The good bike shop list



  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    Mike Cookson Cycles in Whitefield (Bury/North Manchester)
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • Balaclavas
    Balaclavas Posts: 61
    + 1 for Sidwell Cycles
    and the Bike Shed in Exeter

    Sidwell have been a lifesaver, after a crash they straightened out my wheels enough to get me home for the price of one pack of Chocolate Hob Nobs, and they sold me a new Bianchi throwing in a pile of upgrades and extra's. The manager is a good guy and still remembers me by bike even though I havn't lived there for a couple of years. He even let me take a spin on his brand new brakeles bianchi pista in rush hour because I fancied a test ride.

    The Guys at the bikeshed are also great, helped me build up a fixed gear, lent me tools when I need them, sorted me out with a bargin second hand ht and even provided the most spicy bbq ever after I mucked in with some trail building. Great wheelbuilder too.

    Special note for a shop called cyclerama also in Exeter, doesn't look much but the owner knows his old bikes, has a treasure trove of components and will do almost anything for £15 (axel swap, bb swap, wheel true etc)
  • dondare
    dondare Posts: 2,113
    Bike and Run, Finchley.
    This post contains traces of nuts.
  • scherrit
    scherrit Posts: 360
    Whizz bikes in Brentford are good, excellent crew working there.
    If you're as fat as me, all bikes are bendy.