First sportive

I'm doing my first 100 mile charity sportive on 8th June. I've been bulding up the miles with a weekend ride for the last few months with a cycle commute ot work. My last long ride was 3 weeks ago, 94 miles, but with a weeks holiday I missed two weekends and a weeks riding. I can get out on a ride tomorrow, my question is how far should i go tommorow, should it be a easy 30-40 miles or a longer one any advice would be wecome


  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632

    Go long. You have'nt missed out on that much and shouldn't have lost the fitness you have built up.

    How about doing a 60 miler (or more if you feel up to it).
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    You can happily go long this weekend, so long as you taper-off a bit during the week - take it easy from Wednesday onwards and don't be tempted to do another long ride next Saturday !

    You should be fine - I've seen it recommended several times that if you've done upto 70% of the distance a couple of times before in training, the event-day excitement of riding with others, etc will get you round the whole distance.
    - and you've done 94 miles already, not just 70
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I did a 100mile Hilly run the week directly before the had severe hills and really hurt nearing the end...but I had only one small gentle 30miler through the week after and on the FWC day I felt the big tough run the week before really helped me bigtime.

    I've got the WRC on the 8th, and thats supposedly another mother of an event so last Saturday I did another tough 100miler, this weekend I'll do a tough 60miler and a few efforts through next week...I feel this way my body is very conditioned to longer distances and can cope much better with big brutal works for me anyway :wink: