Body Composition

liversedge Posts: 1,003
Does anyone have any data regarding the ratio between subcutaneous and visceral fat related to overall body fat?

Does subcutaneous take a larger percentage as the subject becomes more obese or is the ratio linear as overall body fat increases?

Anyone got data / point me in the right direction?
Obsessed is just a word elephants use to describe the dedicated.


  • don2wonder
    don2wonder Posts: 19
    I'm only having a stab and I dont have any data but I cant see visceral fat levels increasing as much as subcutaneous with overall body fat. A fatty is wobbly on the outside :D but I imagine that their 'core' stays in roughly the same proportions. Not very scientific or helpful I know but hopefully u get my meaning and I saw that there were no responses as yet.....
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    Did you not see Gunther von Hagens cut up a hugely fat man on telly. The fat was inside his muscle and had squashed his lungs that they were tiny compared to a normal person's. Horrible.

    People put fat in different paces. Those guys who have a 'solid' but large paunch have not stored the fat subcutaneously but it is all there under the muscle.
  • don2wonder
    don2wonder Posts: 19
    I didn't actually see that one no - wish I had, I love those programs. Your probably right then but I'm surprised the proportion of fat in and under the muscles can be so large. Does make you wonder how such heavily overweight people are alive at all!