RP Training Group Ride - Sat 31st / Sun 1st



  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Saturdays my only option this week, and looking at the weather I'm inclined to give it a miss and gym it instead.

    See Sally Robbins is cycling now - http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24885107-2722,00.html

    What a joke, she's no Romero. :roll:

    See also in same article Halliday walked into SASI 2 months ago, switched from rowing to riding, and came 4th in national TT. Fair effort.

    The long grazed legged one
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  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    phips wrote:
    The emu wrote:
    Saturdays my only option this week, and looking at the weather I'm inclined to give it a miss and gym it instead.

    Hmm, yes, see what you mean. Sunday is "0º, feels like -6" - minus six!! Crikey. Saturday is looking rainy/snowy.
    Bugger, I knew I should have raced more... :oops:

    Wind and temp's are looking pretty bad, plus there still looks to be some possibility of snow hanging about - this constant freeze / thaw / freeze cycle doesn't bode well for staying upright all ride either... :?

    Getting bored of the rollers I can tell you...!! :(
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  • Berns12
    Berns12 Posts: 198
    Phips, what are you complaining about the lack of 2 wheels?

    You told us you have one of these:


    If you are not using yours is it up for hire? I might upload Wilf's Fray Bentos' DVD onto it. Or failing see if I can topographically map our Surrey run.
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  • Hmmm, Hillingdon looking a bit unlikely for this Saturday :(
    If there's a miraculous improvement weather wise I'll be there.
    If not I'll be doing some right arm training in the pub.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    New thread is now up here chaps 8)