Need equipment for tomorrow!

Anonymous Posts: 79,667
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hi. Well I am planning on joining a cycle club in york tomorrow or going along with them, but I'm not really that prepaired, normal clothes, no helmet!, no hand pump!, I need to get some equipment like today.

Is Evans a good place to go? I'm going to be getting a helmet so will have to try one on, hand pump, some of those small CO2 things to pump tyres up and maybe lycra??? But I'm too unsure about Lycra!, its going to be raining tomorrow, should I get a mud guard for the rear??



  • Yeah evans is ok. Also try York cycle works by the bar. sorry forget which one but the one the park and ride goes past. Infact I would try them over evans.

    Erm I woul deffinately recomend some lycra bib shorts and a helmet if nothing else. If your out with other riders then a pump is maybe less of an issue. Oh and you don't need a pump AND co2.

    I thought it was going to be lovely tomorrow? :?
    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    :(, changed all the time hopefully it will be nice. I will check out york cycle works, will they let me try on bib shorts? I'm just worried about looking like an idiot with lycra on, I want to try it but I dont want to be made fun of.

    Going to hopefully be meeting Clifton CC tomorrow and going on a 40-50mile ride but I want be have the basic stuff that will allow me to go, going to try and do 40-50 combined miles today to test my rear wheel out as its been going down all the time but we've smoothed the rims on the inside, put double rim tape on so it should be fine if it survives the 50 miles I plan to do all together today and what better day hopefully no rain untill 4 and around 13mph wind, not too little not too much.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Don't worry about mudguards - few clubs will expect mudguards other than during the winter months (October - March).

    Just make sure your bike is mechanically sound (nobody likes to wait for a newbie who couldn't be arsed to sort their bike out before the ride) and enjoy the ride. You will need to have a pump, 2 x spare tubes + TYRE LEVERS as it would be bad form to expect others to provide this sort of stuff for you. Don't forget some cash for the cafe stop as well - amazing how many noobs forget have to cadge their first club coffee. :?

    Helmet / lycra not usually obligatory although it may help you may a good first impression.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    If I got a flat would I be left on my own? I think I'd have difficulty trying to fix it on my own the tyre is a nightmare to get off I'd end up going mental. At halfords they are doing a cycling starter kit with a pump in it and puncture kit for 10 quid, also has water bottle and everything, think the pump in it will be any good?

    I was thinking I would need lycra as if it starts raining within seconds my back and basically my bottom will be soacked and trousers and boxers it dont feel so good :oops:
  • zebedeecp
    zebedeecp Posts: 63
    Hi there WILLHUB

    I'm a relative newcomer to Clifton CC. Started going out with them just before Xmas. There is no need to wory about being left on yor own if ypu puncture, the group your with will help. Just make sure your bike is roadworthy and you should be OK. As for lycra most of the group will be wearing varying degrees of it so you wont look stupid.
    Just enjoy the ride and Kevin (the Saturday ride leader) will look after you. If the weather forecast is good I should be there. If there is a num,ber turn up then we will split into smaller groups doing various rides, you jst need to ask for Kevin as he will take newcomers and the less experienced.

    Hope this helps.
  • fizz
    fizz Posts: 483
    I would have thought no decent club is going to leave you on your own to fix a flat on your first ride. If they do then personally I wouldnt be going out with them again.

    I'm of the opinion that something is better than nothing and as long as you have some basic stuff then somebody is more likely to muck in a help you out.

    Dont worry to much about it, and make sure you enjoy your ride.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    willhub wrote:
    a pump in it and puncture kit for 10 quid, also has water bottle and everything, think the pump in it will be any good?
    Unlikely - I'd recommend something not made of plastic. Zefal HPX or WrenchForce are great frame pumps. The mini-pumps are ok but can be hard work to inflate to anything like a decent pressure.

    Forget a puncture kit (ok for home) - make sure you have 2 spare tubes that will fit your tyres. And don't forget the tyre levers!

    No decent club will leave you behind, but if your bike is falling to bits before you set off, it will not make a good impression.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    edited April 2008
    Ok right.

    Well my parentsd are going to give me 40 quid, so I've got £70 all together to spend on kit for tomorrow.

    Hi zebedeecp, my bike seems roadworthy now, it has had problems, sticking brakes, odd gears changing hby themselves and wobly fork at front, all have been corrected now and I've done about 50 miles since those problems were corrected, the biggest problem I had was my back tyre was going flat all the time, done 20 miles today so far and its stayed up, going to go to a bike shop and take my bike to check air pressure as I am wondering if my pump is faulty, tyres seem abit soft for 120PSi.

    I'm looking forward to coming but I'm abit worried about hills!, havent really got many hills around here so dont know what I'm like up them.

    I'll buy 2 tubes today and tyre levers, I just hope I dont get a puncture, I will feel like I'm letting the club down by slowing them down and especially if I get a second puncture I'd just be totally :oops:, but I'm going to do another 30-40miles today to see what the bike is like to make me confident its ready for tomorrow.

    Going to pop into selby now and go get some kit anyway so hopefully should be something there.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    willhub - after reading all your threads you seem like a cycling disaster - every ride you seem to get something failing on you. I guess the bad luck has got to end at some point.
    I like bikes...

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    willhub - after reading all your threads you seem like a cycling disaster - every ride you seem to get something failing on you. I guess the bad luck has got to end at some point.

    I got 20 miles done no problem today, doing another 30 miles hopefully its stopped.
  • Erm be careful not to do too much today meaning your to tired to give a good account of yourself tomorrow.
    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • zebedeecp
    zebedeecp Posts: 63
    willhub wrote:

    I'm looking forward to coming but I'm abit worried about hills!, havent really got many hills around here so dont know what I'm like up them.


    Be prepared to climb some hills. We tend to head out north of York into the Howardian Hills. Depending on which group your with determines how many hills roughly speaking. But nothing to really worry about.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Rest day before a club run ? :D Come off it he is young enough to cope, its hardly going to be 27mph ride!!
    I would buy the halfords puncture repair kit, they are good, then you can take the tyre levers out and take them with you with 2 spare tubes.
    Forget mudguards at the moment, a pair of shorts are more important.
    I would get a frame pump unless you fancy spending 20 minutes trying to pump up tyres with mini pump and the way you go through tubs will be a worthwhile investment :D
    As you student and maybe short of money a bit, forget energy drinks just get a pack of glucose powder from chemist for £0.99 and mix with squash :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    Been to selby bike center, I got a helmet, bike pump that fits on bike, a spare inner tube and some bib shorts, going to try the bib shorts soon, but with my trousers on whilst I get used to them. The pump is pretty long , about 10-12" and about 6-8" the handle extends so its fine. I havent got any energy drink stuff though, might do on my way, I'll stick to water and peach squash for now :p

    zebedeecp, they wont get ***** off with me if I struggled the hills will they? Might be abit easier in the draft of someone, did a small hill today at 20-25mph but was tired, usually going up steep ones at around 12-14mph, but I've never tried propor hills so I guess I'll just have to learn.

    Next thing I planning on buying maybe next month is clipless pedals, using normal pedals at the moment.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    willhub wrote:
    usually going up steep ones at around 12-14mph
    Either you're the next Lance Armstrong or you've got your speedo set in km/h! :shock:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Bronzie wrote:
    willhub wrote:
    usually going up steep ones at around 12-14mph
    Either you're the next Lance Armstrong or you've got your speedo set in km/h! :shock:

    That fast for up hills? Ok I must be wrong then lol OR my idea of steep is not your idea of steep :p

    I got some bib shorts, should I wear anything under the shorts or is it ok to not? Just seems like from the rear people could see the outline of my buttocks and I think it might look odd.

    Also does this helmet look ok on my head? ... C00812.jpg

    Maybe too big or too small? They say it looks ok but I dont know.
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    It's not how it looks on your head, it's how it feels.... It should feel nice and secure, not to tight that you'll get a headache, but not to loose that it wobbles around....
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Mog Uk wrote:
    It's not how it looks on your head, it's how it feels.... It should feel nice and secure, not to tight that you'll get a headache, but not to loose that it wobbles around....

    It was secure just looks abit high if you know what I mean, was thinking maybe its too small.

    You know anything about the bib shorts aswell? they make my crotch area itch abit and I dont know if I am supposed to wear something under them??
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    willhub wrote:

    You know anything about the bib shorts aswell? they make my crotch area itch abit and I dont know if I am supposed to wear something under them??

    Deffo do NOT wear anything underneath..

    See this thread from the other day...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Oh right I was just wondering, just they seem odd when you sat on from behind, as in you can see the outline of the buttocks and everything well, well thats what it feels like and I did not know if that was abit odd.
  • lugster77
    lugster77 Posts: 50
    hey willhub i'm gonna give the clifton cc sat ride a bash for the 1st time 2moro too. am doing the caledonia etape and have never ridden in a group b4 so thought i'd best get some practice in!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    lugster77 wrote:
    hey willhub i'm gonna give the clifton cc sat ride a bash for the 1st time 2moro too. am doing the caledonia etape and have never ridden in a group b4 so thought i'd best get some practice in!

    Oh right cool, might see ya there :p.

    You think they'll let me come along even though I'll be wearing a backpack, trying to keep it as light and as thin as possible, only going to have my anorak and inner tube/puncture kit in their, maybe abit of food too and money.
  • lugster77
    lugster77 Posts: 50
    i'm sure they wouldn't stop you going along just as ur wearing a bag. never been out with them b4 personally
  • Campy King
    Campy King Posts: 201
    There seem to be a few Selebians on here, where do Clifton CC meet? Is there no closer club to Selby?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    edited April 2008
    Clifton CC meet at exibition square in York, there is a Selby CC still, guy at SBC is in it, his wife (i think) said it was just old fogies in it :p

    Might be abit of rain tomorrow, I wont be the only one with no mud guards and who gets mud all over legs and backside soaked will I? Just been for a 3-4 mile run and got soaked :p, love the feeling of the wind going over me legs tho, feels all free and that :lol:, just dont want to think I would be the only one getting abit dirty if it gets wet.

    Campy Kind why dont you go tomorrow aswell? I think from what I've got through emails from them the guy who does it all is used to new people turning up, would like someone from selby to come through wistow and go that way round so I got someone to ride up to york with.
  • Campy King
    Campy King Posts: 201
    why not try Selby CC? I am sure if it is good enough for the guy at SBC then it will be OK for most??
  • lugster77
    lugster77 Posts: 50
    clifton cc closest for me from skelton
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Campy Kind from what I gather and from what the guy who is in Selby CC said at SBC its abit of a different club and not many people in, York CC seems to have more people and some people my age too.

    Also I dont mind the 10+ mile warm up to get there :D
  • lugster77
    lugster77 Posts: 50
    how you get on with them today willhub?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    lugster77 wrote:
    how you get on with them today willhub?

    Was good, only went out with I think one of the club leaders, he was called kevin and this other oldish guy called jeff I think and we did about 60 miles, I did 72 as I cycled from home, was good, shame the group was not larger, next week its 140 miles, 70 mile there and 70 mile back and I want to do that, today I took my backpack and I wont be doing that again!