Do you like this jacket or is it poncy?



  • I quite like it.

    It's quite grrr, and stylee at the same time
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    I`ve decided not to get it afer all.It is a bit mountain bikey and i don`t really want to look like a pimp.I am now considering this one instead!I did say my taste was questionable.bicycle-line-kimeraj-zoom.jpg
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    antfly wrote:
    I`ve decided not to get it afer all.It is a bit mountain bikey and i don`t really want to look like a pimp.I am now considering this one instead!I did say my taste was questionable.bicycle-line-kimeraj-zoom.jpg

    Only problem I see with this one is "How do you keep your face in a permanent scowl
    or frown like that?" Just wouldn't look quite the same if you were smiling while wearing it.
    Image is everything you know.

    Dennis Noward
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    That`s not me in the picture.I`m not a poser,i`m a friendly chap, i always give a cheery nod when i pass a cyclist.
    Smarter than the average bear.
    BUICK Posts: 362
    A great improvement in my opinion! Tattoo fashion annoys me - quite a lot. But then, I'm a tattooist!
    '07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
    '07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
    STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    antfly wrote:
    That`s not me in the picture.I`m not a poser,i`m a friendly chap, i always give a cheery nod when i pass a cyclist.

    Well, I guess you can't wear that one either. The picture clearly shows that you must
    have a disdainful look on your face, at all times, while wearing it. No smiling, no waving,
    no cheery nods. A look of utter contempt for the rest of humanity must be maintained.

    Dennis Noward
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 1,565
    Where are you getting these photos from? These models look like they're in the process of internally haemorrhaging, or something. Else, something terribly upsetting is offscreen.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    They are all off wiggle but the jackets are Italian so that may explain the models.I just want something with function and a bit of style,is that really so wrong,is it? 8)
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    antfly wrote:
    They are all off wiggle but the jackets are Italian so that may explain the models.I just want something with function and a bit of style,is that really so wrong,is it? 8)

    I'm sure you can do it. You sound like you have the desire and possibly the dedication
    to achieve that "look". The training will be long and hard, especially mastering a really
    stern looking "I'm above it all glare". And don't forget the permanent 5 o'clock shadow.
    Also leaning to stand in an arrogant manner can bolster the image. Good luck.

    Dennis Noward
  • hey BUICK whereabouts do you work?
    i live in Leeds and have been tattooed by a few artists in the city, you might have inked me!
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    Gotta say I prefer the first one, a little Rock Racingesque, and individuality can only be a good thing.

    Second one looks like bike leathers, not a good look in my opinion.

    How about a foska number?
  • larmurf
    larmurf Posts: 110
    dennisn wrote:
    antfly wrote:
    The picture clearly shows that you must
    have a disdainful look on your face, at all times, while wearing it. .

    Dennis Noward

    I thought that was a serious concerned look - the one I use in the pub when someone is drivelling away in my ear - and I am really thinking I wish to hell you would shut up and let me concentrate on my pint and work out some passable excuse for chatting that girl over in the corner
    Mahatma Gandhi was asked by a British journalist what he thought of Western civilisation. "I think it would be a good idea," he replied.
  • mats
    mats Posts: 94
    if you need to ask other peoples opinions on whether you should wear clothing which is a little bit out of the ordinary just dont buy it coz you will never be really comfortable in it. If it were me I would buy either.....but you should see some of the gear I have worn over the years and I do have a collection of particullarly garish shirts, but it's a while since I've worn my leather trousers
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    larmurf wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    antfly wrote:
    The picture clearly shows that you must
    have a disdainful look on your face, at all times, while wearing it. .

    Dennis Noward

    I thought that was a serious concerned look - the one I use in the pub when someone is drivelling away in my ear - and I am really thinking I wish to hell you would shut up and let me concentrate on my pint and work out some passable excuse for chatting that girl over in the corner

    Maybe a "passable excuse for chatting" would be "Do you like this jacket?" Be sure to add your best "serious concerned" look. Women love that kind of stuff(I think).

    Dennis Noward
  • pbt150
    pbt150 Posts: 316
    antfly wrote:
    Something like that.Anyway Blonde think it`s sexy and it`s nice to get a feminine viewpoint.I assume Blonde is a lady anyway,the pic is inconclusive,it could be a camp bloke. :wink:

    Given that a man with light hair is 'blond' and a woman with light hair is 'blonde', (one of the few words in English to do this...) I'm assuming it's the former.
    BUICK Posts: 362
    Hey Satan80 - I've got the studio on Hyde Park Corner. Have you been in?
    '07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
    '07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
    STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*
  • toshmund
    toshmund Posts: 390
    You will get admiring looks from the scrotes, on their Peugeot Streetfighters. Most of them seem to wear somekind of hoodie, with aztec designs. Along with the Technics/Kenwood old school! eh?
  • alright Buick.
    Physical Poetry? Dave?

    yes you have tattooed me!

    you did the Down 'smoking christ' logo done on the front of my bicep about 3 years ago, it really hurt, thanks for that!

    I thought i was the only tattooed rock n roll loving roadie hammering the streets of Leeds, obviously not!