Tabata Protocol

whyamihere Posts: 7,719
edited September 2008 in Training, fitness and health ... i_n6011850

I've just tried it for the first time, with a slight modification of a 6 minute warmup rather than 5 (I needed it). I managed 6 intervals before nearly falling off my rollers with exhaustion! However, I was still only on the bike for 15 minutes. The question is, as that 15 minutes is especially hard, can it possibly be as good as longer sessions with, for example, 5x1 minute intervals with 2 minutes rest between, spending around 45 minutes on the bike?


  • Looks particularly brutal!

    Not sure if it has had any independant testing though. numbers may be slightly biased.
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!