Kirklees Sportive now known as Brian Robinson Challenge.



  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240
    Roadrider, I'll be riding a Scott CR1 Pro, the one with grey and black livery.

    My mate has same bike, except he's adorned his with a Dura Acte triple, so we should be fairly easy to spot, the two of us together.

    I envy you guys having this terrain on your doorstep. I live on pancake flat Wirral !! So have to make a journey before I find hills.

    Used to live in Cumbria up til '89, and miss just being able to ride a hill on my doorstep.
    Maybe I've just gone soft !! Or it's my age.

    Look forward to meeting as many as possible on the ride.

    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • suze
    suze Posts: 302
    Wessenden head takes the award on this ride. It's a "chose your expletive".

    I have an old photo somewhere of me struggling/racing up it on a 42/21 in the Oldham Century mountain TT back in about 84... I think someone called Boardman set the course record on the same night. think he did a 56" for the 20 miles, I was somewhat slower. :roll:

    We had a ride around the area on Sunday, and Mr Suze and I managed on a compact, only really needing the bailout gear (28 sprocket) to climb up from Slaithwaite to Scapegoat hill, this was after Isle of skye and Holme moss....
    On the Brian Robinson, I don't think there is much steeper than Wessenden.
    �3 grand bike...30 Bob legs....Slowing with style
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Hi all,
    After a good Cheshire Cat at the weekend, I'm really looking forward to this ride. The profile is great - either going up or down! Memory Map tells me it's 11000ft of climbing so a bit of a jump up from the Cheshire Cat.

    For those who have done it before (or if an organiser is reading) can you tell me what kind of food they have at the stops? Just trying to work out what I'm going to need to take with me and what I can grab on the go.

    What sort of time will you be aiming for? Do you think under 7 hours is respectable? (this might be totally unrealistic given that I did cheshire cat in 8hrs 12 - 105 miles/7800 ft climbing)
  • popette wrote:
    Hi all,
    After a good Cheshire Cat at the weekend, I'm really looking forward to this ride. The profile is great - either going up or down! Memory Map tells me it's 11000ft of climbing so a bit of a jump up from the Cheshire Cat.

    For those who have done it before (or if an organiser is reading) can you tell me what kind of food they have at the stops? Just trying to work out what I'm going to need to take with me and what I can grab on the go.

    What sort of time will you be aiming for? Do you think under 7 hours is respectable? (this might be totally unrealistic given that I did cheshire cat in 8hrs 12 - 105 miles/7800 ft climbing)

    last year if memory serves correct) they only had flap jacks and bananas at the foody bits with water in bottles. I have no idea whether that has changed for this year.
    And riding last year with someone who was suffering a bad back who was also carrying 2 stones of extra winter beerage, we still got round in just over 7 hours so I imagine that you'll be well under 7 if not possibly 6 given your new "shackles are off" modus of operation (completely forgot how to spell the latin phrase that some of you (ColinJ) were really thinking).

    I'll be in my usual aldi tops and riding the rubbish looking but very comfortable black Specialzed Rubaix
    2 minute grovels can sometimes be a lot longer..tho' shorter on a lighter bike :-)

    Ride the Route Ankerdine Hill 2008
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I've just read the reports from last years ride and now I'm feeling a little nervous. I've driven on the woodhead pass ( I think) when I went to Barnsley one time - I thought at the time that the hills were great but wouldn't want to cycle on it with all that traffic. I hope it'll be quieter on a Sunday. I also read that we'll be doing some steep and scary descending - ooooo noooo! :)
    Johnbirkby - flapjack and banana will be fine. Can you buy food at the end though? the thought of some steaming hot food always keeps me going towards the end of a long ride.
  • roadrider84
    roadrider84 Posts: 335
    We have just hit the 300 entrants mark. Nice one!! Currently no limit on the number of riders so if anyone fancies a ride get your entries in.

    Let us hope the weather on the day is a lot like today!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    We have just hit the 300 entrants mark. Nice one!! Currently no limit on the number of riders so if anyone fancies a ride get your entries in.

    Let us hope the weather on the day is a lot like today!

    Hey Roadrider :)
    Weather like today would be great wouldn't it? I might even wear shorts if it's like this.
    Are you one of the organisers? I'm just wondering about food on the day - what are the plans for feedstops and finish line? It just helps to know so I can plan what I'm going to need to bring with me.
    Really looking forward to it.
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    popette wrote:
    Hi all,
    After a good Cheshire Cat at the weekend, I'm really looking forward to this ride. The profile is great - either going up or down! Memory Map tells me it's 11000ft of climbing so a bit of a jump up from the Cheshire Cat.

    For those who have done it before (or if an organiser is reading) can you tell me what kind of food they have at the stops? Just trying to work out what I'm going to need to take with me and what I can grab on the go.

    What sort of time will you be aiming for? Do you think under 7 hours is respectable? (this might be totally unrealistic given that I did cheshire cat in 8hrs 12 - 105 miles/7800 ft climbing)

    last year if memory serves correct) they only had flap jacks and bananas at the foody bits with water in bottles. I have no idea whether that has changed for this year.
    And riding last year with someone who was suffering a bad back who was also carrying 2 stones of extra winter beerage, we still got round in just over 7 hours so I imagine that you'll be well under 7 if not possibly 6 given your new "shackles are off" modus of operation (completely forgot how to spell the latin phrase that some of you (ColinJ) were really thinking).

    I'll be in my usual aldi tops and riding the rubbish looking but very comfortable black Specialzed Rubaix
    (Speaking as the owner of the beer belly and bad back... :oops: ) Yes, I managed about 7 hours despite the flab and backache, so you should be able to cruise round a lot quicker than that.

    John had to do a lot of hanging about for me so I reckon he could have done it in 6 hours or less and he doesn't rate himself as a climber.
    popette wrote:
    I've just read the reports from last years ride and now I'm feeling a little nervous. I've driven on the woodhead pass ( I think) when I went to Barnsley one time - I thought at the time that the hills were great but wouldn't want to cycle on it with all that traffic. I hope it'll be quieter on a Sunday. I also read that we'll be doing some steep and scary descending - ooooo noooo! :)
    Johnbirkby - flapjack and banana will be fine. Can you buy food at the end though? the thought of some steaming hot food always keeps me going towards the end of a long ride.
    I don't like the traffic on Woodhead either, but I'm afraid that it is unavoidable to take in Holme Moss. There was still a fair amount of traffic last year despite it being a Sunday, but it is probably less than there would be on a weekday. Hopefully, we will have safety in numbers, but I'd definitely ride in single file along there and keep your wits about you!

    If you are a nervous descender, I'd take it easy coming off Holme Moss, especially if it is windy. I nearly got blown off the road going down there once. I think there were quite a few patches of rough road and potholes too last year.

    Last year, I stopped to put my glasses back on at the summit. (The effort of doing the climb had kept steaming them up, so I'd taken them off earlier.) By the time I caught up with John at the foot of the descent, he was ashen-faced and shaking. He'd had a nasty shimmy (speed wobble) at about 40 mph and nearly lost control of the bike! :shock:

    I found the climb from Meltham up to Wessenden Head tough because it is so relentless. It is about 3 km at 10% IIRC.

    I'm looking forward to the ride except for two things: (1) Despite losing a stone recently, I'm still 2 stone overweight because I'd put an extra one on last year after the Kirklees! (2) I still have a stiff neck and a sore back and those hills will probably get to me again! I'll try to do some stretching and strengthening exercises before the event. I must also stand more when I'm climbing. I don't do it much but when I do, I think that it helps ease my back muscles.

    Say hello if you spot us at the start. I'm easily recognisable by my bike - my blue Basso has had a pair of celeste-yellow Bianchi carbon fibre forks transplanted onto it and I never got round to repainting them. I think that I'll be able to spot you because you will probably be the tallest, strongest woman riding the event and there aren't usually that many anyway!

    PS I've just remembered that a few riders crashed in the wet coming off Buckstones last year. It really wasn't necessary. Conditions were quite bad but you could still see where you were going. If you spot a chevron sign pointing right, it's a pretty strong hint that there will be a 90 degree bend coming up!
  • roadrider84
    roadrider84 Posts: 335
    popette wrote:
    We have just hit the 300 entrants mark. Nice one!! Currently no limit on the number of riders so if anyone fancies a ride get your entries in.

    Let us hope the weather on the day is a lot like today!

    Hey Roadrider :)
    Weather like today would be great wouldn't it? I might even wear shorts if it's like this.
    Are you one of the organisers? I'm just wondering about food on the day - what are the plans for feedstops and finish line? It just helps to know so I can plan what I'm going to need to bring with me.
    Really looking forward to it.

    I'm not an official volunteer, but I have been roped into some duties!

    I understand the food will be much the same as last year so expect flapjack, water and fruit. It's only 75 miles after all! Last year I took 3 gels and 2 SIS Carb bars. Saw me round comforably.

    I'm also looking forward to the ride. Mass starts are awesome. Try and get to the front to ensure a picture in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Thanks for that roadrider84 - sounds good. Oooohh right, all 300 of us will be going off at the same time? that'll be a new experience for me :)

    OK so I'm going to aim for under 7 hours. Cool

  • suze
    suze Posts: 302
    I shouldn't worry too much about the descents, I'm not the best and tend to descend within my limits of stupidity/bravery.

    The descent off Holme moss is potentially very fast and no doubt we'll still however get people flying past with no consideration for others, or those of us who have to pick them out of the ditches. It's Ok though.

    As for traffic on Woodhead, we rode along from Crowden res to the Holme moss turn off on Sunday about 11am. It wasn't too bad, and we're only on that road for 3 1/2 miles or so.

    Hey Popette
    Just had a look on the entry list there are only 10 women riding, strength in numbers :roll: all that testosterone......... :roll: :roll: :D:wink:

    I'll be riding, either a grey rourkie or my black wilier, EK road club kit, say hello
    �3 grand bike...30 Bob legs....Slowing with style
  • Just looking at the route, we did some of the pennine hills recently on a club run (Mossley - Saddleworth, then a cake stop in Holmfirth before over Holme Moss).

    Which way is the route taken?

    The climb over Holme Moss is not too bad so long as you do not have much wind, as it tends to blow straight into you if you are coming from Holmfirth....also the descent on the other side can be very dicey with a side wind - I was being blown from the central lines to the gutter the other week :shock: :shock:

    also Snake Pass will be interesting, although if it is a nice day be prepared for a fair bit of traffic for company....
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Thanks Suze - that's all good to hear.
    On the number of women riding - we already know that we're going to have a top ten finish for our classification 8)
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    popette wrote:
    Thanks for that roadrider84 - sounds good. Oooohh right, all 300 of us will be going off at the same time? that'll be a new experience for me :)

    OK so I'm going to aim for under 7 hours. Cool

    Last year we had police motorcycle outriders leading us up to Buckstones - that was definitely a new experience for me! 8)

    PS If you are free on Sunday, you could always join us on the forum ride I've organised - it'd be good extra training for the Brian Robinson Challenge!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    ColinJ wrote:
    popette wrote:
    Thanks for that roadrider84 - sounds good. Oooohh right, all 300 of us will be going off at the same time? that'll be a new experience for me :)

    OK so I'm going to aim for under 7 hours. Cool

    Last year we had police motorcycle outriders leading us up to Buckstones - that was definitely a new experience for me! 8)

    PS If you are free on Sunday, you could always join us on the forum ride I've organised - it'd be good extra training for the Brian Robinson Challenge!

    Hi Colin,
    I wish I could join you on Sunday but having done the cat last weekend, I'm going to have a bit more of a family orientated weekend this week. TBH, I'm still recovering and trying to avoid getting the cold that everyone else in the family has got (perhaps that's a good excuse to avoid them all this weekend :wink: )
    Have a good ride
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    Just looking at the route, we did some of the pennine hills recently on a club run (Mossley - Saddleworth, then a cake stop in Holmfirth before over Holme Moss).

    Which way is the route taken?
    There's a map here.
    also Snake Pass will be interesting, although if it is a nice day be prepared for a fair bit of traffic for company....
    We don't do Snake Pass.

    As you can see on the map, we turn left up Woodhead and ride a few miles up there before turning left for Dunford Bridge.
  • colin,

    I've seent he question was simply if the route is taken clockwise or anticlockwise?

    Re Snake geography fails me again :oops:
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218

    I've seent he question was simply if the route is taken clockwise or anticlockwise?

    Re Snake geography fails me again :oops:
    Anticlockwise. We climb Holme Moss from the Holmfirth side and descend on the Woodhead side.
  • We have just hit the 300 entrants mark. Nice one!! Currently no limit on the number of riders so if anyone fancies a ride get your entries in.

    Let us hope the weather on the day is a lot like today!

    Says event is full now with 300 riders.
  • We have just hit the 300 entrants mark. Nice one!! Currently no limit on the number of riders so if anyone fancies a ride get your entries in.

    Let us hope the weather on the day is a lot like today!

    Says event is full now with 300 riders.

    And now it's open for entries :!: Must have been a tech blip on the SIE website. 305 now. The hills look beautiful in the Sun. Let's hope we have same for the event.
  • Is there an altitude profile of the route knocking around anywhere?

    Signed up yesterday for the event. Did the Cheshire Cat 100+ miler couple of weeks back, and am signed up for Gran Fondo Medium route but hoping to be in decent enough shape to go for the 200km on the day.

    To pack nearly 3000m of climbing into 75 miles is pretty impressive, just want to see how long/steep all of the climbs are.
  • grd
    grd Posts: 1
    Looking forward to this ride.
    There are 3 of us from the Cambridge Cycling club. I used to live in Huddersfield so it will give me great pleasure to introduce my 2 coleagues to this course!!!!. Been in cambridge for 4 years and soon lose the ability to climb as it was second natue before I emigrated down south :roll: !!!
    we are doing this as preparation for the Etape Dales.
    Good luck to everyone and stay safe. :roll:
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    snaffledog wrote:
    Is there an altitude profile of the route knocking around anywhere?
    Here you go...

  • suze
    suze Posts: 302
    edited April 2009
    snaffledog wrote:
    Is there an altitude profile of the route knocking around anywhere?

    Sorry you asked ?

    It may be hard returning back over to Huddersfield from Denshaw, as we live about 2 miles from there.

    I'll be riding either a Grey Rourkie (triple) or my black Wilier (compact), say hello..
    �3 grand bike...30 Bob legs....Slowing with style
  • Thanks for that. hmmmm 2 big climbs to start, I know Holme Moss quite well , but none of the rest of the route. That one up Wessenden Head looks like a bit of a brute. The 34x27 looks like its going to get some use.

    According to the profile , I think this ride will have more climbing than I've previously done in a day's riding.

    Hope weather is like its been the last few days, was superb riding around the White peak, Goyt Vally, Flash , Longnor ,etc. :)

    I'll be on a black and blue Orbea, which is probably how i'm going to feel by the end of the ride !
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    looks like we might need our sun tan lotion on ... ield&day=6

    It was short sleeve jersey weather tonight - first time without long sleeves this year. It feels good doesn't it? 8)
  • ColinJ wrote:
    Here you go...

    Colin, can you give me a ring. Need to work out just where and when I'll be picking you up for Sunday's ride.
    Are we going for LanternRouge again or has "Slimmer&" and your latest tape measurement put us into the bronze award category?

    2 minute grovels can sometimes be a lot longer..tho' shorter on a lighter bike :-)

    Ride the Route Ankerdine Hill 2008
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    hi - not that i'm obsessed with the food stop or anything , but does anyone know where abouts on the course they are. I'm working out what I need to take, when I'm going to eat etc. :) Is it just one stop or two?

  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    popette wrote:
    hi - not that i'm obsessed with the food stop or anything , but does anyone know where abouts on the course they are. I'm working out what I need to take, when I'm going to eat etc. :) Is it just one stop or two?

    I can't remember if there was a second stop last year. I can only remember one which was in Meltham but it won't be there this time because it comes very early on. It was a bit unfortunate, placing it at the foot of the Wessenden Head climb, one of the hardest we did. I'd have preferred it to have been at the top

    I think that it will be better getting Wessenden Head out of the way early on because it is a real hard slog. It's not that steep (roughly 10%) but it is unrelenting for over 3 km and it really hurt my back.

    I'd work on the assumption that there will be one stop and it will be about halfway round. I'll take 2 bottles and refill one or both of them at the feed station.

    Entries are now closed and there are only 13 women out of a field of 399. Is there something about hordes of sweaty men labouring up Yorkshire hills that puts women off? :wink:

    PS John - I'll contact you once I've worked out where I'll be and when. It'll be somewhere in the Greetland area and (what?) about 50 minutes before the start; I'll have to check my map.

    BTW - what time does the event start? I think information on the event site is a bit lacking. Registration starts at 08:00 so I'm guessing that it is a 09:00 start but I can't see that confirmed anywhere. Similarly, I can't see mention of the feed station(s).
  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240

    I've had an e-mail from SiEntries, informing me that registration and refreshment starts at 08:00, with a start time of 09:00.

    It also says feeder stations are at about 25 and 50 miles.
    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"