Xbox 360 - Friends list empty?



  • Chalky76
    Chalky76 Posts: 260
    mine is chalky76 and i'm currently big on Modern Warfare 2, but still have a lot of time for the first Gears

    Same as others, mention bikeradar if you message me
    ride your bike like a kid whilst you still can

    Transition Blindside =
  • montevideoguy
    montevideoguy Posts: 2,271
    battlefield bc2 is far superior to mw2
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • shieldsy94
    shieldsy94 Posts: 342
    mines Shieldsy94. Im addicted to midnight club la at minute but i play forza and mw2 aswell. Mention bikeradar if you add me as i just delete random adds
  • Bac0nNinja

    Let me know you're off here.

    Need For Speed Hot Persuit
    Assassins Creed Brotherhood
    GTA IV
    Halo Reach
    Forza 3
    and will shortly be playing Black Ops too (when it arrives)
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775

    Playing Blops and Reach.
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    Can someone help the old man please.
    How do I sign onto xbox live? I've created an account using the computer. Went on to the x-box (which is connected the internet!) . Typed in my name, then e-mail, then password. It then says 'The window live ID is associated with a different gametag. (Of course it is!) Enter another Window Live ID and password.

    I haven't a clue what it is asking me to do. I have re-entered all my details again and again, and it still isn't working. I haven't tried the favourite of reboot and start agin.

    I purchase a xbox live gold membership card so have the password to get on line, just can't get that far. Can someone help.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Teach wrote:
    Can someone help the old man please.
    How do I sign onto xbox live? I've created an account using the computer. Went on to the x-box (which is connected the internet!) . Typed in my name, then e-mail, then password. It then says 'The window live ID is associated with a different gametag. (Of course it is!) Enter another Window Live ID and password.

    I haven't a clue what it is asking me to do. I have re-entered all my details again and again, and it still isn't working. I haven't tried the favourite of reboot and start agin.

    I purchase a xbox live gold membership card so have the password to get on line, just can't get that far. Can someone help.
    On the Xbox, you need to go to "recover gamertag" not "create profile".
    Then after you give it your email address and password, it will set up the account for you on the xbox.
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    Thank you we are getting closer.
  • Gizmokev
    Gizmokev Posts: 146

    playing Black Ops and Need for speed hot pursuit

    mention Bike radar if you add me
  • booldawg
    booldawg Posts: 290
    I'm SpecialBrew03

    Games I play are Black Ops, Forza 3, Red Faction: Guerilla and various Guitar Heros.

    On most nights for short periods of time!
    1999 Scott Vail - Work commute
    2015 Giant Anthem 27.5 SX - Weekend riding

    East Hants MTB on Facebook:
  • men1pal
    men1pal Posts: 29
    Mines diddybeats

    Play fifa 11 most of the time and gow 1 and 2. Online most of the time
  • El Diego
    El Diego Posts: 440
    Moranadona - I mainly play FIFA 11.
  • mine is davesaraver
    i generally play battlefield 2 and worms armageddon. looking forward to battlefield 3, would be good if anyone else on here is getting/ got battlefield n we could squad it up.
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    edited January 2012
    Rome 7663
    currently playing MW3
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    edited February 2012
    If anyone still plays MW2, you can add me at WhiteBoiAwsum
  • Anyone got F1 2011? Not really into F1 but tempted to get it anyway...

    Anyone getting Fifa 12?
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Just got my early access code for Battlefield 3 beta. Anyone else get theirs?

    Add me - theTrooper78 (just mention the crud)
    Attention all planets of the Solar Federation - We have assumed control.
  • Currently dling the battelfield 3 beta for xbox, davesaraver if you wanna play/ add me up and just put crud int message.
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    Forza 4 Demo out 3/4 Oct...
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • iBucho

    I mainly play Forza and COD, only play for fun so don't expect too much of a challenge.

    I really like having lap times to beat while playing through Forza career, i've just started on Forza 4 so add me if you want to compare.
    2011 Lapierre Zesty 314
  • 'ipod_sock' should anyone wish to get their ass kicked on any of the COD's, specifically MW2, BO's is pants :wink:
    current steeds
    mountain - Scott 'Scale 80' [2012]
    hybrid - Raliegh 'Urban 3' [2008]
  • mines orgazoid97 add me i play cod waw most of the time
  • my xbox live name is orgazoid97 in the message put bike radar so i know where u found me :lol:
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    Any of you got Modern Warfare 3 yet?
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Rushmore
    Rushmore Posts: 674
    Gamer tag is

    Trev Davies

    But unless u play Fifa 12 or Battlefield 3, don't bother adding me! lol
    Always remember.... Wherever you go, there you are.

    Ghost AMR 7500 2012
    De Rosa R838
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    Anyone got a kinect? Any decent games apart from Forza 4 and Rise of Nightmares?
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • mintedox
    mintedox Posts: 273
    Anyone playing the new Trials? I could do with some new times to beat, gamertag is GetBeaverOut
    Papa? Nicole
  • jndb72
    jndb72 Posts: 629
    Gave up playing BattleField3, tired of getting my arse kicked by snotty 10 year olds.

    Currently playing Skyrim, which is superb.

    Gamertag is JLP72 (I think)

    2011 Canyon Nerve AM 5.0
    2009 Specialized Rockhopper Disc

    I might have alzheimer's but atleast I don't have alzheimer's
  • Mainly playing Skyrim and MW3 at the moment.

    Gamertag is campbellrae69
    Custom spec Scott Scale
    Custom spec Salsa Fargo
    Custom spec Scott CR1
    Scott Speedster S1
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    mintedox wrote:
    Anyone playing the new Trials? I could do with some new times to beat, gamertag is GetBeaverOut

    Yo add SevereHawage, trails rage has overcome me!