White Horse Challenge

Posts: 1,160
Bo!!ocks. Yesterday, after having looked at Metcheck every day this week, I took the mudguards off my bike in readiness for Sunday, with warm temperatures and only a slight chance of a shower forecast. This was this first time my new Van Nicholas Yukon has had it's guards off to reveal the sleek machine beneath. This morning it is now showing heavy rain for the majority of the noon period.
I didn't realise that removing mudguards is tantamount to performing a rain dance.
What is the etiquette in sportives (this is my first)? On audaxes I always feel far more sociable with full guards and mudflaps on.
I didn't realise that removing mudguards is tantamount to performing a rain dance.
What is the etiquette in sportives (this is my first)? On audaxes I always feel far more sociable with full guards and mudflaps on.
a serious case of small cogs
Also just looked at the weather forecast with dismay. However, it can't rain *all* day on Sunday
Looking forward to the WHC. Downloaded the route map yesterday and it looks to be excellent. Will keep an eye out for a mudguard-clad titanium machine....0 -
It's winter bike time for me, forecast is heavy rain all day.....0
I / We are going for summer bikes sans mudguards whatever the weather!
Looking forward to it! 8)0 -
Doing 30 mile pootle tomorrow in the sunshine on the summer bike, no doubt it will stay in the car for sunday. I'm willing toitrade rain on sunday for a sunny day on the 25th May......0
I've mapped the course on www.mapmyride.com and have downloaded it onto my Garmin 205.
Here's the link http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-kingdom/shrivenham/224578808
I took the route off the White Horse Challenge website so I'm fairly certain it's right, I'll certainly be trying to follow it myself as it'll avoid keep referring to a soggy set of directions.
Like a streak of lightnin' flashin' cross the sky,
Like the swiftest arrow whizzin' from a bow,
Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly.
You'll hear about him ever'where you go.0 -
Didn't realise it was as short as that - 87.45 miles. That's a good thing if it's raining!0
You've missed out the climb of Uffington White Horse, nasty little stinger at the end, if it's as steep as I think I may be walking.
And I don't think we take the A419 at Cricklade, we wibble over it on a bridge and bridlepath. Otherwise it looks OK.
It can't rain that much after the weather today, can it? That would be soooo depressing.0 -
Steep - like HOW steep? :shock:
Can it be as steep as all that, given that there aren't any warnings (as with some sportives) about what gearing you need? (Unless I've missed them!)
Yeah it will be really annoying if it's as bad as the forecast says...after such a great day today! :evil:0 -
Uffington white horse is indeed the last proper climb if i recall corectly from last year. Its not that steep though after the first 50 yards. a 40" gear is low enough for most of us. I'm going to be using a 34 x 23 bottom gear and I cant climb.
I was thinking of mapping it on the Garmin, but to be honest the signage was so good you probably wont need it.0 -
GeorgeShaw wrote:You've missed out the climb of Uffington White Horse, nasty little stinger at the end, if it's as steep as I think I may be walking.
It was unintentional but I have no problem missing out a climb, I'm rubbish on them.Gav2000
Like a streak of lightnin' flashin' cross the sky,
Like the swiftest arrow whizzin' from a bow,
Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly.
You'll hear about him ever'where you go.0 -
Phew glad that's over, I learnt painfully how out of condition I am. I'm sorry about the very misleading info about the climbs - Ufington was an absolute killer, but the 3rd one (cant remember the name) was a brick wall. 11-23 cassette was a mistake with hindsight, and boy are my legs and back suffering now.
Hope that fella that got taken away in the heliocopter was ok, looked a bit nasty that. Thanks to the chappie who was slowing everyone down
Weather was great in the end, which was a pleasant surprise. How did everyone do? I managed 5-09 which was a minute slower than last year, but at least this year I did about 3/4 of it on my own and not sucking someones wheel. Last 3 miles were an absolute desperate flat out TT to try to get under 5-080 -
Strange day. Was going well until I broke a spoke on that really steep climb (expect it's the one you're referring to - shortly before the second feed station).
Then things changed a lot as we arrived on the scene very shortly after the accident happened. The BMCC medical team (1 x paramedic and 1 x doctor - very good timing!) got to work while the rest of us diverted the traffic. Really really hope that poor bloke is alright.
After the helicopter and ambulance turned up, we completed the ride but think we were all feeling quite shocked/drained.
Nice route though, well sign-posted too. And how lucky we were with the weather - not a drop of rain! Would do it again next year.0 -
Great route - really well sign-posted - fantastic weather for a change.
Hope injured cyclist is OK.
Does anyone know the name of the energy drink that was available at the feeding stations?0 -
SteveR_100Milers wrote:I'm sorry about the very misleading info about the climbs - Ufington was an absolute killer
When I saw it, my first thought was that metres must be rather long in Wales ...
:evil:0 -
Signage was very good. Two of my mates got lost, but they're muppets.
Had a bad day myself (have a strange cold that's making my ears go funny), but managed 5:57, which was better than expected.
I didn't find the hills too bad (unusual for me).
Hope that cyclist is ok.0 -
stu99 wrote:Great route - really well sign-posted - fantastic weather for a change.
Hope injured cyclist is OK.
Does anyone know the name of the energy drink that was available at the feeding stations?
Hi 5
Tastes ok, but boy did it give me wind.
What happened with the crash? I presume he just shot out of the T straight into a car? I passed just as the helicopter was doing a survey just before landing so must have happened just before. It kind of made you wonder about carrying on with any real effort after that, I guess once there are enough helpers and medical folks best thing is probably to fight your instinct to stop and help, and just get out of the way0 -
Don't think there was a car involved. We reckon he got to the bottom of the hill and didn't see that there was a junction (the give way sign was a bit hidden by a bush, apparently). He must've braked hard and there was gravel.0
BMCCbry wrote:Then things changed a lot as we arrived on the scene very shortly after the accident happened. The BMCC medical team (1 x paramedic and 1 x doctor - very good timing!) got to work while the rest of us diverted the traffic. Really really hope that poor bloke is alright.
After the helicopter and ambulance turned up, we completed the ride but think we were all feeling quite shocked/drained.0 -
If its the same crash/person, then the casualty posted on cyclosport forum and he's OK. Phew.
Just bruised and cut, and a busted bike.0 -
He was a lucky boy, I must have been near you Steve as I saw the air ambulance circling. As you say there were plenty helping so I didn't stick around, but very glad to hear he was OK. Didn't seem to be a car involved and just assumed he missd the junction or had a blow out, neither much fun at 40 mph
Any way on lighter matters I did 5h31 which I was really really pleased with. Top route, signage, refreshments and organisation, highly recommended. just wish I hadn't worn my overshoes...<a>road</a>0 -
Turns out it wasnt the same guy on cyclosport site, so lets still hope he's ok.0
Excellent day out, nice that the weather forecast was so wrong. Excellent organisation and signage, except for one qualification, a few continuation signs would have been nice on the longer straight-on stretches.
Made it in 5.56, which was pleasing as I'm a 54 year old only in their second year of "serious" cycling. Had a great time in the first part, tagging onto a 30-rider "bus". Very exciting.But I paid for it a bit later in the day.
Has anybody got a Garmin GPX output for the ride? I stupidly managed to switch my 305 on twice at the start (switching it off ... duhhh). I'd really like to know how steep that surprise hill was before the second feed station ... and Uffington.0 -
What an excellent day - not a drop of rain and barely a cloud in sight. The weathermen should be hanging their heads in shame
Signage was good on a well thought out route and the feed stations had yummy cake. Slight sense of humour failure on Uffington Hill which I took out on the photographer who didn't catch me at my best :twisted: . Was using 12-25 with 50/34 but think that 12-27 would have been more comfortable. Treated all descents gingerly after seeing the poor fellow on the ground. Overheard in Shrivenham that he was OK though.
5:26:59 which I am chuffed with.0 -
The energy drink was Hi 5 - gave you wind apparently. Well, how lucky were we with that weather and how wrong can weather forecasters be - and they say they can forecast upto a week ahead? - yeah right.
Brilliant event, big thank you's to the organisers, best signage I've ever seen and made a refreshing change not to slogging up endless hills. Reading about the bad crash has put a dampner on things though, if it was at the foot of that hill where the main rd T-junctioned the lane I can understand how it could have happened - I locked up my back wheel braking there - v.dangerous. Hope the guy is ok.
5hr 15m for me.0 -
Gussio wrote:... and the feed stations had yummy cake.
... and the lemon drizzle cake at the end was divine ...
One small point for the future. The positioning and organisation of the first feed station was a bit odd. There were people everywhere on the road, and the car drivers were obviously getting annoyed (OK, they shouldn't, but ...). Surely there must be somewhere nearby with a bit more space? In contrast the second feed station was ideal.0 -
Chap making the video caught me with three pieces of that lemon drizzle cake at the end. The weren't all for me, honest.....0
Really enjoyed that and seemed much better organised than the Woodcote Sportive which I did last year. Very well sign posted.
Fantastic weather as well and some of those climbs were quite character building!
Did 50 mph on one of the descents...
Managed it in 5:22:52. Other than the woodcote one its the only one I have done so not sure if thats a good time or not. Not particularly bothered either way.0