Elite Cronoforce Inertial Turbo

Posts: 2
I've been using an ancient Elite turbo since the early 1990s - one with the bike fixed into the frame and the roller and fan pivoting on the frame by spring loading to press on the tyre. It as always served me well and has provided a good base for TT training, max-HR tests, etc.
Bought the above named turbo last night - it's different in that the bike is on a pivot and the roller is fixed.
Used it this morning - unbelievably hard. I used to train on the big front cog and the middle of the rear block to be at 75-80% HRM. I now need to be on the small front cog. There is so much resistance that it's difficult to warm up gently, and there is no option for spinning to warm down.
Am I (a) a much bigger wimp than I thought I was (b) not good at setting turbos up or (c) something else ???
Any feedback welcomed - I understand from the marketing material this is used at Pro level. I knew they were good, but didn't realise they were gorillas
Bought the above named turbo last night - it's different in that the bike is on a pivot and the roller is fixed.
Used it this morning - unbelievably hard. I used to train on the big front cog and the middle of the rear block to be at 75-80% HRM. I now need to be on the small front cog. There is so much resistance that it's difficult to warm up gently, and there is no option for spinning to warm down.
Am I (a) a much bigger wimp than I thought I was (b) not good at setting turbos up or (c) something else ???
Any feedback welcomed - I understand from the marketing material this is used at Pro level. I knew they were good, but didn't realise they were gorillas