doing the right thing?

sloxam Posts: 861
after deciding to lose 2 stone by august i got off to a great start with 5lbs in the first 3 weeks of the year! the last of those 3 weeks were hampered by a cold which seems to have gone into a full blown infection (green flem, harsh cough, bunged up ears and nose).
i haven't done anything for 5 days, due to work and kids and still feel pretty crap but the "warrior" in me says get out there and sweat it out. plus i don't want to lose the momentum i've started to build up.
i haven't seen the doctor and have been dosed up on OTC drugs.
anyone had similar experiences or any advice?
i hate hills (cos i'm fat)


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Bad idea. Stay in and rest.
  • liversedge
    liversedge Posts: 1,003
    you know the answer. rest.
    Obsessed is just a word elephants use to describe the dedicated.
  • unclemalc
    unclemalc Posts: 563
    Your body will resent the sudden effort: it's in a shut down state trying to get rid of infection, and doesn't need to cope with recovery-after-exercise.
    When the green stuff turns clear, you're ok to ride, but don'y try to prove you've not lost fitness by overdoing it...! :D

    Keep up (or increase, even) the Vitamin C intake - it doesn't prevent anything but it's good at helping the system fight such infections, and subsequently recover: ~500mg a day or more; any excess gets flushed out.
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • Rest. Go easy when you start training again. Build it up slowly - I have a very good friend at work who decides every 6 months or so that he needs to lose some weight, so he goes manic for a few weeks - running, riding, etc in almost every spare minute he has. Then he gets ill, and is put off for another 6 months... when the process starts again! :roll:

    Take it easy - 2 stone by August is a good target, and easily do-able - but remember that if you haven't done much training for a while, your body will need to adjust to it, so build it up slowly.

    Good luck with reaching your target.
    We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature.
  • i agree completely with the others on this one! Last year I had all that gunk stuff going on, got back into exercise too quick and it turned into a full blown virus so was out for near on a month........use it as a chance to refresh the mind and body and then when you hit the bike again fighting fit you will see that you probably have gained more motivation!!
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    2 stone by August. You have lost 5lbs already. So 23 lbs to go in 27 weeks. That is less than a lb a week. Very do-able.

    Take some time out now, get better and then pick up the training when you are over it.

    Best of luck.