Xbox 360 - Friends list empty?



  • XxxBFGxxX
    XxxBFGxxX Posts: 1,355
    used to play FM2 love a bit of cod4 UkR BFGgamer tag may get on some itme to play again soon
  • rob_mafia
    rob_mafia Posts: 136
    Mark_K wrote:
    mcbazza are you or were you in the Xbox OAP clan (Old and Pants ) !
    I.E. this lot

    Good bunch the OAP's we played them in the prefer this player league that we *Ahem* won, oh my tag is Rob Mafia and I game with a few other fellas we call ourselves Father for Justice 360, nothing to do with the real FFJ just a laugh really, we partner up with some great guys called Robotech. add me if you like and just put a note in the invite that you are from MBUK forums and I'll accept

  • XxxBFGxxX
    XxxBFGxxX Posts: 1,355
    Rob Mafia wrote:

    Good bunch the OAP's we played them in the prefer this player league that we *Ahem* won, oh my tag is Rob Mafia and I game with a few other fellas we call ourselves Father for Justice 360, nothing to do with the real FFJ just a laugh really, we partner up with some great guys called Robotech. add me if you like and just put a note in the invite that you are from MBUK forums and I'll accept


    wat do you tend to play chap
  • rob_mafia
    rob_mafia Posts: 136
    Anything, I have tesco rental so will be playing lots of various but I'm hooked on CoD4, left 4 dead. Got a lot of time for those games and with Modern Warfare 2 coming out I'm afraid my front mavic xc 717 will have to wait LOL
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    mines lawman1991. not onlinegaming atm cos my gold account ran out and im skint atm lol
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    I play way too much halo these days. More hours spent on that than riding and studying combined I'm sure!

    GT: ddoogie
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • NeillyB
    NeillyB Posts: 8,288
    I'm NeillyB!
  • Biggus86
    Biggus86 Posts: 385
    teh biggus ...

    Playing Red Faction loads atm, but i'll occaisionally be on cod 4 or L4D
  • MichaelJ
    MichaelJ Posts: 1,966
    I play Call of Duty 4/5
  • drthomp
    drthomp Posts: 69
    mine is


    cod 4 all the way!!!!!


    Spesh Tarmac Comp -Ultegra group
    Orange Patriot
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    Mine is cgarossi

    Feel free to add. Im currently playing Battlefield 1943
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
    mine is II Strathy II

    will be back on CoD4 and CoD WAW from monday lol
  • Flenser
    Flenser Posts: 372
    Same as my forum name.

    My Live account has lapsed while I catch up with Fallout 3 but I'll definitely be back on for some COD:MW2 when it's released.
    Claud Bulter Cape Wrath D27 (2009)
    Raleigh MaxLite FS1 (2001)
  • mikey0303
    mikey0303 Posts: 134
    MikeyPVFC on the XBox

    mainly playing CoD world at war with a bit of CoD modern warfare and a little FIFA09
    Cube Attempt 2011
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    really imaginative its HERCULE Q mainly play alot of forza 2 cant wait till october for forza 3

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • drummond8826 is me but only play fifa soory spend more time on bike ( wife ) then mountain bike lol
    Life is not a spectator sport
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    Blimey forgot I made this thread back in January and is now stickied. I'm soon to be selling my 360. :cry:
  • andy46
    andy46 Posts: 1,666
    have you seen the light like me and decided to get a ps3 :)

    my xbox was great when it worked :roll:
    2019 Ribble CGR SL

    2015 Specialized Roubaix Sport sl4

    2014 Specialized Allez Sport
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    No, I just need more money haha!
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    "Sketch McGraw", I'm rarely on, but when I am it's Forza, COD or Halo.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • hanneyp
    hanneyp Posts: 14
    I'm "Mr Shadey", mostly driving games and Modern Warfare 2 as soon as it's out :)
    Diamondback Vectra Pro (2003)
  • bones3027
    bones3027 Posts: 152
    mines "dutchos" always rocking on COD4 soon to be modern warfare 2!!
  • Mine is stunter ant. I play Dirt2 , Halo, COD WaW and Mx vs Atv
    80 x 80 is not enough pixels!!!!

    My bikes and a few riding pics
  • Mine is "megasquirt247" yeah I know its a crap name, but they wouldnt let me have Johnny Chimpo :?

    Mostly play fifa 10 at the moment, but will be playing the new COD when it comes out, feel free to add me folks.
  • EfficientHarp

    dirt 2, mw2, gta 4
    feel free to check my blog
  • Turrican
    Turrican Posts: 755
    hey all thought i share my gamer tag: Turrican661 was Captyeti not any more :D
    please feel free to send me friends request and message saying saw it on Bike Radar etc
    i play mostly driving games as i suck on shooters now, im too old haha :) i play on Forza 3 and GTAiv and pure and atv vs mx and fifa 10 (when it arrives) i will be playing MW2 etc
    and gears 2 soon as im getting gold back shortly.
    I don't have a bike addiction problem.....bikes seems to have a problem with just can't seem to stay on.
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    It is STILL alive. :twisted:
  • Why did it get un-stickied? as the Xbox is clearly the better console.... :D
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    Why did it get un-stickied? as the Xbox is clearly the better console.... :D

    Yup! Totally in agreement there although I don't own one anymore :cry: Project Natal will be fantastic.
  • Danlube
    Danlube Posts: 454
    missmarple wrote:

    Yup! Totally in agreement there although I don't own one anymore :cry: Project Natal will be fantastic.

    The xbox is for common peasants...

    Kona Tanuki Deluxe