Fig rolls..............

Bronzie Posts: 4,927
edited February 2013 in The bottom bracket
..........are apparently in short supply. Panic buying has been reported by hordes of skinny men with shaved legs.

Now what am I going to put in my jersey pocket for those long rides :?


  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    It's true, someone has a fig biscuit mountain somewhere! I suggest we raise a roadie army and invade wherever figs come from! Whose with me???
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • red dragon
    red dragon Posts: 263
    Robmanic1 wrote:
    It's true, someone has a fig biscuit mountain somewhere! I suggest we raise a roadie army and invade wherever figs come from! Whose with me???

    Me. :lol:
  • buddha
    buddha Posts: 1,088
    These are desperate times.

    I eagerly went to the biscuit isle in Sainsbury's last weeked for my fig roll fix, only to find an empty shelf and a notice saying they are in short supply :cry:

    I've had to resort to making flapjacks again !
    <center><font size="1"><font color="navy">Lardy</font id="navy"><font color="blue"> | </font id="blue"><font color="navy">Madame de Pompadour</font id="navy"></font id="size1"></center>
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    buddha wrote:
    These are desperate times.

    I eagerly went to the biscuit isle in Sainsbury's last weeked for my fig roll fix, only to find an empty shelf and a notice saying they are in short supply :cry:

    I've had to resort to making flapjacks again !

    know what you mean - I've been asking in Tesco for weeks now. :evil:
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    I'm wary of figs - the seeds get under my plate and it's very painful :lol: I eat lots of dates though and they seem to be in abundant supply.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • Thankfully though there seems to be a malt loaf euro mountain. Its on sale in a special end of aisle display and now comes in standard and jumbo size packs! And two new flavours!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Thankfully though there seems to be a malt loaf euro mountain. Its on sale in a special end of aisle display and now comes in standard and jumbo size packs! And two new flavours!

    i can't eat any more of that stuff - completely overdid it on soreen last year :lol:
    When I pass those mountains on the end of the aisles, I gag a bit
  • gazza_d1
    gazza_d1 Posts: 53
    Thankfully though there seems to be a malt loaf euro mountain. Its on sale in a special end of aisle display and now comes in standard and jumbo size packs! And two new flavours!

    may be missing the obvious, and I haven't seen the new varieties, but how can you have differently flavoured malt loaf - be like having different flavoured marmite!
  • iga
    iga Posts: 155
    popette wrote:
    buddha wrote:
    These are desperate times.

    I eagerly went to the biscuit isle in Sainsbury's last weeked for my fig roll fix, only to find an empty shelf and a notice saying they are in short supply :cry:

    I've had to resort to making flapjacks again !

    know what you mean - I've been asking in Tesco for weeks now. :evil:

    The Coop is your answer, fig roll city...(and you earn your Divi on it!)
    FCN 7
    Aravis Audax, Moulton TSR
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    popette wrote:
    When I pass those mountains on the end of the aisles, I gag a bit

    Well, I suppose if you're passing mountains you have an excuse :)

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • cycologist
    cycologist Posts: 721
    God bless the Coop.
    Two wheels good,four wheels bad
  • Adamskii
    Adamskii Posts: 267
    Morrison's had them on buy one get one free last week (so I bought four) maybe they're to blame.

    The alternative to fig rolls are mini Snickers, if you can find them.

    P.S. I've been searching for a biscuits news website for ages, my life is almost complete :)
    It's all good.
  • Robspedding
    Robspedding Posts: 146
    Obviously it'll be because we mentioned in the last issue. And you wait - malt loaf will start selling like, erm, hot cakes once the next issue is out.
    Editor, Cycling Plus.
    Stop me and buy one at
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    Bronzie wrote:
    ..........are apparently in short supply. Panic buying has been reported by hordes of skinny men with shaved legs.

    Now what am I going to put in my jersey pocket for those long rides :?

    Well, if anyone has their finger on the pulse where biscuit-related stuff is concerned, it's that website; I can thoroughly recommend the accompanying book (including obligatory attack on those pink wafers in the Family Circle assortment that no-one ever touches!). As for the jersey pocket snack quandary....malt loaf, maybe? Bit on the sticky side, mind.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    Careful people, we're one step away from the "is it a biscuit" debate!
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    biscuit goes soft when it's stale. Cake goes hard when it's stale. What does a fig roll do?
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    Have packets not started to appear on ebay for five times their rrp? Are mysterious blokes not sidling up to shoppers outside Asda asking if everyone is 'sorted for fig-rolls, will buy any spares'?
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    Why is it I reaaly fancy one now just because I can't have one?
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • Adamskii
    Adamskii Posts: 267
    I might have a couple when I get home, Mmmm.

    It's all good.
  • MegaCycle
    MegaCycle Posts: 236
    That is SO weird! I take fig rolls on rides too. I had no idea they were a roadie thing. I guess it's obvious coz you can stick em in foil in your jersey pockets and they don't see to suffer much.

    Actually, my latest find is Love Hearts. Not only are they real rocket fuel when you're going uphill (pure calories), but they are full of country goodness too! (not to mention telling your romantic future, of course)
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    Oh man - I just love fig rolls.

    I had no idea that they had health benefits too (other than helping with.... errrr.... regularity).

    I'm going to panic buy a whole stack...
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    Bah! My local Sainsbury tried to palm me off with Gari-bloody-baldi's, I make it a rule never to eat biscuits named after Italian revolutionary leaders! Get me Oliver on the phone, I want answers!
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    Whatever happened to Lemon Puffs?

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • popette wrote:
    biscuit goes soft when it's stale. Cake goes hard when it's stale. What does a fig roll do?

    I idea that anyone would let a fig roll go stale, even to answer an important scientific question is just wrong!

    I'm lucky because my local Hyper Value has them on offer, granted they aren't jacobs but they look and taste nearly identical.
    I had a Crawfords fig roll the other day the fig to roll ratio was all wrong and you get less in a packet.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    popette wrote:
    biscuit goes soft when it's stale. Cake goes hard when it's stale. What does a fig roll do?
    Fig rolls are tough little buggers - hard outer skin but with a soft centre - picture James Bond and you're nearly there.

    That's why I like them - they don't turn to goo in your pocket (like Soreen - you can lube your chain with that stuff) and if you get chased by a dog, you can pelt it with the fig roll bullets. Proper biscuit is yer fig roll. Bit dry mind - make sure you've got water in your bottles still otherwise your mouth will feel like the Sahara in seconds.
  • gazza_d1 wrote:
    Thankfully though there seems to be a malt loaf euro mountain. Its on sale in a special end of aisle display and now comes in standard and jumbo size packs! And two new flavours!

    may be missing the obvious, and I haven't seen the new varieties, but how can you have differently flavoured malt loaf - be like having different flavoured marmite!

    I *think* the krazy new flavours are cinnamon and plum. I couldnt really tell the difference between plum and standard, but the cinnamon one is a real gooey treat. Personally I cannot stand fig rolls, I'd reather eat marmite, and thats not a food fit for humans IMO. If you get sick of soreen, then all you have to do is switch to welsh cakes...simple! :D
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Have I just entered the Twilight Zone? Stale fig rolls, Love hearts? Blimey :oops:
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • krakow
    krakow Posts: 110
    Good job I have an emergency packet of fig rolls tucked away in a tin at the back of a cupboard, just in case the apocalypse really does come.

    Maybe I'll open them up so as to answer the stale consistency conundrum as they're sure to be beyond their best by now. I'll keep you posted.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Do they always come in a cardboard tray?
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • paul27
    paul27 Posts: 515
    Somerfield to the rescue
    Fig rolls buy two packs get one free :D
    Farewell malt loaf :cry: