Sign up for Marmotte 2009 and Grand Trophee from 13th Dec.

Hi all,

If you want to ride the Marmotte in 2009 and have a decent start number, you can sign up from 13th December on the Sportcommunication website.


Cheers, Russell - 2008 Marmotte Video Diary


  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Did it last year, giving it a miss this year to focus on track racing :D Bit of a contrast in events there :D
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    Hi all,

    If you want to ride the Marmotte in 2009 and have a decent start number, you can sign up from 13th December on the Sportcommunication website.


    Cheers, Russell - 2008 Marmotte Video Diary

    Thanks Russell

    For those that are doing it for the first time and don’t do French can some one give us a step by step to registration as I understand it can be a little complicated.

  • kenbaxter
    kenbaxter Posts: 1,251
    Anyone know if this is up yet? Keep getting a "forbidden" web page?????
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    kenbaxter wrote:
    Anyone know if this is up yet? Keep getting a "forbidden" web page?????

    Me too.
  • I'm still getting the Forbidden You do not have permission to access the requested file on this server, message as well

  • mark_d
    mark_d Posts: 61
    It's working now. For what it's worth, the final 'validier' button before redirecting to the payment page wouldn't work with Firefox. In IE it was fine.

    I'm in. Time to train :~)
  • how do i enter?

    i just keep getting a page saying i've registered before and enter my number.

    Problem is i've never registered before.

    any help please?
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Here's my notes updated from last year (and yes, it's a very fiddly process):

    1. Open the page ... rophee=128
    2. Click on the shopping trolley icon next to “On Line Registrations” on the left of the screen
    3. Put your surname in the "Last Name" search field that comes up – when you click search it will bring up a list of similar surnames that have entered previously and a link “My name is not on following database” – click on this link and it will bring up the order page
    4. Put a tick in the box for the 174km Marmotte on 4/7 (40 euros) and then fill in your name etc – there is also a 10 euro charge for the timing chip deposit
    5. Once you submit and pay for it, you should get an e-mail confirmation in a few days time with your entry number

    Good luck with the initiative test :roll:
  • cframe
    cframe Posts: 171
    I might be being thick, but what is the Grand Trophee? Is it just another name for La Marmotte?
    How's that for a slice of fried gold?
  • Just entered.

    Right now, the only things standing between me and success is the tin of roses & tin of quality street the missus got in for Christmas.
  • Does anyone have a confirmation email yet? I registered over 2 weeks ago. They've got the money, but I don't see myself on the list of entrants.

  • mark_d
    mark_d Posts: 61
    Does anyone have a confirmation email yet? I registered over 2 weeks ago. They've got the money, but I don't see myself on the list of entrants.

    I got my confirmation today. Bib 700-odd (and the wrong age group!) so an early start for me.

    Where are you looking online? Under "mes inscriptions" I don't have anything listed, either.
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    I found my email with dossard number in my junk folder. It's been there a couple of days. The website says they're still processing my entry so maybe it's playing catch up.

    707 last year and 770 this year. I was hoping to get into the fast boys pen at the front for 09 but the 700's will do.
  • Got the number today, 1757 - quite happy with that :)
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Did I see somewhere else that you need to provide a doctor's certificate? If so where does this fit in to the entry process?

    I could spend more time on the site trying to figure this out, but if someone already knows... :wink:
  • They provide a certificate on the website for you to complete.

    You can mail it in to them or take it along to registration the day before.

    Can't see the mailing address though?
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    Got mine today. No:1759
  • I road it last year for the 1st time finishing 164th in the end, but I made some big mistakes and think I could have gone 20-30mins faster. I've got my entry in for this year. It is somewhere in the 700's.

    Since I did quite a good ride last year I wanted to really go for it this time with the aim of a top 100 placing. I was hoping to get in the front pen at the start.

    Does anyone know how you get in the very front start pen? This is a small group of 300 odd riders that start at the front of the 1st pen. I was hoping my ride last year might have got me in it this year.

    On the medical certificate front you have two options.

    1) You can download a medical certificate from their website. This needs to be signed off by a doctor to say you are fit to ride. I would then send it to them well before the start.

    2) I have a BCF racing licence. I scanned and emailed and also posted them a copy of this last year. A few weeks later my entry was updated to be 'complete'.

    I did this in a bit of a panic a couple of weeks before as I didn't realise it was needed. Some people have been turned away at the start after forgetting or not knowing you need to do this, so make sure you sort it in plenty of time.

    Other than that is is simply an incredible event and I would recommend it to every cyclist as a real challenge. :lol:
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005

    Does anyone know how you get in the very front start pen?[/b


    Good result!

    There are so many good riders on the event, that a good number is really helpful-you won't see anyone if you start at the back!

    I was somewhat bemused to be in the front pen a couple of years ago-put it down to my early entry (as soon as it opened) and that I was riding the Trophee series. I didn't last long with them! In fact I think it was the Telegraph by the time I overtook someone-and that was an old lady on a shopper :D
    Other than that is is simply an incredible event and I would recommend it to every cyclist as a real challenge. :lol:

    Absolutely-great week in Oisans if you do the series

    I was pleased with my day-1100th and 45mins inside gold.-one of the best things I've done on a bike
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • bs147
    bs147 Posts: 164
    Got my entry confirmed. As a first timer coming back after a heart op early last year I'll just be aiming to get round - good job too as my number is 8125! How big are the pens - are they 500 or 1000 at a time?
  • Hmm I got mine yesterday and I am number 4778 I would have to guess they aren't going in numerical order completely!
  • bs147
    bs147 Posts: 164
    Hopefully not - I thought I'd read that there is usually circa 6000 competitors! 8125 makes me feel like the tail end charlie before I've even started! Plenty to chase though!
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    bs147 wrote:
    Got my entry confirmed. As a first timer coming back after a heart op early last year I'll just be aiming to get round - good job too as my number is 8125! How big are the pens - are they 500 or 1000 at a time?
    Have you entered the Etape or Marmotte? 8125 seems too high for Marmotte? Usially 6000 riders with some entering on the day, so unlikely to be at 8,000+ already.
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    bs147 wrote:
    Hopefully not - I thought I'd read that there is usually circa 6000 competitors! 8125 makes me feel like the tail end charlie before I've even started! Plenty to chase though!

    Last year, looking at the finishers, the numbers went continously up to 7000, then 7601-7800, and then 5 people had dossards from 8361-8366. 5,300 finished it and got timed up ADH. No idea how many started or why they had gaps in the dossard numbers.
  • bs147
    bs147 Posts: 164
    Hi RichA - I've been reading your blogs - good stuff! It's definately the Marmotte I've entered - no idea why the numbering has turned out the way it has though!

    I've booked a campsite at Bourg D'Oisan and will be driving over on the Wednesday before. Had a good January in terms of time spent training - I had the flu lurgy in December so hopefully I'll manage to fight it off during February and March!
  • i don't think the numbering for the marmotte is in numerical order. it seems priority is given to those who have achieved good times in the past, and those who have entered the trophee d'oisans (4 events in the area that week, including the Marmotte). For some reason I thought it'd fun to have a go at another 3 events that week - my number is 1010.

    The pens are in groups of 2000. 0-1999, 2000-3999, 4000+.

    Good luck - see you there :D
    We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature.
  • bs147
    bs147 Posts: 164
    Update on the numbering - it turns out they entered me in the two day 'Rando' rather than the Marmotte! I've now been given number 5863!
  • Does anyone know how you get in the very front start pen? This is a small group of 300 odd riders that start at the front of the 1st pen. I was hoping my ride last year might have got me in it this year.

    Email Sportcomm and talk to Rémi and plead your case - it took me 4 years of begging but I got No.34 last year. Didn't do me any good though as i had major Illness just before the Telegraphe :cry:
    I'd crossed the Glandon only a few minutes down from the big hitters too - gutted.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Normally you need to finish in the top-100, once you've done this you can go in the front pen, so you can plead but 167th might not be good enough. You're only answer is to get there early, to be at the front of the pen and then to get on the wheel of some 7ft Dutchman on the way to Allemont and then go beserk up the Glandon, this should get you right up to the front and then you'll have to consolidate your position from them on.
  • Arranging hotel accomodation was a bit of a chore. :? Most hotels in Bourg or on the Alpe are either already booked out or never got back to me. In the end I emailed the tourist office and they put forwarded me to Settled on some kind of aparthotel in Alpe d'Huez for 289 euros for three nights. Hopefully it will be light for the descent to the start :shock: