Your rants here.



  • Just dropped my bororoca tab in my coffee... not the way to start the day.
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.
  • LukeTC
    LukeTC Posts: 211
    Got a rather severe ear bashing over a drawing that had been sent out to one of our foreman (a basic foundation layout that I had drawn personally in autocad). Apparently this drawing that was send out was missing a ground beam which means the concrete ordered was wrong yada yada long story short, it had knock on effect causing multiple C0ck ups which = costly.

    It then transpired the site bod dint unfold the A3 drawing given to him or turn it over which is just plain stupid for multiple reasons. However once this came to light, I didn't get an apology and said higher up is avoiding me like the plague. Why can't people just man up and say, "hey, sorry about earlier, I jumped to conclusions" and then shake hands? :?
  • condorman
    condorman Posts: 811
    The two cyclists on the CS just off Elephant and Castle who couldn't be bothered to wait against a red light when a cyclist was helping a lady with her guide dog across the CS. [Hats off to the cyclist who had stopped to help her].
    Condor Pista
  • Saw that organ donor again. Sorry the motorcyclist with the L plate who rides like a maniac.

    Earlier on my journey too. This time he was overtaking on a definite single carriageway road where it leads into a 2 lane one way system. This means 2 lanes filtering in and out from single lane with one side coming in on a 90 degrees bend from the right. That was where this biker met a truck coming head on round that bend when he was on the wrong side of the road. Here braked hard enough to have skidded with squealing tyres.

    I fear he's not long for this world!

    Fortunately I'm in my metal cage these past few days. Wouldn't like to meet him when I'm on my bike. I bet he uses ASL too.
  • Utter twunt in a Merc decided to block the cycle lane coming up to Vauxhall bridge before Millbank, forced everyone to dismount and take to the pavement to get past. I know there are signs saying traffic can use the cycle lane, but there wasn't enough space for him to actually drive his car up it, he just felt like being a d1ck!
  • rower63
    rower63 Posts: 1,991
    kingpinsam wrote:
    Utter twunt in a Merc decided to block the cycle lane coming up to Vauxhall bridge before Millbank, forced everyone to dismount and take to the pavement to get past. I know there are signs saying traffic can use the cycle lane, but there wasn't enough space for him to actually drive his car up it, he just felt like being a d1ck!
    like dyrlac said in the SCR thread, many drivers are seeing this as an opportunity!
    Dolan Titanium ADX 2016
    Ridley Noah FAST 2013
    Bottecchia/Campagnolo 1990
    Carrera Parva Hybrid 2016
    Hoy Sa Calobra 002 2014 [off duty]
    Storck Absolutist 2011 [off duty]
    There were two drivers racing at 69mph in a town centre 30mph zone, and both go through a red light. One hits a student and kills her, and injures one of the 5 children who were in the car with him when he crashes into a bus. Gets jailed. The other one doesn't hit anyone. Gets £1,000 fine and 9 points for "careless driving".

    How is anyone who is driving like that acquitted of dangerous driving and not banned at all?
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    There were two drivers racing at 69mph in a town centre 30mph zone, and both go through a red light. One hits a student and kills her, and injures one of the 5 children who were in the car with him when he crashes into a bus. Gets jailed. The other one doesn't hit anyone. Gets £1,000 fine and 9 points for "careless driving".

    How is anyone who is driving like that acquitted of dangerous driving and not banned at all?

    Completely agree about dangerous vs. careless. Unbelievable outcome.

    Also, (but unimportant by comparison) 5 kids in the car? How?
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.
  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,506
    Proviz jackets, brilliant if a car's headlights are on you, not so clever in the gloom if you have no light to reflect, no lights on your bike and expect people to notice you. I guess the rant is more at the rider than the jacket but just because it reflects it doesn't make you invincible.
  • davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.

    Stunningly he seriously injured one of the kids with a fractured Jaw and skull given all 5 were in the back seat. The guy is utter contemptible scum, fingers crossed those new prison stats about violence help give him an uncomfortable time.
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.

    Stunningly he seriously injured one of the kids with a fractured Jaw and skull given all 5 were in the back seat. The guy is utter contemptible scum, fingers crossed those new prison stats about violence help give him an uncomfortable time.
    Bizarrely he claimed he was always in control of the car. Not sure how the other guy got away with only careless, they both caused the accident by racing and it could have happened to either of them. One was just lucky he wasn't the one to hit someone. I've heard it said that if a driver kills a cyclist the punishment should be for the crime committed and not for the outcome, same applies here. Take out the fact that one killed a girl surely they committed the same crime.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.

    Stunningly he seriously injured one of the kids with a fractured Jaw and skull given all 5 were in the back seat. The guy is utter contemptible scum, fingers crossed those new prison stats about violence help give him an uncomfortable time.

    "You had four children in the back of the car, two of them were not wearing seatbelts and booster seats were not being used."

    But the other guy - driving through a red light at that speed on that road is always obviously dangerous to a competent and careful driver. Especially when someone doing the same as you were killed someone.
  • davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.

    Stunningly he seriously injured one of the kids with a fractured Jaw and skull given all 5 were in the back seat. The guy is utter contemptible scum, fingers crossed those new prison stats about violence help give him an uncomfortable time.

    "You had four children in the back of the car, two of them were not wearing seatbelts and booster seats were not being used."

    But the other guy - driving through a red light at that speed on that road is always obviously dangerous to a competent and careful driver. Especially when someone doing the same as you were killed someone.

    Remember the law seems to assume driving was his right and not his privilege so there for he needs be free in two years. Am not sure he also got a driving ban?
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.
  • davis wrote:
    Zafira type of car takes 7 seats. Also cmax galaxy, etc.

    Fair enough, suppose I'd forgotten about that sort of car. I'd seen 69mph through town and "BMW" (mentioned in the article) and assumed fast and sporty car. Might be wrong. Either way, not the main concern

    Was a white BMW M3 convertible.

    Stunningly he seriously injured one of the kids with a fractured Jaw and skull given all 5 were in the back seat. The guy is utter contemptible scum, fingers crossed those new prison stats about violence help give him an uncomfortable time.

    "You had four children in the back of the car, two of them were not wearing seatbelts and booster seats were not being used."

    But the other guy - driving through a red light at that speed on that road is always obviously dangerous to a competent and careful driver. Especially when someone doing the same as you were killed someone.

    Remember the law seems to assume driving was his right and not his privilege so there for he needs be free in two years. Am not sure he also got a driving ban?

    The driver who wasn't jailed got 9 points and a £1,000 fine.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Lost my Aldi COB rear light when I had a clipless moment today. Stopped to look at something and as I started to ride off I overbalanced and fell to my in and that was the foot clipped in.

    Only realised it was missing when I was about to leave work 8 hours after it happened and I had a quick look in the dark for the light but it looks like somebody found it for me, will have another look on the way in tomorrow.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • I'm not sure I can contain all of this rage!!!!
    First, not been on the bike since boxing day
    Second, have had cough/cold/really bad cold since boxing day, hence not cycling
    Third, finally feel better enough to go on a ride, using my new cassette and chain I bought in the Christmas sales
    Fourth, said new chain has shown my chainrings are worn, as I could put no power down and it kept slipping, cutting my ride down to a mere 3 miles as I gave up after the second set of traffic lights
    Fifth, cycling through Beeston, in the middle of the tram lines as the left hand side gets dangerously narrow in places (for the tram stops), coming up to the back of a queue of traffic and some old idiot in an Audi decides he needs to get past me to join the queue 20 yards ahead
    Stay calm and ask why he thought he felt the need, and both him and his passenger (wife?) decide I should have been further left, I explain that's where the tramlines are which would be stupid. I eventually say "Sir, there is a queue of traffic behind, please just leave" which he does. I wish I'd punched him
    Adrenaline now flowing, no exercise, need to buy new chainring and still no decent bike ride for over a month!
  • Quins
    Quins Posts: 239
    You done good Cpt Kirk! Feeling your frustration. I too haven't ridden since well before Xmas, had the horrible virus, just getting over it and so looking forward to getting on the bike. The anticipation, the vision in my minds eye....hope it goes better than your first outing. :D
  • Quins
    Quins Posts: 239
    As above, my anticipation, vision and excitement of getting back on the bike had a little pin to burst my bubble. Checked tyre pressures on my winter hack and the rear hissed out all the air after I gave it a coulee if pumps with the track pump,issue near valve. Short in time , to beat the predicted rain so I jumped in my commuter, pinnacle 1 made of scaffold poles..... Only a minor rant, it was good to be out again.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    End of week three of no riding.
    Jesus wept, where did my energy go?

    Oh yeah, taken down by the lurgy, and lack of fresh air
    Still, only another three to go, it'll be warm and dry by then, right?
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    sky and discovery tiff is a real thing yet sky are not reducing their fees, cancelled my direct debit just now and signed up to eurosports, i'll be calling sky tomorrow to cancel my £56 a month sub, no doubt they'll be full of BS but i'm years out of contract and have only really kept sky for discovery content.

    dont get me wrong i like skys entertainment but for £56 a month i can pick and choose what i watch for far less
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    Got knocked off by a ped. walking in the road this morning, but managed to make it back home - bike seems ok.

    I'm a little concerned as I've scraped up my knee and elow and bruised my chest, but my elbow has a metal plate in it from a couple of years ago and it's where I fell on it this morning :/

    What winds me up the most? The ped ran off whilst I was sat in the road. Fking discusting.
    Bleh, stupid peds.
  • itboffin wrote:
    sky and discovery tiff is a real thing yet sky are not reducing their fees, cancelled my direct debit just now and signed up to eurosports,

    Billy bargain! Eurosport Player fee reduced to £19.99 per annum if you pay by tomorrow
  • vpnikolov
    vpnikolov Posts: 568
    To the tw*t at Westminster today on a Look bike with deep sections (Condor cap on, no helmet)... You self-entitled pr*ck. The definition of a chopper.

    I am just thankful I was not taken out.
  • The section of the highway code that reads "give priority to traffic approaching from your right" must have been modified recently to include "unless it's a cyclist".
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    i rarely use the one section of my commute that has a cycle path but tonights weather was as foul as the drivers mood so i did and sure enough a puncture in less than half a mile, pretty much every time i've used that path i've punctured.

    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • vpnikolov
    vpnikolov Posts: 568
    Not sure how much of a rant, but here we go...

    Ordered some stuff from Ribble, it arrived today and I was checking the contents when I found a Tiagra cassette in the box which was definitely not what I ordered. Called them and arranged a return of the cassette.

    The inconvenience of having to deal with this... :roll:
  • xbnm
    xbnm Posts: 116
    Stupid cyclist comes up to the queuing traffic at some lights rather than wait behind the bus and car in front decides to insert himself in between. Lights go green cyclist follows the left hand side of the bus then has to do a sharp right turn round it and its pulls into the stop slowing the car (he had to get in front of and me). Proceeds to cycle in the gutter so that the now impatient car driver decides to overtake in the face of oncoming traffic barely missing the cyclist and forcing two cars to swerve into the opposite bus lane. Seriously you wonder where some peoples brains are.