Your rants here.



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Who the hell are these people who like office Christmas parties?

    And why do they need to go on for 13-15 hours?
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Meeting people is the actual work.

    All the rest is just admin around the fact I'm meeting people.
    I'm in the wrong line of work.
    Judging by his posts in this thread, I'm beginning to think RC is, too.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    F*cking Tredz. A f*cking gain.

    As if it wasn't bad enough them:
    sending a damaged bike, with a shifter that didn't work and a crank making a horrific creak
    taking an age to respond to any emails
    taking their time to agree to replace the bike
    sending out replacement bike with no warning whatsoever so it was delivered when no one was in

    They have now taken payment over a week after we agreed to return the bike and cancel the contract.

    And of course live chat is down. Doing my all not to ring them as I will absolutely loose my sh*t on the phone.

    Complete and utter f*ckwits.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Dinyull wrote:
    F*cking Tredz. A f*cking gain.
    Reverse the payment with your CC company
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979

    Apparently they still haven't received the bike back to the shop despite being asked to return it 11 or 12 days ago. It's due back tomorrow, so they have to take payment as they don't have it.

    Now they won't even give me a managerial email address to make a complaint.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Could try their co founder and director. LinkedIn is handy for that
    looks like

    Unless he doesn't give a flying fluck...

    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Cheers. Yeah someone PM'd me the top bods linkedin details so have tried him and another.
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    Morons. Absolute, unadulterated fucking morons. Three super examples on my new commute (Chorley to Warrington via the A6, Westhoughton, Hindley, Platt Bridge and Culcheth)

    Exhibit A - edges out from side road on the left, sees me, looks right at me... Then pulls into my path, whilst I'm doing 45k/h downhill. Swerve, avoid, abuse - at length

    Exhibit B - passes me with approximately 3 inches to spare despite there being a completely empty lane to the right with no incoming traffic. Abuse - at greater length as he has to stop 100 yards up the road for temporary lights

    Exhibit C - on phone, pulling out of petrol station. Phone actually in left hand and places against right ear, so resembles monkey scratching cheek. Doesn't look, completely oblivious to me and to the woman on the pavement with a pushchair that he comes within a foot of running over

    Other notes - don't go through Wigan suburbs to get to Warrington. Apparently every. Single. Fucking. Person. Has a reason to drive their car through Westhoughton, Hindley, Abram and Platt Bridge between the hours of 8.30 and 9.30
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    So, hopefully the Tredz saga is over with.

    Spoke to them again today to check they had received the bike, which they had. Whilst waiting for the warehouse to get back to customer services I took the opportunity to ask a few questions.

    Turns out that when they offered me a discount on the bike and voucher as an apology, nothing was done.
    Also turns out that when I asked them to arrange collection from TNT's depot and for the sale to be cancelled, again nothing was done.

    Whole thing has taken over a month to settle and although they've given me a nice voucher to apologise (which I've actually received this time) I won't be in any rush back.
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    punishment pass by white van man this morning, theres a section on my commute with 4 pedestrian islands within about 500metres, I dont ride prime through them ,but far enough over to usually discourage the majority of drivers though you always get one who tries to slalom around you in the gaps, or starts the old engine rev routine

    but this van had held back, and normally the people who hang back dont then cause a problem once the road furniture ends, but passed the last of the islands and suddenly Ive got his wing mirror just about brushing my right elbow :shock: and I dont ride Froome style, as he just crawls pass me, god knows what he was thinking or doing it for. and of course following right behind him is a tipper truck, so I got 2 for the price of 1 :roll:

    then on the way home it was almost death by cat, damn thing just wandered out from underneath a parked car and nearly straight under my front wheel,handfuls of both brakes,lots of armfuls of steering and it dug its claws and leapt for it, somehow we both avoided colliding,so maybe thats really an anti rant :)
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Out of the goodness of my heart I have been using a stretch of dedicated cycle path, well segragated from peds by a white line...not long 1/4 mile.... unseen shards of glass ripped my rear tyre to pieces last night....
    looks like I am going to have pi ss my local drivers off even more by riding that bit of their road for a while.... foolish me thinking cycle paths are clean.
  • awavey wrote:
    ...... and of course following right behind him is a tipper truck, so I got 2 for the price of 1 :roll:.....

    What is it with tipper lorry drivers? I've just noticed that particular breed recently, as part of my commute passes near a quarry, and without fail I get close passes from them every bloody morning :?
    Winter: Moda Nocturne
    Road: Cervelo R3
    'Cross: Ridley X-Night
    Commuter: Genesis Day One
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    Broonster wrote:
    awavey wrote:
    ...... and of course following right behind him is a tipper truck, so I got 2 for the price of 1 :roll:.....

    What is it with tipper lorry drivers? I've just noticed that particular breed recently, as part of my commute passes near a quarry, and without fail I get close passes from them every bloody morning :?
    I think that the reason for this is that the vast majority of them are knuckle dragging troglodytes with an IQ somewhere south of furniture.

    Seriously - they're up there with scaffolders and black cab drivers in the moron stakes. They shouldn't be operating anything more complicated or dangerous than lego, much less a 3 ton piece of metal capable of doing 60mph
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • Langley Heathrow World Distribution Centre.

    Item arrived in the UK on November 21st and made it to Langley HWDC on the same day, before noon.

    It has finally left Langley - 24 days with Customs ffs.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Broonster wrote:
    awavey wrote:
    ...... and of course following right behind him is a tipper truck, so I got 2 for the price of 1 :roll:.....

    What is it with tipper lorry drivers? I've just noticed that particular breed recently, as part of my commute passes near a quarry, and without fail I get close passes from them every bloody morning :?

    They get paid per delivery.

    So if they drive faster, they might be able to squeeze an extra delivery in...
  • bunter
    bunter Posts: 327
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
  • In the car with family with car close up behind me. Side road and a woman driver came screaming up to the junction braking very last moment. Seriously I had to brake because she'd have hit where my son sits. So I braked hard in case she overshot. Luckily car behind managed to stop. Why so some people drive fast to the junction on a side road? I honestly didn't think she could stop in time.
  • Not sure if this is a true rant but it certainly annoyed me for some unknown reason.

    Cycling home at midday one day this week I saw a cyclist riding the other way. He must have been cold because he was wrapped up with very warm looking clothes. On his head he had a thick hat on his head with a helmet perched on top of the hat. The helmet was lifted clear if the head by the bulk of the hat. Why wear things designed for very cold weather on a mild and sunny day? Why put a helmet on the Hat? You must have known it was ineffective the way it was on your head,
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    In the car with family with car close up behind me. Side road and a woman driver came screaming up to the junction braking very last moment. Seriously I had to brake because she'd have hit where my son sits. So I braked hard in case she overshot. Luckily car behind managed to stop. Why so some people drive fast to the junction on a side road? I honestly didn't think she could stop in time.

    It's the law you have to do it.....
    Seriously... I just dont know how people get this licence to scare the c out of people like this....
    On a bike its worse...

    I've always said this get those 12 points... and lose licence FOR LIFE
    it will never happen, I know
  • timothyw
    timothyw Posts: 2,482
    bunter wrote:
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
    Exactly the way I killed mine! Let me know if they actually replace yours, I was left with ProBikeKit store credit...
  • I know I shouldn' so critical of cyclists but I've been.noticing helmet lights these days. I'm not bothered by those wearing red and white lights. No, my issue is when they wear them the wrong way around or they only have a white led light but they put it facing to the rear. No! No! No! Red to rear, white to front.

    Saw another cyclist wearing a combined red/ white light today. He wore it on the back of his.helmet so that red to the right and white to the left. Wrong!

    He was.following a lass with a very weak red led to the back of her helmet but nothing on her bike. No front white that I I could see neither. So, they were both kitted out with inadequate lights IMHO. It was dark and they were on a reasonably busy road. One that's single, winding lane with double white centre lines. You want to be seen on it at least.
  • Retailer emails!

    Need I say more?

    OK, well this year they're a lot more frequent. This is the first year I've been getting almost daily. My email account is groaning under the weight of repetitive promotional emails. I wouldn't mind if they changed the promotion but I really don't need a cube attain disc sl 2016 for...

    I know that I can unsubscribe but at their normal rate of promotion these emails come once a week or every other week. They sometimes have good deals for things I do want so I don't unsubscribe. I'll just have to wait until the new year super sales end and they realize people have no money left so they stop emailing.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Retailer emails!

    Need I say more?

    OK, well this year they're a lot more frequent. This is the first year I've been getting almost daily. My email account is groaning under the weight of repetitive promotional emails. I wouldn't mind if they changed the promotion but I really don't need a cube attain disc sl 2016 for...

    I know that I can unsubscribe but at their normal rate of promotion these emails come once a week or every other week. They sometimes have good deals for things I do want so I don't unsubscribe. I'll just have to wait until the new year super sales end and they realize people have no money left so they stop emailing.

    I know what you mean. This year I've also inadvertently signed up via a few competitions, and they've added to the weight of spam :(
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • bunter
    bunter Posts: 327
    TimothyW wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
    Exactly the way I killed mine! Let me know if they actually replace yours, I was left with ProBikeKit store credit...

    Mine is out of warranty by a year or so, so I think I'll be lucky to get anything. taking it in to lbs today. I've been using it for commuting and winter road riding, so nothing like actual cyclo-cross.

    Out of interest, was yours the Mk1 or Mk2 frame? Mine is (was) Mk1.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    bunter wrote:
    TimothyW wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
    Exactly the way I killed mine! Let me know if they actually replace yours, I was left with ProBikeKit store credit...

    Mine is out of warranty by a year or so, so I think I'll be lucky to get anything. taking it in to lbs today. I've been using it for commuting and winter road riding, so nothing like actual cyclo-cross.

    Out of interest, was yours the Mk1 or Mk2 frame? Mine is (was) Mk1.
    Hmm, maybe I should clean my bike and check it.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    Veronese68 wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    TimothyW wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
    Exactly the way I killed mine! Let me know if they actually replace yours, I was left with ProBikeKit store credit...

    Mine is out of warranty by a year or so, so I think I'll be lucky to get anything. taking it in to lbs today. I've been using it for commuting and winter road riding, so nothing like actual cyclo-cross.

    Out of interest, was yours the Mk1 or Mk2 frame? Mine is (was) Mk1.
    Hmm, maybe I should clean my bike and check it.

    Could be the filth that's holding it together.
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Veronese68 wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    TimothyW wrote:
    bunter wrote:
    Snapped frame today. Kinesis Crosslight Pro 6 failed at the weld between the seat tube and the bottom bracket. Feck 2016.
    Exactly the way I killed mine! Let me know if they actually replace yours, I was left with ProBikeKit store credit...

    Mine is out of warranty by a year or so, so I think I'll be lucky to get anything. taking it in to lbs today. I've been using it for commuting and winter road riding, so nothing like actual cyclo-cross.

    Out of interest, was yours the Mk1 or Mk2 frame? Mine is (was) Mk1.
    Hmm, maybe I should clean my bike and check it.
    Careful, might be the dirt crust is holding it together. Schrodingers frame, both broken and fixed until you look at it.

    Edit: Oh, ninja'd by Asprilla
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • timothyw
    timothyw Posts: 2,482
    Mine was a black mk1, just under 2 years old. Definitely worth cleaning to check if you have any reason to suspect (eg chain rub on front derailleur that seems worse than before...) or simply if end of warranty approaches.

    The crack on mine was practically invisible with a coating of road grime.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    dhope wrote:
    Edit: Oh, ninja'd by Asprilla
    Great minds and all that. :lol:
    Anyway, good thinking I won't clean it just in case. Should probably do the chain and cassette with my eyes closed just in case.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Don't use

    Designed a wedding album on their site/app and got it printed.

    I asked for 3 copies.

    The first copy - pages were so stuck together the pages ripped.

    The second copy - at the end of the book they started printing the entire album again, stopping half way.

    The third copy - half way through, someone else's wedding appears for about 10 pages.

    Shower of sh!t.