Turbo power output to strive for

Nickodemus Posts: 94
HI All,

Just wondering what power output would be considered really good?

That's a bit of an open question i guess, so let's say i was going to a one hour slog on the turbo, what would be a high level of sustained power output to aim for?

Same question for 20min intervals?

Same question for 5min intervals?

I kind of need something to strive for....when i first started rowing i didn't bother with the novice training program; i got the senior one and went as hard as i could to match it, so i kind of want to do the same thing with the bikes.... I know i wont be able to do the types of power output straight away, but something to aim for would be great!


"Bite off more than you can chew, and chew like hell!!"
