Christian, or is not specific enough?
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    Geology, Physics and Biology can explain all the facets of life and existance, removing all need for Creator Diety - However they cannot disprove God

    I do not have need of a higher power to feel alive so i do not believe in one....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    God dosen't exist. END OF.
    He does and I can prove it and I can give you his real name.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Even though I'm agnostic I was praying furiously to God on sunday whilst trying to get back on the wheels of our fast guys during the club run :D
  • teagar - i'm afraid your way off the mark.
    i'm an atheist, although a fair amount of what i think has been influenced by buddhist teachings, but an atheist first and foremost.
    so what do people think has made them believe what they believe? people? life experience? parents/family?
    like a rolling stone
  • blu3cat
    blu3cat Posts: 1,016
    I am a christian, believe in God, but not completely for some things like the big bang theory but the teachings like 'turn the other cheek' and 'treat others how you would like to be treated' should be thoroughly enforced into modern society.

    so you follow the philosophy rather than the full theology, i though Christianity was a kinda all or nothing thing.

    Just to make it easy..

    There is no superior deity of any religious faction at all

    Try thinking of your "God" as an imaginary friend, let's be honest, that's all they are.

    Oh and I'm an atheist as you may have relaised :)
    "Bed is for sleepy people.
    Let's get a kebab and go to a disco."

    FCN = 3 - 5
    Colnago World Cup 2
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    teagar - i'm afraid your way off the mark.
    i'm an atheist, although a fair amount of what i think has been influenced by buddhist teachings, but an atheist first and foremost.

    Fair enough. Religion was never in my life untill I observed it from afar, so I figure I've been brought up an athiest by default. The stories I was told at school I always thought of as fiction with some lesson tagged on, rather like most sitcoms today.
    Jake151 wrote:
    I am a christian, believe in God, but not completely for some things like the big bang theory but the teachings like 'turn the other cheek' and 'treat others how you would like to be treated' should be thoroughly enforced into modern society.

    I don't think those teachings are particularly exclusive to Christianity!
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    I've always been an atheist and always will be, until God pops round for a cuppa and a miracle-fest in my hot, dry, sunny part of the world where all women look like Kate Silverton or Kate Beckinsale, dress exclusively in lycra and ride bikes all day and I win the lottery jackpot every week.
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    im a bokonononist
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    im a bokonononist
    Is that something to do with voodoo economics? :?

    I worship the Wind Gods and leave vegetarian sacrafices* scattered around the countryside.

    * Mainly banana skins.
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    howdy everyone
    out of sheer boredom and nosiness, i was wondering what your religious beliefs are (or aren't)
    feel free to say what your personal beliefs are, i'm interested to know more about the religious convictions of cyclists on this forum
    love gerg

    Mind your own friggin business.You`re nosier than that other bloke who`s always asking questions and doing surveys.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    Love is all you need...
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    This week, I 'ave been mostly been worshiping, Roman Pavlyuchenko.
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    This week, I 'ave been mostly been worshiping, Roman Pavlyuchenko.

    +1, and our lord and saviour saint Harry of Poplar
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.

  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Robmanic1 wrote:
    This week, I 'ave been mostly been worshiping, Roman Pavlyuchenko.

    +1, and our lord and saviour saint Harry of Poplar

    I have long since stopped kakking my pants over relegation. 'Arrys triffic 8)
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    Crapaud wrote:
    im a bokonononist
    Is that something to do with voodoo economics? :?

    I worship the Wind Gods and leave vegetarian sacrafices* scattered around the countryside.

    * Mainly banana skins.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokononism :D
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    In one definition, I'm an atheist. By the common definition, I'm agnostic.

    I don't believe in anything. Using a strict meaning of the word atheism (a meaning without), a person without belief is an atheist. However, the common meaning of an atheist is someone with an active belief that there is no god, and that isn't me.

    I have no idea if there is a god or not. I study physics, and that can explain a lot. We can explain everything back to the instant of the big bang. Before that, however, there was no time, and so we can't see what was there. That leaves room for a higher being.

    If you reject any other ideas but your own, you're being a bit narrow minded. A good thing to do when you're really bored is to find a religious debate on the Internet and jump in on the losing side (generally, science will be winning in Europe, religion will be winning in the USA). 10 points for everyone whose mind you change. It's a good way to challenge your own beliefs too. I'd be willing to bet that even the most devout atheist has some seed of doubt in their mind, though it may be small.
  • skullthaw
    skullthaw Posts: 321
    i honestly dont know anymore
    i was brought up christian but study geology at uni so makes me think that theres nothing going on and suffering that people go through and things that have happened to freinds etc make me learn to wards a non-personal spirit that started big bang etc but science explains rest
    2 Broken fingers broken again... F@$%^£g hell that hurt!!!

    92% of teenagers have turned to rap. If your one of the 8% that still listens to real music put this in your sig.
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    God dosen't exist. END OF.