Great Nottinghamshire Bike Ride

phil_ss1 Posts: 194

Anyone on here planning to do the 100m Great Nottinghamshire Bike ride this year?

The 100m Sportive has been added to cater for the more discerning rider.

Details on

I've only done 73 on one day before so this will push me a bit further.



  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    No - not much on that site about what you get for your £24 - they need to sell it a bit more.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Wow, is this event still going on? I've a lot to thank the GNBR for as it was my first ever taste of a cycling challenge of any kind back in 1990 and 1991. I rode it with university friends on the battered old bike I used as a student. I distinctly remember how pleased I was with myself for doing 60+ miles because we had to ride out to Holme Pier Point and back too. One of my student friends did it with a basket on the front of her sit-up-and-beg while another year I remember being a bit shocked when a friend turned out wearing proper cycling shorts! After the GNBR one year a medic friend started a debate about having a go at LEJoG, and I remember thinking that she was way over the top suggesting such a hopelessly ambitious plan. It would never be possible for an ordinary person to do something like that............. but by 1995 I'd done it. Ah.......... happy days!

  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Could quite fancy it as it is very local to me , but have never done anything like 100 miles in one go - is it very hilly ?
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194

    I thought £24 was a bit steep to say that there are a number of major sponsors.

    Here's a prelim map of the route, not checked out the profile of the lumps yet, my father-in-law may know he cycles 100+ miles a week in the local areas to Nottingham and Newark.

    I'll try and find out what the money "buys" us onn the trip round.

    enjoying the Sunday sunhine 8)
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    phil_ss1 wrote:

    I thought £24 was a bit steep to say that there are a number of major sponsors.

    Here's a prelim map of the route, not checked out the profile of the lumps yet, my father-in-law may know he cycles 100+ miles a week in the local areas to Nottingham and Newark.

    I'll try and find out what the money "buys" us onn the trip round.

    enjoying the Sunday sunhine 8)

    If I remember rightly it's not too hilly round those parts at all. Certainly nothing much to worry about out towards Newark then around Southwell way. There could be a few hills around Worksop way, but I couldn't see accurately on that map exactly where it goes.
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531

    I posted last week aboutthis ride but no reply! :?

    I am taking it ion as my first ever sportive. Furthest I have ridden is about 90K, so this will be almost double, and starting to worry I won't have the legs. There aren't any serious hills, but plenty of rolling roads which could make the last 30 miles a real pleasure

    PS. Any tips etc most welcome. I don't even know if i should bring my own spares etc in case of a puncture
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194
    I've been checking the bike ride site but there is no new detail information on the route.

    No details on what the £24 "gets us" either.

    Anyhow I've decided to ride the 100 mile event :oops: and the sponsorship form is winging its way around the team at work.

    Closing date for entries is 13 June 2008. :!:

    p.s. See you there if you ride it.... 8)
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531
    I got a phone call yesretday to apologise for a computer glitch, and race packs are in the post.

    See you at the start for the 100miles then! :?
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Won't see you at the start - you'll already be on the road. I think the 50 mile will be enough for my old legs - besides a 9 AM start is a bit more civilised than 8AM :lol:
    Hope it's a good day.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194

    Pack arrived from organisers :D

    I've got a fancy timing chip thing so there'll be no cheating on the time!

    5 feeding stations on the route.

    They are estimating a minimum speed of 13mph for the 100 mile route


  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Have you seen the weatther? :(
    rain and gusting 35mph southwesterly winds.
    At least i'm only doing the 50 :wink:
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194
    Bu88er! It's a south-westerly trip back into Nottingham!!

    At least the first leg will be easy.

    Good luck for all those entering the event :D


    (Yellow 167 - Say 'Hi' if you see me) 8)
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    It is now saying there won't be so much rain on sunday. Why ?... because i bought some mudguards yesterday :lol:

    Edit : what do i have to buy to reduce the wind. I have just checked and it is now showing 40mph gusts at 10 AM and up to 60mph in the afternoon :shock:
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Well a lovely sunny day and although the wind was strong at least it never felt dangerous. Anyone know how you get your official time (i did give the little chip thing in at the end ).
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531
    The wind was awful on the 100 mile route. Felt very dodgy at times and at one stage had it in middle chain ring on the FLAT!

    Timed on my Garmin at 5hrs 49, well cuffed for 1st tonner

    I think official times will be on the website in a day or two. Also keep checking Evening post
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194

    The results can be seen on either: (results from link on menu bar)

    or ride (don't where)

    They were not on as of 5pm Sunday, but the event didn't finish till 6.

    I think I did the truncated 84 miles or so in just under six hours according to the bike computer.

    Meet a nice guy who I spent the whole ride with, we averaged around 14.1 mph :oops:

    Will post my time when I know it.

    The wind was hellish at times, at one point we could only muster 6mph on the flat!!!!

    The first half was done at 18mph average. :D

    Shows you how bad the return leg was.


  • apidya
    apidya Posts: 6
    the truncated 84 miles

    was there an announcement at the start or something about this? I arrived very close to the start (typical) and was surprised towards the end that we didn't seem to be following the advertised route, and ended up at 84 miles as you say. Was the route truncated due to the wind etc?

    I wasn't the only one I spoke to on the way round who was questioning the distance. I'm curious mostly. 84 miles is still a decent hack out.

  • canon dale
    canon dale Posts: 212
    Mate of mine road the "100" and said it only showed as 86 on his 'puter :?
    "If you build it, they will come"
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194
    I think due to the wind the organisers cut the route short.

    It would have taken at least another 1.25 to 1.75 for people to complete the full hundred.

    Seems 84-86 was the mileage.#

    Mate at work had a whizzy GPS thingy and has promised me the exact distance next week.

    If not for the wind I would have felt diddled, but I was glad to get back!!

  • apidya
    apidya Posts: 6
    To be honest I completely agree re: wind. I wouldn't have minded too much if the wind was on the outward leg, with a nice tailwind all the way back from the 'top' into Nottingham! Riding into a driving headwind when you're already starting to tire just isn't sporting! ;)

    I've done some long(ish) rides in preparation for today (mostly around 100km, but a couple of longer ones), and today was definitely the least fun by a wide margin!

    really pleased I did it though.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Interested to see that the 100 miler was shortened me and my lad did the 50 and because of bad traffic did not get to set off until 9.30. It explains why i was fairly gobsmacked to be passed by some riders on the long route at about 35 miles. The 50 route was rather slowed up by being mixed with the family ride at the end and going along a lot of parkland/ lanes.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • canon dale
    canon dale Posts: 212
    feel wrote:
    Interested to see that the 100 miler was shortened me and my lad did the 50 and because of bad traffic did not get to set off until 9.30. It explains why i was fairly gobsmacked to be passed by some riders on the long route at about 35 miles. The 50 route was rather slowed up by being mixed with the family ride at the end and going along a lot of parkland/ lanes.

    Agreed - was amongst the first 100-200 off in the 50-miler and was well miffed to get held up by the "kids". With respect to them it was dangerous on those rought roads and must have lost ten minutes in and around Colwick park when we had to what was akin to cyclo-x :?
    "If you build it, they will come"
  • It would have been nice to be prewarned about the offroad part, had to slow down to get round some of that as was on thin tyres. There was a part as well (on the 50 mile route) just before you met up with the 18 mile lot, where you rode on the pavement, there was smashed glass so would have been an idea to get someone to check before the ride came through and pick it up. Agree about the 18 milers holding everyone up but dont like to gripe too much about that! All in all a sucessful day even though the wind was trying to push me back to Newark.
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531

    my Garmin mapped it at 130km exactly, so 30km short. You must have been near me on the road. I was Scottish guy on grey felt wearing the Puegeot outfit
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • tomhlaing
    tomhlaing Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    i did the 100 - I was the chinese chap (think I was the only one) in the discovery top who most if not all of you passed! Thanks to those with the words of "keep going!"

    A few people are saying the route was cut short to 84 miles. For the last 20 miles I was on my own as eveyone had passed me. I just followed the pre-posted yellow signs. as we rejoined the main road from burton Joyce to Nottingham A612. going past the victoria retail park, past the race course then meeting the the 10 miles people back at ladybay retail park, then back over lady bay bridge. (which was as originally advertised?)

    given the struggle I had going round, I mananged to loose most of the rest of the group so finished after 7 hours. For the last 2 hours i was on my own and didn;t pass anyone or have anyone pass me, in fact i didn;t see a marshall for all this time!! - assume I came last. Given this did I do 100 by mistake or was that was you all did and I just was really unfit??
  • joe24
    joe24 Posts: 13
    87miles on my bike computer. Bit disapointed, wanted to do my first 100 miler after i cramped up at 94 when i went to Lincoln. 87 in 4:53 on my bike computer. Stopped at Newark and at Wellow to get some food. Which was free and got free isotonic drink there.
    I was the young lad in Sherwood kit that shot past the Mapprely team just before the finish :lol:
    Hardest bit at the end was having to dodge all the people on the way back from the 50 and keep the pace up going into the wind. Some sections were very hard. The end while in West Bridgeford was even more dangerouse, we were trying to keep a high pace but the other riders on the shorter rides were spread across the roads woundering all over the place not letting anyone past. Ok it wasnt a race but when you want to put some power it it gets hard to have to keep braking, moving around and then powering on again.
    Good day though. Still waiting for the results to go up.
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194
    alanmcn1 wrote:

    my Garmin mapped it at 130km exactly, so 30km short. You must have been near me on the road. I was Scottish guy on grey felt wearing the Puegeot outfit


    Think I know who you are, if you were helping out two guys (one in Grey on a Dawes and one in Blue on a Spec. Hybrid , me) and you stopped with leg cramp then caught us back up then then it was you! Thanks for the tow up the windy inclines.

    I suffered from a bad left knee in the last 10 miles and was not for the last 5 able to really press down hard, hence why I dropped backed at the rises into the wind.

    Was determined to finish!

    Had the energy for 15 more miles but not the knees. :evil:

  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194
    I'll be sending in the following to the council:

    1 - The car park signage was bad
    2 - Glass on cycle paths
    3 - Why was the final main road section not coned off in the left lane for just bikes?
    4 - The signage at some junctions was:
    a) not there
    b) confusing
    c) did like the diagrams for roundabouts :D
    5 - too expensive
    6 - potholes on route
    7 - marshall giving various degrees of "Clear" and "Traffic"
    8 - Sufficient signage for motorists?
    9 - Wind :P

    + any more that come to mind


  • nottscobb
    nottscobb Posts: 147
    Riding the last section down the A612 was obviously planned even though it didn't seem like it. Looking at the route map and looking at where we did go it was the section through Sherwood Forest near Ollerton that was missed out. I heard a rumour that it was because of issues getting permission to use the roundabout on the A614 by Ollerton but this was just a comment from a fellow rider. I've written to the organisers to ask why the route was truncated and why there was no announcement about this at the start or an apology at the end, I shall post back when/if I get a response.
  • tomhlaing
    tomhlaing Posts: 2
    i got a reply back from the organisers via the councils web site, see below. seperatly i found out my brother was one of the marshals for the 100, but i never saw him, make that what you will...... He mentioned to me that he thought the organisation was a joke. He tells me that they were having to chase the lead group and often missed them for the 100. and were told to stand down. not quite the same as what perfect motion had to say.

    regardless - i'm proud i managed to finish the 100/87/83/80 mile ride, the furtherst i had riden before was 50miles. I'll be looking for other sportive to get involved in.


    We at Perfect Motion organised the event on behalf of the council this year. The ‘100’ mile sportive was a new route that we introduced. On the whole it was an extreme success, however, we did have to reduce the length of the route at the last minute following advise from highways and police with regards traffic management around the north notts area. We did try to communicate this to riders, but it appears as though the message didn’t get through. The revised route was 87 miles – according to our records!

    There should have been marshals on the whole of the route, and to my knowledge this was the case. Apologies if some stood down before you made it to their section. Next year we’ll try to give a better schedule of times.

    We’ll be looking at either doing a 80-90 mile sportive next year, or getting bigger and trying to get the complete tonne! Either way, we’re pretty sure we’ll be back with another ride for the more serious cyclist!