Your rants here.



  • hakko
    hakko Posts: 34
    F£$$£^king Tories!!

    Great at selling public wealth to the private sector and who then sell it back to us!

    And getting away with jumping red lights! #@^%$%^&%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    What's the f**king amusement that kids have with coming in/out of the house every 30 seconds :evil:

    grrr p**s off i'm watching the giro :x
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Tax doesn't have to be taxing...yeah right. Clues in the name.
  • jopari
    jopari Posts: 84
    If I'm overtaking cars on the outside at speed (cars were doing 15-20, me slightly faster) DON'T overtake me very closely on my oustide without warning! A quick 'on your right' or a ding of your bell would have sufficed. At least an admission of your stupidity when I shouted in alarm would have shown some notion of intelligence.
    Oh, and while I'm at it, I'd been trailing you for about 7 miles, slowly catching you, then passing you on my decrepid backup, heavy, old mountain bike, while you were on your shiny skinny wheeled racer. ner ner.
    Cannondale R800 - Dry
    Kona Honky Tonk - Wet
    '96 GT Outpost - Kids on back
    Genesis Core 120 - Mud
    Raleigh Pro Race - Shop
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    oh self, next time you buy something from ebay, make sure and read the description thoroughly :roll:
  • TuckerUK
    TuckerUK Posts: 369
    Car drivers, forwards onto large open spaces (e.g. roads), reverse into small spaces (e.g. drives, parking spaces). And if you are that dense that you need it spelling out for you, it's because you have less visibility behind, and smaller spaces are easier to scan for obstructions. And yes, when driving, I always reverse into car park spaces and onto my drive.
    "Coming through..."
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    suzyb wrote:
    oh self, next time you buy something from ebay, make sure and read the description thoroughly :roll:

    What did you buy and what did you think you were buying?
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    redvee wrote:
    suzyb wrote:
    oh self, next time you buy something from ebay, make sure and read the description thoroughly :roll:

    What did you buy and what did you think you were buying?
    I bought a low profile PCI-e graphics card but thought it was a normal one.

    I've ended up cutting off one of the metal seperators from the rear of the case so it fits in.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    That isn't as bad as some mistakes people have made, just look at this driver coming out of his drive.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Drysuitdiver
    Drysuitdiver Posts: 474
    twats who think its OK to rev the fook out of the engine behind me when i am in primary to avoid a doorzone that happens to have a cycle painted in it.. next time you try and drive me off the road my DLock is going to meet your cranium at a significant velocity. although it probably won't do any more damage to the retarded thing you call a brain anyway.
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • flicksta
    flicksta Posts: 157

    Check chain wear on commuter. It's bad after 1500 miles, in excess of 1%. Fit new chain, decide to gamble on not fitting replacement cog on SS. "It'll be alright", even though I actual have a barely used same size cog that would have taken 5 mins to fit.

    It's not alright, it's slipping all over the place and probably buggering up my new chain.

  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Sketchley wrote:
    notsoblue wrote:
    ARGH! I think I've got a crack in my crank axle, and my BB is shot. Fingers crossed the Planet X warranty covers it...

    Keep us / me informed how you get on and how they handle it.

    This is the crack; . I've just been on the phone to PX and it looks like the whole crankset will need to be replaced. The warranty will be with FSA and not Planet X, so will have to see if they replace it or not. As I need my bike this weekend I'm going to be replacing the crankset straight away (through PX), and returning the old for assessment. Hopefully, if the damage is covered by the FSA warranty, then PX will refund me the cost of the crankset. Fingers crossed...

    FWIW, The chap I spoke to in returns was very helpful.
  • Applespider
    Applespider Posts: 506
    Usually my cycle home from the gym is chilled and a quiet pootle - thankfully since I've just done a killer workout.

    Tonight, there was the carnage of the Chelsea flower show with pedestrians throwing themselves into the road, taxis pulling over/out all over and lots of those cycling rickshaws blocking the cycle path...

    ...then I got through that to find a police roadblock that they weren't letting anyone through since there was a risk of being shot. Fair enough except that the diversion they gave didn't go where they thought - they need to polish up on their left and right I think. Thankfully, the next roadblock along was letting cyclists walk through so long as they were moving away from the incident.
  • Ernie your milkfloat might be the fastest in the west, but when im bombing along at 25mph and you pull out of a junction in front of me, i will cuss and curse you and hope that your milk curdles :twisted:
    Apologies to the van driver i had to swerve in front of becuase of this.

    Also Mr giant bike with the one panier the top off the traffic light is red that means you have to stop and also the the slim lady on a boris you too need to understand what red on a traffice light means, :evil:
    Sorry its not me it's the bike ;o)

    Strava Dude link
    Commuting, Domestic & Pleasure : Specialized Sectuer Sport Disc

    Please Sponsor
  • Ernie your milkfloat might be the fastest in the west, but when im bombing along at 25mph and you pull out of a junction in front of me, i will cuss and curse you and hope that your milk curdles :twisted:
    Apologies to the van driver i had to swerve in front of becuase of this.

    Also Mr giant bike with the one panier the top off the traffic light is red that means you have to stop and also the the slim lady on a boris you too need to understand what red on a traffice light means, :evil:
    Sorry its not me it's the bike ;o)

    Strava Dude link
    Commuting, Domestic & Pleasure : Specialized Sectuer Sport Disc

    Please Sponsor
  • eyko
    eyko Posts: 68
    Just because you stare at me for the entire length of time you are crossing the road, it doesn't give you the right to just cross. Bikes are traffic too, and we do manage to achieve a fair lick of speed. You wouldn't do it in front of a car or bus.

    Then too top it off, someone else at the same place this morning when I was cycling in :evil:
    FCN 7
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Pollen. Why? What have I ever done to you?
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Red Light Jumpers - just feck off.

    Slow people on "all the gear" bikes who are slow, and then try and barge past in traffic (presumably to be slow again).

    Slow people without any awareness taking over the entire cycle lane.

    Tw@s undertaking through junctions.

    Shoreditch trendy d!ckheads in their silly glasses on their stupid clean bikes who have now ditched SPDs and gone "retro" with toe-clips - but have too much stupid hair to have the intelligence to understand how to use them and spend a hour moving off from each set of lights. For fecks sake, take the bus or, better, stay at home.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
  • Flyingbogey
    Flyingbogey Posts: 352
    Had my 1st off! Last night Colliers Wood High Street on CS7 just by the railway bridge, London bound. Lots of traffic but a clear cycle lane and i wasn't hanging about. There are flats with parking outside on the left and a driver was turning in, alas right in front of me. I hit the wing of her car and rolled like Starsky over the bonnet landing on the other side. Just a couple of bruises but the front wheel is slightly buckled. She said she had seen me but didn't think i was going so quick and that i should have stopped for her!!! I disagree but to be fair she was alright and seemed fairly concerned that i was ok.
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • king_jeffers
    king_jeffers Posts: 694
    I hit the wing of her car and rolled like Starsky over the bonnet landing on the other side.

    Except you didn't have a stunt double or chunky knit cardy...or did you? :-)

    My embarrassing mistake last night; I was bombing down the road trying to catch another MTB with knobblies who previously dropped me, car in front stopped suddenly and to avoid impact I directed my bike over a dropped kerb, hit it at 20 mph, kerb was somewhat higher than I anticipated and bike starts flying about all over the place. Lost my gripping for a moment and slammed my calf into the back of the bike/possibly pedal and now have a nice slice in my leg and dent in pride. Thankfully recovered and bike seems okay but my leg is now the colour of a rainbow, really stiff and to top it I'm on public transport tonight - standing room only with some guys arm pit in my face.

    Back on the bike tomorrow, I will pass that guy!
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    One more to add - I hate to generalise, but London Dynamo riders - is riding like a pr!ck part of your weekly ego rubbing or something? Because I don't think I've ever seen anyone in London Dynamo kit riding considerately or particularly well. And if you are going to ride like a pr!ck, why wear team kit? Is there some sort of pride associated with it?
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    W1 wrote:
    One more to add - I hate to generalise, but London Dynamo riders - is riding like a pr!ck part of your weekly ego rubbing or something? Because I don't think I've ever seen anyone in London Dynamo kit riding considerately or particularly well. And if you are going to ride like a pr!ck, why wear team kit? Is there some sort of pride associated with it?

    "riding like a prick" is one of the oldest and most fiercely defended articles of their constitution, sir!

    To the guy westbound outside Olympia last night - if the car in front is slowed right down, approaching a junction whilst clearly signalling left and I am waiting behind it .... if you undertake me AND the car at speed then you WILL get left hooked. Muppet.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    el_presidente Welcome "home" e_p :wink:
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    notsoblue wrote:

    This is the crack; . I've just been on the phone to PX and it looks like the whole crankset will need to be replaced. The warranty will be with FSA and not Planet X, so will have to see if they replace it or not. As I need my bike this weekend I'm going to be replacing the crankset straight away (through PX), and returning the old for assessment. Hopefully, if the damage is covered by the FSA warranty, then PX will refund me the cost of the crankset. Fingers crossed...

    FWIW, The chap I spoke to in returns was very helpful.

    fsa replaced my crank a year after it was out of warranty, i got to speak to some Italian chick on their support phone number who sounded great, 2 days later i received a spanking new crank

    Keeping it classy since '83
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Italian chick? Phone number? Spanking?
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Although your warranty is always with the retailer, not the manufacturer.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    bails87 wrote:
    Although your warranty is always with the retailer, not the manufacturer.

    aye, but with the choice of talking to guys in Wigan (retailer) or ladies in Italy (manufacturer), i chose Italy.

    to be honest i thought FSA would have just said NO, but they said send a photo of the broken crank send it over, 2 days after that i received my new crank
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    mudcow007 wrote:
    bails87 wrote:
    Although your warranty is always with the retailer, not the manufacturer.

    aye, but with the choice of talking to guys in Wigan (retailer) or ladies in Italy (manufacturer), i chose Italy.

    to be honest i thought FSA would have just said NO, but they said send a photo of the broken crank send it over, 2 days after that i received my new crank

    Yeah, fair enough if they've done it, but just in case FSA were funny about it. Especially if it's something that keeps breaking and you want your money back, FSA don't have your money, the retailer does.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • essex-commuter
    essex-commuter Posts: 2,188
    Trying to &^%$"'* fit SKS mudguards to the Boardman CX.