RP Training Group Ride - Sat 21st / Sun 22nd



  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    That was quality - a great morning's riding 8)

    Bettered my previous Boxhill time from 9:27 to 8:22 so I'm well pleased with that! :P

    I clocked almost 110k at around 25.5kph - we took in Hungry Hill (I think?) followed by coming up the back of Pitch Hill and then up Leith Hill from the south, then over to Boxhill before heading back through Leatherhead, Oxshott, Esher and Kingston :D

    Dave - nice one for keeping going buddy - a couple of times you looked like you'd had enough but you were working well later in the ride, good work mate 8)

    Chris - good effort today considering you did a long ride yesterday too! Well over a 200k weekend for you mate, and still pulled us along for a few miles later in the ride! :P

    Wilf - for someone who's been coughing his lungs up all week you were going great too mate! I'd probably have bailed in your position so being able to take a few decent turns on the front late in the ride after that is good work!

    Fuji & Homercles - sorry guys, can't remember either of your real names :oops: :roll: Good riding today regardless - both of you put in some really good stints on the front and put the rest of us to shame on most of the climbs! 8)

    Ryan - good work managing as much as you did mate, and please do keep coming along! You still did 60 miles so that's not to be sniffed at buddy! 8)

    I'll get a new thread started for next weekend but I already know for sure that I'm restricted to Saturday am, and even then I might have to resort to the rollers, or not drink Friday night and start at 7 or 8 am... :shock: :lol:

    Also planning some mid-week evening spins around the park if anyone's interested in joining me for a few laps - I usually ride Tues & Thurs evenings from 6:30-7ish, drop me a PM if you want to join me (bearing in mind we have to be out by 8pm at the moment because of the deer cull).
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    That was quality - a great morning's riding 8)
    I clocked almost 110k at around 25.5kph - we took in Hungry Hill (I think?) followed by coming up the back of Pitch Hill and then up Leith Hill from the south, then over to Boxhill before heading back through Leatherhead, Oxshott, Esher and Kingston :D

    Factor in the traffic and climbing 25.5kph is a very good effort.
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Wilf - for someone who's been coughing his lungs up all week you were going great too mate! I'd probably have bailed in your position so being able to take a few decent turns on the front late in the ride after that is good work!

    Cheers mate, think it was that cup of Tango that kept me going :lol:
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Fuji & Homercles - sorry guys, can't remember either of your real names :oops: :roll: Good riding today regardless - both of you put in some really good stints on the front and put the rest of us to shame on most of the climbs! 8)

    Brian and Charlie, but can't remember who owns which nic. Sorry Brian, not 100% certain but I think I might have called you Bruce at once stage today :oops:
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Ryan - good work managing as much as you did mate, and please do keep coming along! You still did 60 miles so that's not to be sniffed at buddy! 8)

    Yeah good work Ryan, considering you have a bit of a trek to actually meet us. Keep coming out as every ride will get easier and easier.

    The long grazed legged one
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Nice one Rich. That was a cracking run out today and you're right, I was bloody close to bonking. If Leith hill didn't finish when it dido would have been in serios trouble :-) a cuppa and flapjack sorted me out properly though and I felt pretty good on the run back in... Thanks everyone for the tow! It was appreciated.

    Onwards and upwards though. That will definity have taken me on a fair bit...
  • hey Guys - thanks for the ride and the company. It was a very good day out, and looking fwd to more like that, Im sure there are few more hills to check out. Dont know what I did towards the end when I headed off towards Hampton Court - think I was a tad knackered and it was the first road I recognised in a while. So hope everyone got back alright, the traffic was horrendous. Big bowl of pasta was waiting for me and hit the spot!

    Have a good week all

  • RC21
    RC21 Posts: 166
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the encouragement; I felt bad about bailing early, especially as I was late and you waited for me. I was struggling a bit and knew you guys would have to have kept waiting for me so thought it was best to leave when I did and let you carry on so it wasn't stop-starting so much.

    Glad you had a good ride :) My trip back was pretty good. I thought it was going to be a bit warmer today; hence the 3/4 bib-shorts, but as I said to Rich; i had my socks up so it didn't really qualify :)

    I'll keep on coming if you don't mind having me along. I just need to get my fitness up. . . . Has anyone got some good tips or a training plan I could try so I can get up to speed; obviously the more I get out the better but is there anything I could be doing during the week? I commute to work every day which is a 16 mile round trip but that is obviously not enough. . . . Any advice appreciated :)

    Thanks guys.
    Probably see you at the next one.
  • RC21
    RC21 Posts: 166
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the encouragement; I felt bad about bailing early, especially as I was late and you waited for me. I was struggling a bit and knew you guys would have to have kept waiting for me so thought it was best to leave when I did and let you carry on so it wasn't stop-starting so much.

    Glad you had a good ride :) My trip back was pretty good. I thought it was going to be a bit warmer today; hence the 3/4 bib-shorts, but as I said to Rich; i had my socks up so it didn't really qualify :)

    I'll keep on coming if you don't mind having me along. I just need to get my fitness up. . . . Has anyone got some good tips or a training plan I could try so I can get up to speed; obviously the more I get out the better but is there anything I could be doing during the week? I commute to work every day which is a 16 mile round trip but that is obviously not enough. . . . Any advice appreciated :)

    Thanks guys.
    Probably see you at the next one.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Ryan, honestly mate don't feel bad, and we're more than happy for you to come along! If you're doing a 16 mile round trip every day all I would suggest is working harder on that, maybe try and add in some hills on your route home and also make your route home a little longer a couple of days a week. You're clearly doing the mileage, so I reckon just up the pace / effort a bit.

    Stick with it mate, the end result will be worth it!
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Has anyone got some good tips or a training plan I could try so I can get up to speed; obviously the more I get out the better but is there anything I could be doing during the week?

    As Rich said, just keep at it mate.

    If you can make it out with us regularly you'll be surprised how quickly you will improve, even if you don't make it to the end with us early days just set yourself a target on getting that little bit further each week.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    Sounds like i missed a cracker :(

    RC21, I know we haven't met but I got a little 'tired' when I first joined this group too. So I can only echo what Emu and Rich say, just keep going and you'll be out front pulling the peloton home in no time.. That, and keep eating whilst riding.
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Cheers guys for an awesome ride, really enjoyed it! :D See you all soon!
  • Hey chaps,

    Thanks for yesterday - enjoyed it immensely. Extra credit to the route planners and organisers amongst you.

    Rich - cheers, though I'm not sure I spent nearly enough time on the front, but only because I had no idea where we were going most of the time (that old chestnut!). Tried to do my bit though.

    The final drag through Richmond Park to the lodge en route home was an absolute killer. I was finished after that, and then got ambushed into going out last night and accidentally drinking for 5 hours (undoing all of my good work). This morning's ride in was on very empty legs.

    Looking forward to more of the same soon - next couple of weekends are tricky (planned ride next week already, SWRC Early Spring the week after) but as we head into March...



    PS - Ryan, I'd echo what Rich says. 16 miles a day is definitely enough to get some good fitness together for rides like Sunday. I'd just up the intensity of those miles a bit 2-3 times a week. It'll come.
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    homercles wrote:
    The final drag through Richmond Park to the lodge en route home was an absolute killer.

    I generally (think it's a mental thing) peter off once I hit Kingston but agree definitely the toughest climb of the day was that grind up to Richmond Gate into that wind.
    homercles wrote:
    I was finished after that, and then got ambushed into going out last night and accidentally drinking for 5 hours (undoing all of my good work).

    Hahhahaa accidentally....I should try that on my missus and see how far it gets me.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Thread now up for this coming weekend chaps & chapesses! 8)