too cccccccccccc......cold !!



  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470

    The sealskins I use are these ones, ... 60031773/l

    They have been excellent in the dry, but the one wet ride I have had since getting them, the water got in after about 2 hours, so don't buy them if you want to be dry on a very wet day.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    Getting cold here, when I was having a shower this morning i was thinking that I should have put the water heater on.!
  • As i said on another thread, too cold and dangerous to get much done up in Cumbria. I'd planned on 3 hours but jacked it in after an hour and a half, sliding round the roundabout at Keswick was the last straw.

    For the record, i was pretty well warm in the following apart from my hands, I just didn't much fancy a fall. And ice was forming in my bottles... (my polar told me the top temperature was -1 with an average of -2 when i got home!)

    Ronhill vest
    Biemme jersey
    Campag Factory windproof jacket
    Di marchi contour tights
    Pearl Izumi Elite Thermal gloves (no good under freezing i have discovered!)
    campag neoprene overshoes
    a norwegian gore and fleece skullcap with earflaps
    natures kiss embrocation.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    I got my bike out at 8.30 this morning to ride out on a message, got 25 ft from my front gates and slid on my @ss, kinda says it all really :oops:
  • JimmyK wrote:
    I got my bike out at 8.30 this morning to ride out on a message, got 25 ft from my front gates and slid on my @ss, kinda says it all really :oops:

    I never made it off of the drive without losing the front end!

    That aside, the cold hasn't been too bad -3 yesterday morning was about the worse it's been but the windchill can get to you after a bit. Still, not whimped out on a commute 'cos of the cold yet!

    Clothing -

    L/S Base layer
    L/S Jacket
    Lusso longs
    Gloves (type varying with the temp/weather!)
    DeFeet Socks
    Addidas neoprene overshoes
    Buff as a skull cap

    That's yer lot...any more and I overheat very quickly.
  • pliptrot
    pliptrot Posts: 582
    Houston, Texas: 10'C to 25'C, although this morning it was down to about 2. That's one of the advantages of living here, a little compensation given that Americans -in general- think bikes are for kids (unless you're a dentist and read magazines that call cycling "the new golf"). Certainly I'd never ride to work.

    But at the weekend I'll be out in shorts.

    Englishman abroad.
  • I rode into work this morning, it was pleasantly cold. I've ridden in worse weather :-)

    My winter kit:

    Endura Thermolite clip biblongs
    Helly Hansen Lifa long sleeve
    Polaris long sleeve jersey
    Endura MTB gilet
    Endura Thermolite thermal socks
    Specialized Road Comp shoes
    Endura neoprene overshoes
    Blacks silk liner gloves
    Specialized long finger MTB gloves
    Buff to keep my ears warm
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    lfcquin wrote:
    The sealskins I use are these ones,
    don't buy them if you want to be dry on a very wet day.

    well thats my point, they sell them as "waterproof" but they blatantly aren't!!
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • JPJ
    JPJ Posts: 11
    Another Englishman abroad..
    Makes me feel cold just reading about you guys, good on you for getting out..
    It's funny, the weather is never really that bad over here, but as soon as there is any sort of precipitation, a strong wind or a bit of a chill in the air, group riding numbers drop considerably, everyone get's their blouses out. :roll:
  • st68
    st68 Posts: 219
    went out this morning frosty cold but passable then sun came out for an hour :) then sleet :roll: then it rained for an hour with a breeze :cry: and it was so cold on my return home took a long hot bath to feel normal again 4 seasons in one day ?
    cheesy quaver
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    It's gotten so cold around here that even on the turbo (in the garage) I had to wear bib knickers to stop my knees from siezing up. :shock:

    For cold feet one tip I got from a mate who's just cycled a 2 year 15,000 miles adventure through Asia and Americas is to protect your shins.

    He wrapped them in paper or cardboard and is convinced it kept the blood warmer as it flowed to the feet.....worth trying if nothing else.
  • was too cold for the road bike this afternoon, so i resorted to the old cross country bike.
    only thing was, all the wet boggy bits which i would normally plough through
    were frozen solid, and i got thrown off into some stingers.
    not fun :(
  • Spare a thought for us cycle couriers - 60 miles every day, rain sleet or snow, and having to stand by in the freezing cold when it goes quiet. :(
  • Tino4444
    Tino4444 Posts: 281
    Yes its bloody freezing out there!!

    Its not so much the cold on my skin that I mind, as you can get plenty of layers on and just get on with it. Its the risk of hitting a patch of black ice and skidding into the path of a car!!

    I want to get fit but its not worth that!!

    I just hope it gets a bit milder over the next few days.
    Speciallized Allez 09...great bike shame about the wheels!!
  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    you and me both mate, this cold snap we are getting is a pain in the @rse and then some.

  • BigG67 wrote:
    It's gotten so cold around here that even on the turbo (in the garage) I had to wear bib knickers to stop my knees from siezing up. :shock:

    Ditto. Mind you, half an hour in and I had to take them off.......
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    can be particularly chilly round here (I live right on the coast) but I'm usually fine in the following..

    Howies merino l/s base (+ HH l/s base as well, if particularly cold)
    Lusso jura thermal jacket
    Altura/Lusso bib shorts + Alexa lombardia bib tights (still going strong)
    wool blend socks
    road shoes + neoprene overshoes, or Spec Defroster boots (depending on bike)
    Assos themal gloves (over 10 years old, but still none better)
    wooly hat or fleece headband, depending on temperature

    and not forgetting...

    pair of yellow filter lenses, to make every dull day seem bright.. ;)
  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    softlad wrote:
    can be particularly chilly round here (I live right on the coast) but I'm usually fine in the following..

    Howies merino l/s base (+ HH l/s base as well, if particularly cold)
    Lusso jura thermal jacket
    Altura/Lusso bib shorts + Alexa lombardia bib tights (still going strong)
    wool blend socks
    road shoes + neoprene overshoes, or Spec Defroster boots (depending on bike)
    Assos themal gloves (over 10 years old, but still none better)
    wooly hat or fleece headband, depending on temperature

    and not forgetting...

    pair of yellow filter lenses, to make every dull day seem bright.. ;)

    and putting all that on as well as putting assos on your butt takes you how long ?

  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    JimmyK wrote:

    and putting all that on as well as putting assos on your butt takes you how long ?


    strangely, I've never actually timed it. Post your own time up and I'll see if I can beat it tomorrow morning...

    The assos stuff goes on my hands, not my arse..
  • back to the original subject.

    I'm trying to do as much all weather riding as poss, never had a problem with the cold, its the wet i ca'nt stand.
    But then again i live in the south east. A sugar dusting of snow is all we need and the area comes to stand still.
  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    "strangely, I've never actually timed it. Post your own time up and I'll see if I can beat it tomorrow morning...

    The assos stuff goes on my hands, not my ars*.."

    the reason i asked is cos i find the process of:

    leaving out , cycling jersey, shorts, gloves, cycling specs, shoes, helmet, keys, walkman, drink bottle, hankie, mobile phone, bum cream, checking tyre pressures, .................and then putting all that krap on . a right royal pain in the @ss.

    the clothing element of cycling can be such a bore.

  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    JimmyK wrote:

    the clothing element of cycling can be such a bore.

    indeed. sometimes I just wish I was one of those blokes that goes out in jeans, trainers and a hoodie.. ;)
  • It's bloody frozen again here! :evil:

    I got an hour out of three hours i'd planned done... Then nearly fell off on a bridge that was like glass. I don't know about you lot, but once i slide once, my confidence is gone for the day.

    Was supposed to be 5C today, it was 1 and still frosty with only the main roads gritted.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    I was out today too, did 40 miles and it was freezing cold. I went out at 1.20 pm and got back in at 3.30 pm and had to hop straight into a hot shower to get some heat back into my veins. I went out to my garage at 4.25pm to fetch something and its even bl00dy colder, I mean real bitter.

    Im in n.Ireland and I shudder to guess what todays afternoon temperature was, I think the forecast said it was to be about 3C , but on my bike it felt more like -3C. Gosh I cant wait for spring to come , this winter weather is cr@p for biking :(

  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Did 65 miles, only fell off twice, There was loads of nasty black ice in Cheshire today.
    I like bikes...

  • Did 3 hours in west lancs / merseyside today and fell off in the first ten minutes. Why I didn't turn around and go home I don't know as there were some scary moments throughout.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    I managed to ride yesterday without mishap for about four hours in Oxfordshire. Today seems colder and icier though so have not gone out...feeling a bit miffed but know it was the right decision. :(
  • grimpeur
    grimpeur Posts: 230
    Same here, 3.75hrs yesterday without mishap but seems much worse around here with the roads being icy as well. Whilst I love riding, I'd prefer to be able to ride over the winter than spend the time in hospital with a fractured pelvis or femur. TIme to hop on the turbo trainer for some torture.
  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    "TIme to hop on the turbo trainer for some torture."

    How do you find those turbo trainers ? Ive spent time on indoor bikes at the gym and to be honest, I was bored out of mind. Is there anything different about using a turbo trainer ?

  • grimpeur
    grimpeur Posts: 230
    A Turbo is good in that the riding position is exactly the same as that on your road bike. With even the best indoor exercise and spin bikes this is hard to master.

    JimmyK, you in Ards, I'm over near Castlereagh. Small world.

    Ice is thawed now, unfortunately I've had to go into the office to work this afternoon. Not fair!