Recovering from the snip

Si C
Si C Posts: 130
Please tell me that I'll be fit to ride within a week.

Currently I feel like I've taken a full buck in the nads from a Thoroughbred.


  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    i've not had it done personally (yet - keep meaning to!) but from friends who have I'd say closer to 3 or 4 weeks really

    sorry - you need the internal bruising to calm down and not get aggravated by the saddle - and that will be longer than a week!
  • Oh boll#x :lol: I'm having it done this Friday (yes, the 13th :( ) I was hoping 1 to 2 weeks off the bike at most :cry:
    Wind. Cold. Rain. Pick two.
  • Si C
    Si C Posts: 130

    I seem to be recovering pretty quickly, considering Friday I was in considerable pain.

    The best advice i had was go to bed straight afterwards, and stay there until Sunday.
    Let the missus fluff up the pillows (ouch!) and generally nurse you. Take Ibuprofen every 4 hours.

    Seriously, if I keep recovering at this rate I may try a spin (class that is) or light ride next week.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    You bunch of girlie men. I rode 80 miles home after mine, then went out for a 10 mile run.
    Really, I seemed to be gingerly walking for a couple of weeks, but I have heard all sorts of stories from "I went riding the same day" to "oh my god, I can barely walk". Pretty sure I don't believe the "tough guy" stories about "no problems-piece of cake".

    Dennis Noward
  • Two things (apologies if this gives too much info for some):

    1) Any areas shaved? If so, watch out for stubble growing back - highly irritating when cycling
    2) Don't overdo it. Warm, moist environment, rubbing, fresh wound/scar, risk of infection - not pleasant.

    Take it easy and do another activity for a couple of weeks instead, then return to cycling as though after an injury (which it will feel like anyway!) and return gradually - short rides at an easy pace to start. Ibuprofen initially after each ride. Within 1 month you'll be back to the old regime. Overdo it too early and you might be off the bike for several months. I know from bitter experience five years ago :cry:
  • i got snipped on the thurday. took friday off work, then back on the bike on monday.
    then for the rest of the week i got a lift from a mate, it was agony.
    back on the bike after about two weeks should be ok i reckon
  • mats
    mats Posts: 94
    This is a subject of great interest to me at the moment as the wife is making noises about me getting snipped.

    On a scale of 1-10 how unpleasant is the whole experience
  • :oops: :shock: :cry:
  • Just so I know when to start worrying - at what age did you guys all decide that this was way to go. Just reading this thread has given me the heebygeebies.
  • I don't see that age is relevant to when you decide to do this, or if you do this.
    Whole experience - if you mean the op itself, then it really is nowhere near as bad as you imagine it will be. The thought of the operation is definitely worse than the actual event. Recovery afterwards is not massively painful, more like really uncomfortable for a 1/2 day, then mildly unconfortable for a few days, then really depends on how you heal - seems to be anything from 2-3 days to 2 or so weeks before the discomfort is no longer there at all. ***In the majority of cases***. But there are more post-operative problems than men ever talk about - when did you hear a bloke say "actually, it has caused me long-term discomfort"? It does happen, and should be something you take into consideration. I speak as someone who has suffered long-term (although very occasional) discomfort myself. Some men seem to be pretty unlucky, although the majority (luckily) have few or no problems.

    Anyhow, this is not really bike related, but I suggest having a look at the stories sent in on this site (in fact the whole site is pretty good and very informative, and well-monitored to remove bullshit scare stories that some loonies send to other sites):
  • LeighB
    LeighB Posts: 326
    I had the snip about eight years ago and although I have had better experiences it was not the nightmare some people have. I thought they gave pre meds at the surgery but this was not the case so I had the anaesthetic injection in the testicles which made me jump but after that it was mightily strange watching the doctor cut into your most delicate parts! After the op I was told to have a lift home but I felt ok and walked; this proved to be a mistake as when I go home I was sweating and felt pretty bad. After that the recovery was ok apart from I had itchy tender skin where it had been shaved then swelled up. I would recommend two weeks before doing any type of hard exercise and then I am sure you will be able to tell by how you feel if you can start pushing yourself. I find the biggest restriction on training is the little boy (unexpected surprise addition to the family) that was the trigger for the snip in the first place!
  • Si C
    Si C Posts: 130
    mats wrote:
    This is a subject of great interest to me at the moment as the wife is making noises about me getting snipped.

    On a scale of 1-10 how unpleasant is the whole experience

    I'd say the worst bit is the injection straight into the bollox. That hurts.
    Apart from that the actual process isn't too bad. I had a Valium injection which made it quiet interesting...particlualry when I lifted my head up for a peek and saw what looked like a macoroni tube being tied.

    That was last Friday and I was healing quickly. Today I went back to work, and seem to have replapsed a bit. So maybe 2 weeks before attempting excerise is sound advice.
  • 6 weeks the doc told me!

    Take it easy.
  • Si C wrote:
    Please tell me that I'll be fit to ride within a week.

    Currently I feel like I've taken a full buck in the nads from a Thoroughbred.

    I also got a lift home after my op. and spent the next day in bed.
    I went scuba diving 2 days after my snip. Didn't lift any heavy gear before or after the dives tho'(the ONLY time I ever got away with that).

    Not sure how relevant my story is other than to calm others re the op. I couldn't bear to look (cowardise I know) but it all seeemd to go swimmingly other than it took longer to get the "all clear" from the docs. Usually only requires 2 post-op checkup but i needed 3. The pesky little blighters were determined to escape!
    Its great knowing that instead of the "family saloon" version, I now have the "sports" version :wink:
    2 minute grovels can sometimes be a lot longer..tho' shorter on a lighter bike :-)

    Ride the Route Ankerdine Hill 2008
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    I would say that each person is different and you will know when you feel right to go out. For me the worst part was the injection in the balls, it felt like someone had grabbed me and was trying to squeeze the life out of them :shock: . Recovery wasn't too bad. just a couple of days relaxing. But a word of warning though, infection even if you are clean and careful is commonplace. The area is warm damp and full of bacteria, a recipie for trouble, beleive me I know!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Sounds like I was lucky with mine. the injection stung a bit; made worse by the obligatory "just a small prick" joke from the syringe-wielding nurse I recognised as a spectator from my son's last football match. And the ignominy of having my dick sellotaped out of the way.

    After the first 2 paracetamol I didn't need any painkillers, and when the dissolvable stitches didn't, I removed them myself with the help of my dissection kit. Occasionally uncomfortable rather than painful for the next week or so. No problem cycling within a week, but running would be best avoided for a while longer.
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    Try removing the saddle and riding with just the bare seatpost. My nads are remaining intact just in case the mrs pegs it before me, well you never know!
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • sicrow
    sicrow Posts: 791
    yeah you need to be careful, I did too much the next day and got an infection, they swelled to double the size (my mrs liked the look of them though) and thats the painful bit. 2 years later I got epidimitus a common infection that commonly affects people who cycle alot and have had the snip - and it's been a real b**ger to get rid of.

    Personally I'd wait the extra time and not get any potential complications which will take ages to sort from experience :(
  • Just a quick update

    For me, it's exactly 1 month tomorrow since the unkindest cut of all. And since 1 month was the agreed timescale (between myself and the Mrs) that I'd give myself time to heal, tomorrow's the first time back on the bike.

    I'm quite nervous to be honest :oops:

    Recovery has seemed quite straight forward and the op itself totally pain free. I'd say I felt 85-90% OK within the week, but the last 10% to 100% seemed slower coming. Just occassional aches and pains.

    I think the brownie points earned, that I am still cashing in, have made it all worth while :lol:

    Hope everything's gone swimmingly (not for much longer) for you Si C.
    Wind. Cold. Rain. Pick two.
  • Best advice is pair of pants one size too small, and a pair of swim trunks on top of that. I was off bike for 2-3 weeks.