Tips for fitting new grips..



  • I advocate lock-ons too but that does not help the OP in this case.

    Provide a solution first then preach if you like.

    I've had a little practice, so know all the possible ways to solve the problem (mucking about teaches you things).

    Here is a small sample of the cast-offs' that I've set aside from "upgrading" grips for other people:


    It's better to make use of them than to send them to landfill.
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    Well I had this problem and my brother suggested that I have sex with them!!! (he is not even a roadie)

    Good idea is to put them in hot water to expand the material before lubricating them and fitting.

    My official opinion is not to have sex with them - (well maybe if they are fit).
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    bikaholic wrote:
    I advocate lock-ons too but that does not help the OP in this case.

    To be fair, the OP did ask his question over five years ago, so he's probably sorted it out by now...
  • But five year old grips will have worn out ! Hopefully they were replaced with lock on ones .
  • Be like Sheldon Brown: leave your mark so that others can make use of it long after you're gone.

    Useful hints and tips get remembered, trivial banter gets forgotten - that is the way of internet forums.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    "so know all the possible ways to solve the problem"

    All of them?!
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    supersonic wrote:
    "so know all the possible ways to solve the problem"

    All of them?!

    Doesn't seem so - he never mentioned a compressor, for example.