Have You Ever Been On The Telly…



  • local news programme did a clip to show the only day in history when newcastle was deserted on a saturday afternoon, it was lady di's funeral - but i took the kids shopping, so got on the telly, just wandering around

    also in the tv studios when the clash were recording some programme

    and loads of times at the match just cos me seats directly opposite the tunnel
  • sicknote
    sicknote Posts: 901
    Its funny as I had not thought of it before but I have been on tv a few times.

    Was on Tv at the Lord mares ( Sp ) show in London ( was in the TA at the time ) and the Senetarf the next day.
    Also on the 11 o'clock show with my wife ( the female presenter with one of the women of Buck fizz ).

    Plus was also so on a morning show with some of the guys from my Karate club on Hollowen punching pumpiks and almost hitting the presenter ( as he was a nob and walked in the middle of us training without looking.
    I had to really control myself not to have hit him and my friend too.

    Would have been funny as it was live tv :)
  • I was live on BBC breakfast news once talking about cash machines and how much they charge (as we have one in our shop). This also turned up on the BBC world service as oone of my customers pointed out to me when he returned from Tenerife a week later.

    Was also on Tyne Tees local news answering questions on whether I thought we should celebrate St George's Day (as the village I live in is Middleton St George)

    Really don't know why they keep asking me. I'm not exactly photogenic...
    Not lost, just exploring...
  • toshmund
    toshmund Posts: 390
    Ohhhh you are Janet! Your luvvvvley!

    :lol: :shock:

    Stood in the background when Tom King (Defence Minister of the time) visited the location in 91. Surprisingly...trousers up and no spotty a### on display...
  • peanut
    peanut Posts: 1,373
    I was on one of the original Treasure Hunt programs.
    I was walking through Glastonbury Abbey in bike gear with my flo pink Ribble slung over my shoulder and in came the helicopter which did a circle over me and landed and out jumped Anneka Rice .

    Not sure who was more surprised really. Well I wasn't going to leave my best bike at the entrance was I :roll:

    Another time I was visiting my skin n blister in Taunton Hospital and was clip clopping down a corridor with same bike over shoulder and met family coming the other way. They knew it was me even at a distance . I'm the only person they knew nutty enough to carry a bike into a hospital ward :lol:
  • I was in an Oscar nominated film.

    Beat that :wink:
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I may have been - I was standing right by where Stuart O'Grady crashed in the London Prologue last year, so for the amount of times they replayed that on telly, I may have been there in the background, but I've never looked close enough.

    And a few months ago, when La Machine (the giant mechanical spider) visited Liverpool, after the show had ended, I saw a TV camera crew walk right up towards us stood by the railings, so I scarpered - too shy for telly interviews!
  • i was on ITN when mark austin spent a day with my squadron in kosovo and i was on sky news some time in germany but my real claim to fame is that i am in the fire training video for where i work
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    I had the good fortune to be on TV portrayed by an actor 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

    fortunately for me- no one watching crimewatch recognised me :twisted:
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @ http://www.pebennett.com

    Twittering @spen_666
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,290
    I got interviewed for Chinese TV - I was slightly tipsy
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • tobciocc
    tobciocc Posts: 276
    I was an extra in a drama series called 'Signs and Wonders' in about 1994, featured a very chatty friendly Michael Maloney and Donald pleasance in his last role. The thing I most remember in the make up people constantly touching up Pleasance bald head as it was dazzling the camera.

    Not telly, but I was interviewed on Radio 1 about imputence when I was a couier in London. I said something really crasss like 'My birds got no complaints'.

    Gabba Gabba Hey
  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    Yep, 3 times including the Baftas!!!
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Mu Mum and her husband at the time were in a Bob Dylan film and easily visible on screen as they were in the front row of a concert scene, one of the perks of organising the crowd. Looked and for the life of me can't remember the title :oops:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • In a doco for Veronica TV (Holland) when they were filming in Australia, in 1994. They needed a couple of aussie surfers and I came in as one of the blokes was too sick to go for a surf... They still called me Harry!
  • come dine with me about two years ago when it filmed in belfast...

    http://www.channel4.com/food/on-tv/come ... lfast.html

    I came second.... robbed!! :D
  • Crackerjack, i was busy dropping toys and cabbages, but my sister in-law trumps me she was on

    Jim'll Fix It
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    I was in a local natural history museum a few weeks ago which had a special exhibition on flies (I have a professional interest in such things). The guy on the door asked us to be quiet as a Russian film crew was making a documentary. We were the only other people in the exhibition with the Russian David Attenborough, complete with cowboy hat, and must appear in the background of most shots. I had to stop my children from waving at the camera too much. I hope they edit out the argument between my son and daughter on the correct pronunciation of Tsetse.

    Not proper telly, but I do feature in a training video produced by Thames Valley Enterprise in the early 90s, "get an education boys and girls, then you'll be able to find a job working for me" :oops: . And whilst I’m not in it, I did help make an Open University film once, if that counts?
  • toshmund
    toshmund Posts: 390
    Appearing on Come dine with me!?!?! Major kudos to you! lol. Love how they have a perfect night...then give it a 7! How does that work? Been some classic tv from that programme. Especially, the one where the posh woman made the rough old bird wait on the doorstep, because she was too early. 15 minutes of fame...you are well up on that matey.
  • Being a Welsh speaker, I seem to have been a regular appearance on S4C. At School I was interviewed for a 'looking back at the year' programme, where I talked about coming downstairs one morning to find my Dad in the living room with the news reporting Princess Diana's death. I was also part of a school team competing in a kids tv gameshow called 'pendroffobia' (headspin-phobia), but the waltzers we rode while answering questions turned my stomach so much that I was swapped out for a similar-looking friend quite early on. Oh, and I went on Uned 5 (vaguely Blue Peter-esque) with a friend to demonstrate and talk about snooker.

    In recent years, I worked at the National Eisteddfod of Wales in a new 'Here to Help' meet and greet team, and was interviewed by the BBC, ITV, and S4C. I've been interviewed for radio several times as well, but I can't remember them much.
  • Padova
    Padova Posts: 22
    Local Tv, feature on railways

    Songs of Praise, long time ago

    Banging on the barriers at the Roubaix Velodrome in '02.
  • pbt150 wrote:
    University Challenge 2007. Beat University of Reading in the first round, got annihilated by Edinburgh in the second, but it was my 15 minutes...

    Ah - I'm not the only one, then. I represented York for the 2000-2001 series; we beat Aberdeen in the first round, but were soundly beaten by Oxford (Balliol) in the second. :(
    Oh, and I was also on long-gone C4 teatime quiz Fifteen To One back in 1997 but put in a very poor account of myself.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • About four years ago I was a chorister at Gloucester Cathedral, and we sang midnight mass live on BBC1. Camera zoomed in on me a few times :-p Also a while before we did a "Songs of Praise". It was odd to see how staged everything was - even the congregation had to practise for singing the hymns and the stained glass windows were floodlit to make it look as though it was daylight in the middle of the night! The whole thing was filmed over several days..

    I was apparently seen walking on a televised cricket match at Gloucester a while back as well.
  • Hey there,

    I don't think I've ever been on the telly, but I did some travelling with a guy who claimed that his girlfriend was the 'Crying Newcastle Supporter' on the opening titles of some Match of the Day type program. I'm sure you can all remember it.

    Giant TCR Advanced II - Reviewed on my homepage
    Giant TCR Alliance Zero
    BMC teammachineSLR03
    The Departed
    Giant SCR2
    Canyon Roadlite
    Specialized Allez
    Some other junk...
  • Having a bit of a headbang at a Leeds nightclub (can't remember the name) which was shown on Raw Power (or it might have been The Power Hour, pre-name change) in early 90s.

    The shaming part was not the terrible mullet I sported at the time, but that the accompanying track was Poison's Unskinny Bop. Actually, perhaps it was the mullet...
    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir... gently and firmly. You've got to grind your beans until they squeak.
    And then you put in the milk.
  • I made my first tv appearance in 1977 as a head in the crowd outside our local library when the Queen turned up during jubilee year.
    Appeared on ch4 quiz show 15 to 1 in 1995.
    Sold an antique clock to Mike Melody on Dickinson's Real Deal last year.
    Appeared on Bargain Hunt walking behind Tim Wonnacott as he did his intro to camera.
    Here's a box,a musical box. Wound up and ready to play.
    (brian Cant,Camberwick Green).
  • Well....

    Emergency cardiac team member Holby City
    Resident in 'Stenders (sometimes on a bicycle)
    MI9 officer in remake of Colditz with Damian Lewis and Edward Fox
    Cutting room (pathology) technician Silent Witness Series 8,9,10 (On first names terms with Eddie Fox's niece.. well sort of). Plenty of picture taking of naked actresses lying on the slab.
    SOCO on the Bill
    Stand in/double for Michael Schumacher in a Vodafone commercial.
    Motorcycling double for various actresses in various dramas (I ride m/bikes and am quite small so can fit into their leathers :wink: )
    MI5 agent in Spooks busting a terrorist flat with pretty-boy Penry-Jones. (if anybody has series IV on DVD there's something I'd like to find out...)

    My only cycling booking was as an angry commuter in the remake in Taming of the Shrew, where I collide with Rufus Sewell's Petruchio :shock: and we have a go at each other.

    Do I win? Or should I seek help for my narcissism?

    (I work as an extra sometimes)