Tired, skin purple around my eyes

GFowler22 Posts: 78
Can't seem to get rid of the purple bits around my eyes, it makes me look knackered but I'm not tired at all! I've been to the health food shop and was recommended Echnicea or however you spell it! This didn't solve the problem at all, I wonder whether I'm deficient in something?

Any thoughts?


  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), if you are otherwise healthy it's probably just genetic and to do with the type of skin you have, shape of your eye sockets, proximity of micro-veination to the skin surface etc. I've been a little bit prone to this all of my life, but I think it has got better as I've got older and my skin has got thicker or whatever. Don't obsess over it and avoid mirrors with fluorescent lights above them... :wink:
  • Michuel
    Michuel Posts: 269
    GFowler22 wrote:
    Can't seem to get rid of the purple bits around my eyes, it makes me look knackered but I'm not tired at all! I've been to the health food shop and was recommended Echnicea or however you spell it! This didn't solve the problem at all, I wonder whether I'm deficient in something?

    Any thoughts?

    Haven't you tried eye-drops or bathing eyes in eye-bath with distilled water? That seems the most obvious, it certainly works for tired or painful eyes (assuming you have no seious underlying eye condition). Try googling also ifyou're confident you can sort out the dross.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    Dehydration may also make it worse.
  • Its not in my eye itself it in the corner near the top of my nose if you see what I mean! I was told that the skin is generally very thin around that area anyway and that if the circulation is poor then the blood capillaries would show up as a purple colour. I try to drink at least 3 litres per day of water and make sure I'm hydrated when I ride. But interestingly it disappears when I've come back from a ride but however turns a red colour instead! I wonder whether a cream would help, I might try it for tired eyes e.g something like Nivea. God I've just realise how camp this makes me look...........
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    It'll disappear when you exercise as this will increase the blood flow to the skin through peripheral dilation of capillaries. If you are fit and healthy and able to ride a bike at a reasonable pace, there is probably nothing wrong with your general circulation, but everyone is different and the way that blood flow circulates in / is directed to various areas and what is visible through very thin skin in certain places will vary according to circumstances and individual genetics. Really, I wouldn't worry about it, it probably isn't as noticeable to other people as it is to you. Is it something you've always had or just recently?
  • Its something that I've had ever since I caugh glandular fever, so could it be related to that? Prior to that I never noticed it! Its so annoying though, every time I see my relatives its " oh you look really tired!" Slightly frustrating!
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    Ask your doctor (GP) about it. Presumably you are over the glandular fever now and feel fine, since you say you don't feel tired? Was it very recently you had glandular fever? What age are you?

    Since you are worried about it you should go and see your doctor just to put your mind at rest, also he/she may be able to suggest something that will help.
  • I had glandular fever about 5 years ago in my 1st year of Uni, I'm now 23 and don't feel excessively tired at any time. I just wonder if there is any link at all? Maybe not, I've been to the GP concerning the purpleness and he said that it could be dehydration, noone really knows, one girl at Holland & Barrett said it might be to do with Kidney or Liver function, but I've had blood tests and they are all normal.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    Who knows if there is a link to the glandular fever? It could just as easily be due to changes in the skin associated with adolescence (i.e. when you were 18 ). The thing is, your problem is not a medical one as such; it would only be a sign of something wrong if it was associated with other symptoms, and is something a lot of people have without there being anything wrong with them. If you are fine in all other respects, then you're best just to accept it and try to forget about it! I had pretty horrible skin when I was your age, blotchy and acne ridden; I just wish now I had spent less time worrying about it.. :wink: