How do you stop your nose running?

bentspike Posts: 4
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
Whenever I'm out cycling my nose will not stop running? I do not suffer at any other time but whilst cycling it is constant. Does anyone have a cure? I don't really want to resort to cold remedies but if I get no other suggestions, I just might. Please let me know if you have the answer. Thanks.


  • MegaCycle
    MegaCycle Posts: 236
    Mine does too in the cold weather. I just take a hanky with me in my jersey pocket.

    Avoid decongenstants like sudafed, 1) because they cause re-bound rhinorrhea (often worse than you started with), 2) because you will fail a dope test, should you start racing
  • gandhi
    gandhi Posts: 187
    I get it very badly when I play any sport (so bad that I can't really breathe). I went to the doctor and he gave me prescribed me some Rinatec nasal spray.

    It's really good (and sports legal). On the down side, apparently it's addictive, but I'm not addicted, I can stop when ever I want, get off my back man.

    I guess if it's really bad, visit your GP.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Put your foot out and trip it up :lol:
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    When I first started, I would have swallowed a fly rather than spit it out. When I got snotty, I used to sniff a lot. Then I moved onto wiping it on my gloves. Now I just snort it out - effective and I personally find it a really attractive look :)
    The only problem is when you ride with another cyclist for a bit. If it's my husband, we both just snot away merrily :oops: but if it's someone you don't know, you have to keep sniffing or do sly wipes on the gloves. By next year, I'm sure i'll have got over this as well and will be firing at will :D
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    MegaCycle wrote:
    I just take a hanky with me in my jersey pocket.

    that's all very civilised !!!, what's wrong with the good old 'point and launch' method ? :lol:

    In answer to the question, i don't think you can, it's just part and parcel of riding a bike.
  • scwxx77
    scwxx77 Posts: 1,469
    bentspike wrote:
    Whenever I'm out cycling my nose will not stop running?

    Tie its shoe laces together.

    I just put up with it. Mine seems to slow down after an hour or so but doesn't stop completely. Blowing snot rockets is a lot of fun I find. It starts to get a bit messy when you still have a winter beard though.
    Winner: PTP Vuelta 2007 :wink:
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    My nose doesn't exactly run violently, it just feels quite damp, which is annoying.

    I just thought that was what the nice soft velvety material on the thumb of my gloves was for!!
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    I suffer with this all year, but worse when it's cold. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth helps, but when the pace is on, this goes out of the window and the snot is a-flying :x . "Snot rockets" are ok, but watch your aim - I've caught a few riders behind me before now, much to my and their dismay. :oops:

    When I first went on club runs, I remember thinking how gross it was when others cleared their noses, but now I quite happily join in with the best of them. Needs must and all that.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    I also thought that it was too much of a coincidence that there was a soft velvety material thats very comfortable on the nose on the back of the thumbs on my gloves :wink: . Cycling is the only sport that I have tried where I can confidently launch snot rockets from my nose without then trying to avoid a foot of dangling mucus hanging from the front of my face from swinging back and sticking to me somewhere. :shock: Never a good look! :(

    I have used snot rockets as my own little parking tickets for poorly and/or illegally parked cars that impede me :evil:
  • antonylp
    antonylp Posts: 33
    Must agree with the snorters, it's what i have started doing recently.

    How about "breathe-right" strips that you put on your nose, might be worth a try, they certainly "open up" the nostrils.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    PhilofCas wrote:
    MegaCycle wrote:
    I just take a hanky with me in my jersey pocket.

    that's all very civilised !!!, what's wrong with the good old 'point and launch' method ? :lol:

    In answer to the question, i don't think you can, it's just part and parcel of riding a bike.

    I'm with you on the "point and launch" method. Well put. I would add one thing though,
    "point and launch downwind".

    Dennis Noward
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    MegaCycle wrote:
    Mine does too in the cold weather. I just take a hanky with me in my jersey pocket.

    Avoid decongenstants like sudafed, 1) because they cause re-bound rhinorrhea (often worse than you started with), 2) because you will fail a dope test, should you start racing
    What on earth is "Re-bound whatsit"?

    I take Sudafed, now you tell me I'm a dope cheat :x
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    Snot shots every time. Can be used as a sign of disapproval where required. If riding in a group always drop back or pull out ahead.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I always wondered why I got this, thought it was maybe a cold coming on, does the air coming in just cause snot to try block your nose or something? My eyes also water badly too.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    All cardiovascular exercise causes this to some extent, something to do with hormones that are produced when you are exercising or something. Can't remember the details. Obviously if it's cold that just makes it worse. It's completely normal and natural though (assuming it's not due to and infection), so IMHO it's just wrong and a bad idea to take medication for it.

    I'm a sniffer rather than a blower in this situation. I mean the snorty kind of sniff that makes the sinus vibrate loudly.... you can just snort it right into the back of your throat and swallow. That way you don't lose the water... :)
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    You are a bunch of scruffy ill mannered peasannt on this forum! Really who brought you up? I despair!

    Do you not know what your sleeve is for?

    Jim :)
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    This is where a cotton cap comes in useful. Not only can one hygenically wipe one's nose, but a nice blob of snot prevents it blowing off one's head in the wind.
  • FCE2007
    FCE2007 Posts: 962
    gandhi wrote:
    ... On the down side, apparently it's addictive, but I'm not addicted, I can stop when ever I want, get off my back man...

    That made me PMSL - cheers.
    Powered by Haribo.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    See, it's completely normal....

    The extra mucus helps to intercept dust and other stuff that you would otherwise be taking into the depths of your lungs when you are breathing vigorously.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    "Effect of exercise on nasal mucous velocity" WTF :shock:

    About 125mph if I blow really hard :)
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    Cutting down on dairy helps, especially milk.

    I would avoid any chemist's product that dries your nose, that's not right. The stuff's there for a purpose, even if it's inconvenient. When I remember I carry a tissue for the odd time I can be bothered to blow my nose. Occasionally I need a good spit but haven't done a snot blast for ages.

    IMHO the fabric on gloves is definitely for wiping snot at least as much as for perspiration.
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Posts: 535
    I think it's called something like "Sport induced Rhinitis" You can get some medication to control it, but as someone has already said, "what's the point" My technique is to empty one nostril at a time while using a finger to block the other, but some of the more experienced and ex professionals that ride with our group can do both barrels together. I do attempt this technique now and again, but the results can be quite embarrasing at the cafe stop. :D
  • it seems the snot shot is popular as a sign of disaproval. whilst riding through regents park got overtaken at some lights by a guy who looked like he was trying to prove a point or up for a challenge :roll: so my co cyclist and i took up the challenge. we kept with him which he didnt seem to like so proceeded to snot shot us.he took down my co cyclist with his first shot :shock: ( he might have been a well trained snot sniper or could have been a lucky first shot ). which just left me to dodge the barrage that followed over the next 1 1/2 miles,although i think he ran out of ammunition after about half a mile and was just fireing blanks.its an odd way to show your disaproval or maybe he just had Rhinorrhea ( its my new favorite word )
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Wear a clothes peg !
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    Herbal remedy pulsatilla. Its good for people with blocked sinuses like me. It really works. If I lived in Australia Id be fine. Its the climate over here.
  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    I use the "farmer" method too, hankies breed germs and are gay! I do suffer with a sore beak after riding though and often get sore zits on the inside of my nose, anyone else suffer with this or am I a freak?
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.
  • I used to wipe and sniff but I have found a strong blow clears my nose better and for longer.

    Edit - I ride alone most of the time. If I was with others I'd have to be careful with the direction.
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    I thought i was the only one suffering from this :oops:

    I usually just keep sniffing until it becomes too much then have to have a good blow.

    Just don't sniff too hard or you will have to spit rather quickly :shock:
  • Gussio wrote:
    Put your foot out and trip it up :lol:

    ha ha ha very good 10/10 :lol::lol::lol:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • this will sound manky but i take a sweat band and you guessed it i rub my beek on there does the job and just wash it when u get home. sometimes to the snot shots but doesnt always work :x in New Zealand they made a product that covered your thumb and it was called..... A SNOT GOBBLER. i'd buy one just for the name. lol
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!