Ride Reports



  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    Had fun taking the very long way home from work on Friday, turning what would normally be a 10k run into a nice 32k jaunt with plenty of hilly bits. I decided to try out an alternative way back from the village that acts as the turn point. I vaguely knew the road, from the car, but hadn't had any reason to go down it in a while.
    The first mile or so is a draggy climb, then the fun started. The next couple of miles are basically downhill, so holding 35-45kph should be easy, but this road isn't used much at all, and has a lovely gravel central median...remember it's single track. The surface beside it isn't great, every now and then there is some debris to avoid, oh, and a stray weed spreading into the roadway. Concentration was definitely needed, but that just adds to the fun, right?

    Today was shopping, then the distraction of actually being able to watch the Tour, so no longish ride. Instead I hit on the idea of doing one of the local cycling club's 10m TT routes.
    I pootle along to where I think the start is, stop, reset everything, then I'm off, in the drops.
    It's a hilly enough course, but I'm going as hard as I think I can, in the drops whenever I can (no aero bars). The climbs are horrible, you feel like your going so slow! I circle the roundabout, and attack the second last climb. My legs have been burning since the first 50 meters of the course, but I know there is a nice decent of the hill I've just been up ahead, and only one little climb to go before the flat run to the finish. On that bit I see another roadie who must have come out of a side road, and is probably after doing a lot more miles than me. He's on the hoods as you would be on a normal ride, I'm on the drops clearly trying as hard as I can. I catch him in the village and breeze past without so much as a look (happy that I am actually passing him, I must be doing something right)
    I turn onto the last road, watching the distance on the computer. 10 miles comes up a good way before I was expecting it to. I know where it should end, but I had to guess the start a bit. At 10miles (16.1k) I slip the computer off and hold onto it. I slow down, and cruise to a junction a bit further on before having a look
    woo hoo!

    Checking the website, I have the start way wrong, but there course goes a lot further into the outskirts of the town, through 2 traffic lights, along a road thats usually blocked with traffic. I much prefer my version of it.
    OK, the net result of the hills is a little drop in elevation, and even though it's an out and back cours, the wind maybe helped more than hindered, but I'm delighted with that time after a first attempt. :)
  • tardington
    tardington Posts: 1,379
    None of the Edinburgh crowd were having a go at the Carlops round on wednesday were they? Spotted a roadie in the giving-up-and-weeping position at the top of the long and windy hill part on wednesday! I was driving past in the other direction, but it is the exact place I jacked it in last year. :oops: :shock:
  • Christophe3967
    Christophe3967 Posts: 1,200
    JonGinge wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    10 laps of the Park/70 miles this morning. Didn't feel great this morning and a late start after getting some shopping in for the returning family, so didn't venture into the hills. Lovely day for it at least, and not much traffic either. :) Lots of dossards though. :roll:
    10? :shock: You must be nearing a 300 mile week.

    This week I are be mostly watching cycling

    +1 But still manged a 75 miler into the hills yesterday after getting a last minute pass. Hawk Hill, Chalk Down, Whitedown, Leith, Ranmore, Box Hill, well earned flapjack :) 1150 metres of climbing average speed 16.9 mph :oops: The lanes are a mess after the storms - some of them are more like shingle beaches than roads - quite a few hairy momments descending.. but none as bad as when an elderly woman in a Nissan Micra pulled out in front of me just before Epsom Downs as I was coming down the hill at 39mph - don't think she saw me until I yelled at her as I overtook her :evil:

    Followed that with a late afternoon pootle with the GF out to Esher via Thames Ditton and Ham (which has two roads next to each other called Wiggins Meadow ? then Asburnham Road). 35 miles, average speed 12.4 mph. Beer :) 110 miles for the day. Amazing what nice weather does for the mileage :)

    Then watched the whole of stage 20. Can't talk now from yelling at Brad on the TV...
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    edited July 2009
    erm fettled in the garage yesterday morning, fitting new man sized gear to the SS, installed 2nd beer fridge in the garage, fully stocked natch! :wink:

    Watched the tour and the F1 qualifying :D
    Then we had a street party BBQ thing of sorts, all the neighbours lots of food and lots of drink :D

    Miles ridden 1 :roll:

    The good old British BBQ summer

    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    was going to go out today but i stupidly ate a pizza which instead of cheese had jalapeños last night...
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Splitting headache this morning


    Nah not really, beer anyone?
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    (which has two roads next to each other called Wiggins Meadow ? then Asburnham Road).

    That's the kind of company I like to keep. :lol:

    No proper ride for me this weekend save a pootle with the missus. My arms and back are sore from singlehandedly moving all the missus stuff from one house to another on Friday night. Tried to go out today but felt fat to stiff in the arms, neck, back. Frustrating as the weather looked ideal!
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    Intended to try to do my first 50 miler today. Went around Roath Park Lake, then to Newport Road and through Wentlooge along the flats. The weather wasn't great and the wind was pretty bad.

    Went up to Bassaleg and through Caerphilly, stopped at a newsagents in Taffs Well for a much needed Mars Bar. Back down Manor Way, and MTFU'd it up Leckwith Hill.

    A total of 44 miles in 2 hours 28 total time, I can't do any better than that with my present level of fitness. Bugger, I'll have to try for the 50 next week, weather permitting.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    I got talked into a London - Cambridge charity ride today. Never again, I'm sticking to Sportives from now on, what a bunch of numpties on BSO's. Now I know this sort of thing is meant to be a fun day out for all the familly, but does common sense have to go out the window. It was a good route spoilt by the appaling standards of cycling and road manners displayed by the overwhelming majority of riders.

    Still the stats are all that matters

    58 miles in 2:47:29 at an average speed of 20.7 mph :lol: 1980ft of hills (it's a pretty flat route) average heart rate 149

    If it wasn't for the idiots holding up the traffic, getting in my way, and generally being a pain in the arse I could have had that in under 2:40.

    Still as the quick, longish run, I feel like the old dogs making practice, and he'll be back to full strength, leaner and meaner than ever before too long. Bring on Crystal Palace on Tuesday :lol::lol::lol:
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    @CJ: 10 laps of the park! Are you mad? ;)

    After a miserable outing Thursday at Hog Hill, which had me very depressed and wondering if I have any place racing bikes, I had a great ride yesterday at Thruxton.

    At the start of the race (as in off the line) two guys broke away never to be seen again. The race itself was a series of breakaways and chases but ended in a bunch sprint ...

    ... which I won!

    Totally awesome feeling crossing the line first (even if it was for 3rd place overall). I more than sorted the points I needed for 3rd Cat, but more importantly it ends my run of "nearly" finishes.

    I'll post the long version on my blog this eve. :)
  • Christophe3967
    Christophe3967 Posts: 1,200
    Roastie wrote:
    @CJ: 10 laps of the park! Are you mad? ;)

    After a miserable outing Thursday at Hog Hill, which had me very depressed and wondering if I have any place racing bikes, I had a great ride yesterday at Thruxton.

    At the start of the race (as in off the line) two guys broke away never to be seen again. The race itself was a series of breakaways and chases but ended in a bunch sprint ...

    ... which I won!

    Totally awesome feeling crossing the line first (even if it was for 3rd place overall). I more than sorted the points I needed for 3rd Cat, but more importantly it ends my run of "nearly" finishes.

    I'll post the long version on my blog this eve. :)

    Chapeau fella - another 3rd cat on the commuting forum! :)
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    Roastie wrote:
    @CJ: 10 laps of the park! Are you mad? ;)

    After a miserable outing Thursday at Hog Hill, which had me very depressed and wondering if I have any place racing bikes, I had a great ride yesterday at Thruxton.

    At the start of the race (as in off the line) two guys broke away never to be seen again. The race itself was a series of breakaways and chases but ended in a bunch sprint ...

    ... which I won!

    Totally awesome feeling crossing the line first (even if it was for 3rd place overall). I more than sorted the points I needed for 3rd Cat, but more importantly it ends my run of "nearly" finishes.

    I'll post the long version on my blog this eve. :)

    It's about time I got my arse in gear and joined you :roll: :lol:

    Are you at CP this week? (so long as it's dry of course)
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    Rich158 wrote:
    Are you at CP this week? (so long as it's dry of course)
    Provided I get back from Swindon in time (and if the weather is OK) I'll be headed over to CP tomorrow night. :)
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Roastie wrote:
    Rich158 wrote:
    Are you at CP this week? (so long as it's dry of course)
    Provided I get back from Swindon in time (and if the weather is OK) I'll be headed over to CP tomorrow night. :)

    Top man. That's a great effort. :D

    Will you be racing as a 3rd Cat tomorrow night?
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    cjcp wrote:
    Top man. That's a great effort. :D

    Will you be racing as a 3rd Cat tomorrow night?
    Thanks dude!

    Guess I will be racing as a 3rd from now on - don't see any reason not to. Tomorrow night is a bit dicey because I'm not sure if I'll be able to escape Swindon in time, but definitely Thurs at Hog Hill. :)
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    What time does it kick off at CP? Haven't been on the road bike for over a month but was planning a few laps at Richmond Park, however I could just as easily try Crystal Palace if time allows. Is there anywhere to leave a bag during the race? How long would the numpty race be?! :?
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    MatHammond wrote:
    What time does it kick off at CP? Haven't been on the road bike for over a month but was planning a few laps at Richmond Park, however I could just as easily try Crystal Palace if time allows. Is there anywhere to leave a bag during the race? How long would the numpty race be?! :?
    All starts at about 19:00 (linky). Not necessarily the place to go for a casual race...
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    Just did a 30mile ride home from work, went as far north west as i thought was sane then cut back to where i live. Got a little lost trying to find the route id planned eventually found where i wanted to be. When in kensington a cab driver attempted to broadside me as i was filtering down the outside of the traffic i ended up down a side road i didnt want to be down as a result of having to manoeuvre the same way as his cab. He apologised profusely to me, thought he was going to have a go at me for being a cyclist but he just kept saying he was really sorry.

    Then when i was getting closer to Harrow some guy in a ford mondeo decided he was going to suddenly turn right, this time i was in the inside as it wasnt too busy and he just completely broadsided me, thankfully my new brakes are amazing and i just slid along the side of his car in the new direction of travel. He then parked up and i thought he was going to come over and check that i was ok but he was completely oblivious to the fact that he had hit me. As far as i can see no damage was done and my leg and hand took the brunt of it but will get my mechanic to check it over tomorrow. He again couldnt apologise enough, luckily for him i was shattered and im not one to start kicking off so i told him to be more careful and check his mirrors better next time. He even said you had right of way. We shook hands and left on good terms. I told him he was lucky it was me and not some other cyclist that would of kicked off at him.

    Fuck me im tired now, 30mile hard ride after an incredibly heavy weights session (110kg squat, 120kg deadlift, 25kg bench press)
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    Very cool photo here.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Roastie wrote:
    MatHammond wrote:
    What time does it kick off at CP? Haven't been on the road bike for over a month but was planning a few laps at Richmond Park, however I could just as easily try Crystal Palace if time allows. Is there anywhere to leave a bag during the race? How long would the numpty race be?! :?
    All starts at about 19:00 (linky). Not necessarily the place to go for a casual race...

    Is there such thing as a casual race? ! I just need to work out whether it is realistic to cycle over there from work and have a go - what does it cost, can I get a temprorary licence for the night, do I have to wear kit with no logos, can I leave a bag anywhere... I'll be on my good bike tomorrow as its either Richmond Park or Crystal Palace, but I do quite fancy having a crack at racing- no expectations I'll be able to stay with the pack but got to start somewhere...
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Mat - you should be able to enter on the line i.e. when you roll up to registration. You'll probably need to pay an entry fee in addition to the cost of a day/temporary licence.

    Dunno if you've lost any form after holiday, but, if you can knock out a short 52 for RP, you should be amongst the strongest there. Try to stay close to the front to avoid crashes and watch for breaks.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Roastie wrote:
    Very cool photo here.

    Excellent! Nice one! :D
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    MatHammond wrote:
    Roastie wrote:
    MatHammond wrote:
    What time does it kick off at CP? Haven't been on the road bike for over a month but was planning a few laps at Richmond Park, however I could just as easily try Crystal Palace if time allows. Is there anywhere to leave a bag during the race? How long would the numpty race be?! :?
    All starts at about 19:00 (linky). Not necessarily the place to go for a casual race...

    Is there such thing as a casual race? ! I just need to work out whether it is realistic to cycle over there from work and have a go - what does it cost, can I get a temprorary licence for the night, do I have to wear kit with no logos, can I leave a bag anywhere... I'll be on my good bike tomorrow as its either Richmond Park or Crystal Palace, but I do quite fancy having a crack at racing- no expectations I'll be able to stay with the pack but got to start somewhere...
    By casual race, I meant something a little less challenging than CP - not just from a strength POV but also bike handling and group riding. It is a very technical circuit, so if you are unfamiliar with circuit racing and not entirely comfortable with riding hard at close quarters, it is not the best place to start (if you are an old racer, please ignore me). For a first race, I'd suggest a tamer circuit like Hillingdon (or Hog Hill).

    As for your quessies:
    - day licence should not be a prob, but prob best to call/email ahead to make sure
    - the rules say neutral kit, but you almost certainly won't be turned away if you turn up in anything else
    - everyone just leaves their bags and stuff around the top (the sign-in area), so you'll be fine
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Good idea to email ahead - I'll try that now. I take the point re CP being a technical circuit, but I don't realistic see myself getting to Hillingdon / Hog Hill at the momnt - CP has the advantage of being a bike ride from home and also the wife / kid are away tonight so its a free pass! I'll be riding conservatively though, would rather get dropped than hit the deck. I'm a total newbie to racing, group riding experience is limited to sportives, but hopefully I'll be OK if I use my head.


  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    MatHammond wrote:
    I'll be riding conservatively though, would rather get dropped than hit the deck. I'm a total newbie to racing, group riding experience is limited to sportives, but hopefully I'll be OK if I use my head.

    As odd as this may sound, better to be at the front in that case.

    (Fwiw, I started at the back too in my first race :roll:. )
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Plan is to ride off the front and time trial to victory - simples!
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    cjcp wrote:
    (Fwiw, I started at the back too in my first race :roll:. )
    :) I think we all do.

    @Matt: Best of luck. Tip: Skip the warm-up and just plonk yourself near the front at the line (but not in amongst the 1/2s!) - otherwise you'll be forced to start near the back and you won't see the front, period. But if you can get there early, walk or ride around the circuit just so you have an idea of what the corners look like. Have fun!

    <shameless punt>On my blog you'll find a description of the circuit which may or may not be useful.</shameless punt>
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I'll have a look at the blog, cheers. The warm up will be the ride over there from Fenchurch Street, I'll probably be cooked before I even start!
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    MatHammond wrote:
    I'll have a look at the blog, cheers. The warm up will be the ride over there from Fenchurch Street, I'll probably be cooked before I even start!
    Another Fenchurch St commuter - what times do you usually roll in and out?
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Usually roll in just before 9, roll out any time between 6 and 7.30. Left early today to get to Crystal Palace, managed to get lost ( :oops: ) but still made it there in time to get registered. The race was a humbling experience - I need to work on my speed and bike handling at the best of times, but after over a month out of the saddle (barring the commute) I was very quickly struggling to stay in contact, managed to stay with the pack for about 3 laps or so then got dropped. Kept going until the bell, I think my cornering improved as I got familiar with the course and I felt strong up the hill but its fair to say I was a bit out of my depth! Still, got to start somewhere - I'll be trying a time trial at Richmond Park next month so maybe that'll be more my thing.