Hello and good evening

Furkuk Posts: 71
edited April 2009 in MTB beginners
Hi to everyone. I am new to this site, or any other cycling forum. I am 48yrs of age and presently overweight and unfit. I have always had a cycle for as far back as I can remember but never used it for fitness. I had a Carlton ten in the early 70's. I currently weigh 16st 8lb and I am looking to shed 50lb by healthy eating and cycling. I have already started, approx a week ago and I go out every day for a 10 mile ride which is off road and this takes me 52 mins. :D
My ultimate aim is to do a cycling holiday either this year or next.
Cheers..... :D
Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3


  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    Welcome to the forum!

    I'm at the other end of the spectrum, I'm 17 but unfit for my age - I've set up a blog to record my progress: http://perfectionquest09.blogspot.com/
  • Chevie
    Chevie Posts: 71
    Keep up the good work Furkuk, about 2 an half years ago i was weighin in at 21st at the age of 23 an started cycling, i got down to 15st 4lb in about 8 months

    I also ran 1 an half mile every day an tried to run an cycle different routes so my body didnt get used to the same one and so i didnt get board at looking at the same thing

    Dont forget its not just about how far you bike but how many calories you consume aswell

    Oh a good tip is not to weigh your self every week but every 2, if i dont lose anything in a week i used to get disheartened an hit the big mac's but your sure to lose something in 2weeks

    Like i said keep up the good work an good look
  • welcome to the forum.

  • Welcome to the forum!

    its always good to go abroad and book an mtb holiday :D
  • LordBanks
    LordBanks Posts: 358
    Welcome fella, best way to keep in shape, biking, good fun too!!!
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Well this is the end of the first week. Already down to 16st 3lb and knocked 4 mins off my route. :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Chevie
    Chevie Posts: 71
    Nice one keep up the good work mate

    Dont it feel good to drop some weight tho
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    It certainly does. Gonna go out again tomorrow for a couple of hours. Got a new back tyre and brakes for my bike. Think I will get covered in mud tomorrow :shock:
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    It was a lovely clear but cold day today so I went on a 14.5 mile trip, all off road and enjoyed it. Took me 90 mins but I wasn't rushing. Same again tomorrow as long as it doesn't snow :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Chevie
    Chevie Posts: 71
    You are keen aint ya

    I cant get out till tuesday an i'll prob do my local rez which is 18mile, take me anywhere between 1hr 20-1hr 40 dependin on the wind (gets pretty choppy round the dam wall) an how much sleep my 4 month old son let me get

    So whats giving you the motivation an making you wanna lose the weight then?

    You do seem like a man on a mission
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Hi Chevie.
    You could say I am on a mission. 6 years ago I injured my back, prolapsed discs and over the years I have been managing with the pain however 3 weeks ago it went again, couldn't stand up and was in intense pain so I decided to do something about it. I am doing loads of core stability exercises and plenty of cycling in an attempt to stop this happening again. :(
    Going out again this afternoon for a 10 mile trip. I can see and feel the difference already. :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Well, managed to do 40 mins before the snow came down. Couldn't see where I was going but 40mins is better than nothing :shock:
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    ...booking a holiday is amazingly good motivation to keep up the training......
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    I am hoping to do a UK cycling holiday this year with my wife. Just checking locations now. Don't mind where. In 2006 I went on a motor bike trip to Stelvio Pass which is on the border of Italy and Switzerland and couldn't believe the amount of cyclist that was there doing the climb! I watched and elderly couple, on separate bikes make it to top and you could see they was made up! Don't know when or if I would be able to do that. :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Well, everything is going good at the moment. I have been out everyday for about an hours ride. I am now joined by my wife who is also looking to get fitter/lighter. It's better to ride with someone than on my own. :D
    Hoping to have lost another couple of pounds this week.
    I have been looking at cycling in Scotland. Has anyone rode from John o Groats to Durness? Is it suitable for a beginner? :shock:
    I always fancied doing this area on my motorbike but only got as far as Ledmore Junction then we ran out of time and had to head back south.
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    It's coming on great. Now down to 16st 1lb. Feeling a lot better. Been out every day since I started. Can't wait for summer :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Keep it up mate and well done.

    I'm about your age but not particularly overweight, although I'd like to lose half a stone.

    I find that because I do less over the winter I change shape, lose muscle definition etc and then when I'm doing a lot more from march to Novembebr it all tones up again, but my weight doesn't vary much ??

    I set myself one demanding target a year and tell everyone, that way I have to train to do it or I look a tit!! This year it's the C2C in two days. Next year I think it'll be C2C in one day. My mouth's writing cheques my body can't cash !!
    Be happy, communicate happiness.
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    C2C... How far is it and where do you start and finish? :shock:
    Is it the one in Sustrans website?
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    I am getting fitter. Just been out and done 14.5miles, 90% off road, through mud etc. Took me 1hr 16mins and an average speed of 11.2mph.
    Can't believe the improvement over such a short time. :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • It's on here:


    and the sustrans website. Was about 150 miles when we did it last year, starts at Workington or Whitehaven and finishes in Sunderland.

    There's choices for off road or onroad in many places so the distance can vary a bit.

    It's a damn fine rideout though.
    Be happy, communicate happiness.
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Thanks....Just looking at the site now :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    :D Just wieghed myself, now down to 15st 11 :shock: But best of all, I feel a lot fitter, my pants are going slack and it must be better for my back.
    So thats 11lbs gone, only another 39lbs to go
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • KonaMike
    KonaMike Posts: 805
    Welcome and good luck with the fitness training,looks like you are off to a great start !!
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Now down to 15st 8lb, so lost 14lbs in 5 weeks. Feel 10 times better than before I started cycling. After reading numerous posts on this site I have decided to do a long trip this June. Seeing as I live near to the Trans Pennine Trail I am gonna attempt it with my youngest son who is 23yrs old. :shock:
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,121
    Well done on the weight loss! The best bit is you seem to be enjoying it, which means you will continue after your weight target is reached!
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    Enjoying it! Doesn't come close..I am loving it. Never felt this good in ages :D
    Roll on summer :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Furkuk
    Furkuk Posts: 71
    When I first started I weighed 16st 8 now I am down to 15st 4. I planned a route of 7.5 miles and my best average speed was 11.2mph and as I got fitter I changed to a different route of 14.5 miles but today I was short of time and couldn't do the long route so I did the short one and my average speed was 12.7mph. I just can't believe the improvement in such a short time. :D
    Really glad I took up biking, I feel so much better.
    To anyone who is reading this forum and thinking of getting fitter, Just get the bike out and go for it! :D
    Now the owner of a GT Aggressor XC 3
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    Great work!

    Can I ask when you are finding the time to do all the riding? I have myself taken up MTBing recently after 10 years off the saddle to try to get fitter and maybe lose some weight (on the heavier side of 16st at the moment) I have started riding to work and after around some of the woodland and also do a few hours at the weekend but not today as I have an 11 hour shift at work :(

    I just cant seem to find the time or enough offroad terrain to gain as much as I would like to, and getting quite frustrated. Will be better when the hours of daylight in a day increases I guess.

    Great work again, you must be chuffed!
  • XxxBFGxxX
    XxxBFGxxX Posts: 1,355
    if ya doing 10 mle in 50 od mins i must be fit as i can wak that out in 40 ish min. thats with hills and i mean hills lol. i weigh 23 stone and am 6 foot 4.can do faster but need a better bike
  • iajo
    iajo Posts: 19
    cheers for the thread, im 24 and 18 stone. I bought a bike this week looking to lose a good 4 stone. I surf quite a bit in the summer and often lose a good two stone so i was hoping biking would have similar effects. Looking at your weight loss it gives me some encouragement and re assurance that i made the right choice