RP Training Group Ride: Sat 6th / Sun 7th



  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    After a mile into the country lanes with ice decided it was best not to risk breaking things. Anyway, the pub has just opened :?

    Good that it's only the hanger that needs replacing.
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • The rest of the ride was great...until we took on Box Hill. An icy patch on one of the hairpins (the one after the corner where James came a cropper) took me to the ground. I forgot to fall in the right direction and put my derailleur out of line :roll:
    I wasn't heading for a PB any way - looking like 8:30! The hangover wasn't helping.
    Phips then came a cropper on the ice in front of the grandstand at the entrance to the carpark :lol:
    No real damage though - the rest of the ride went smoothly.
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Great photos James.

    Well, as the Grinspoon classic goes, "Thrills, Spills and Sunday Piills"!

    Woke up this morning with a stonker of a hangover and after chewing on a couple of aspros still didn't have all my faculties by the time we met up.

    Mark did you say it was still -2 at Richmond Park when we met? :shock:

    As Rich said, he and I done a bit of a Disney on Ice routine thanks to that tosser in the four wheel drive. Apologies for the colourful language I was yelling at the driver whilst skidding down the road.

    After Mike and Rich turned home we decided to forge ahead. The ice was bad for a little while but manageable. I did however made an executive decision to skip Leith Hill due to the icy conditions.

    By the time we got to the base of Box Hill the sun was high in the sky and the ice had subsided...or atleast thats what we thought.

    First Al takes a tumble on the last corner on the way up, and then Mark takes a tumble turning into the canteen area infront of a packed gallery. Apparently an onlooker gave him a 9 out of 10 for technique :lol:

    After a hot cuppa we didn't really see any more ice but was still a bit slippy.

    So off to the bike shop for:
    - Rich for rear mech hanger
    - Al for bent durailer service
    - Me for bottle cage and saddle bag

    ....still was a great day but might have to monitor not only the rain but the overnight temperatures before heading out.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    So Myk-ee was the only one not to spill in the end?! Good job he did opt to turn back or it might have been a full house! :lol:

    James - bet you're glad not to have ventured out reading this?! That spare mech hanger may well have got used up! :lol:
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  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Wow - that was an incredible turn of events today for all of you. Glad nothing serious was knackered, either flesh or machine - but Rich I think you were right leaving off and limping home. Glad I didn't need to use my spare. I wasn't hunover, but did feel a little achey after yesterdays exploits - I woke up early then started post morteming everything again and had a few errands to do - one of which was getting a set of wheels for my brother in law to ride - so he will be another one to drag around the country lanes when he gets here, but he will have the benefit of a weeks riding (training is ass off cos he is bricking it about coming out with us) in sunny southern Spain before coming back here for Christmas.

    So arctic conditions permitting - is anyone keen for next weekend? :D
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Good effort on the PB slaughtering Mark!
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Oh yeah forgot to mention that I couldn't tell you my Box Hill time because I found my timekeeper dusting himself off in a ditch :wink:

    Don't think it was as good as last week though as I tried to stay in the top ring but blew up before the first hairpin - by no means an embarassing time but reckon I was about a minute after Mark.

    The long grazed legged one
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  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    phips wrote:
    Aye, I'll be up for a wee spin!

    Are you and Rich racing again on Saturday?
    Certainly plan to race, weather and replacement derailleur hanger permitting :roll: :lol:

    Also plan to be out again on Sunday if anyone else can do that? :shock:

    Guess it's about time I started next weekend's thread... :wink::lol:
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Rich-Ti wrote:

    Well at least the result says you were a private member - it says in the results I was a non member. Plus I got beaten by girls :shock:
    I dont know about racing again, before Jan 1st as it would get expensive quite quick with day licences until then. Maybe a bronze is the way to go for the rest of the year, but I have no idea how much free time I will have after wednesda with arrival of in laws and little one...
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Can accept getting beaten by girls but allowing London Dynamo to win would be a little hard to swallow :wink:

    The long grazed legged one
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Rich-Ti wrote:

    Awesome photo of you Rich on their website going around thei corner.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    The emu wrote:
    Awesome photo of you Rich on their website going around thei corner.
    This one you mean?:


    I like it too! 8)
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    The emu wrote:
    Awesome photo of you Rich on their website going around thei corner.
    This one you mean?:


    I like it too! 8)

    Your wheels are going so fast that the spokes are blurry :D

    Anyway I stumped up and joined KW until the end of 2009, as this gives me a free bronze licence. Also I will get a refund on my day licence from last week which is a top result and means I have saved 35 quid. End result : quite likely to be racing this weekend. As Wilf (wise man that he is says) to be beaten by a girl is one thing, but to be beaten by a London Dynaminnow oh the shame! :D

    Anwyay - I will try not to stuff up again and put RPCC on the results board (unoficially)
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Yep thats the snap - get it on your facebook! 8)

    If I were to join a club KW would be the one, mainly because I like their colours. :P but if there are extra perks with regards to racing, then could give it a go next year.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    The emu wrote:
    Yep thats the snap - get it on your facebook! 8)
    Already is :wink::lol:
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    The emu wrote:
    Yep thats the snap - get it on your facebook! 8)

    If I were to join a club KW would be the one, mainly because I like their colours. :P but if there are extra perks with regards to racing, then could give it a go next year.
    Yeah there are benefits - free bronze or a disocunted silver membership.... would be cool to see you in a race.. and we could start up Bombay Bicyle Club as our second claim 'elite' team!

    Right, off home now.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB