Forest of Dean Spring Classic



  • dodge1302
    dodge1302 Posts: 40
    Great event, thanks for the support Antony, I needed as much as I could get on at least 3 occassions, some of those hills are really steep.

    The organisation was great and the signs were perfect, never got close to missing where I needed to go on the route. Weather was a little dodgy at one point, but nothing too bad.

    Not sure why the climb just after the last feed station wasn't classified, that was a pig, must have been 25% plus...that along with Bull Hill and Symonds Yat were the climbs that stood out (oh and the one only about 3 miles from the start - that's just plain sadistic!)

    Only near miss I had was on a climb when a stag/deer jumped out from the left on one of the climbs just in front of me, only about 2-3 feet in front (just as well I was going slow at the time :lol: ) but then got hit by a 4WD on the other side. A few choice words came from my mouth I can tell you!

    Managed to get around in 6 hours 7 mins, which I'm pretty pleased about. Don't know what the time standards are, anyone got any ideas? I reckon some guys will have gone round in under 5 hours for sure, be interesting to see.

    Big thanks go out to the organisers, great event!
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    Something like 6:45 for me. Got rained on solidly for 90 minutes. Legs exploded several times but managed to ride the whole thing.

    An event that's very enjoyable once you've finished.
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    First ever DNF for me and I am really p*ssed off....a night away from home, soaked through and missed the Potters gaining promotion :evil:

    I was going really well - 4h 20 mins for over 71 miles (on a for a Gold standard) when my rear tyre went bang. A big hole in the sidewall the result (only 120 miles on a Prorace 3 :cry: ). Managed to line the tyre with a High 5 gel wrapper :idea: which just about kept the new tube from bulging out, then limped home to Monmouth missing out the last 2 climbs. Still managed 6800 feet of climbing though.

    Really nice event - on the whole the signs were excellent and I liked the fact you could get a decent coffee and something to eat at the end. I will definitely back next year

    At least I made it back in time to listen to the Stoke match on 5 Live

  • bonk man
    bonk man Posts: 1,054
    Excellent excellent and excellent.... good organising from top to bottom.
    Really tough event with sadistic hills but fun. The traffic was mostly ok with a few busy bits, the lane sections were a bit scary but that is all part of the fun, that last decent was insane, several miles at 40mph on dry tarmac.... :P
    I think I did around 6.20, quite pleased as hills are not my strong point as I time trial, no pb's next week I suspect :?
    Quite a few folk got cramp towards the end, I had to stop and stretch about 15 miles from the end when my legs locked up. There were some distressed looking riders out there.
    There might still be one or two still riding, one guy was walking on the first hill :? and there was some poor blighter on a MTB :roll: I hope he has his lights attached ......
    Club rides are for sheep
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    Good day. Managed 6:55 which I was pleased with.
    Made it 2445m of climbing. That's a whole lot of pain.

    Did anyone else go the wrong way at the Feed station. Very confusing signs.
  • I can agree with all the comments, the signage was good, especailly after the turns which gave me confidence i was going the right way, and i liked the counting down of the hills as you rode (walked ) them. Bonk man, that was me on the first hill, and most of the others to be fair, but then i am still not able to haul 118 kilos over the brutes without my heart rate going into overdrive, so i walk.

    I thought it was a well run event, this is my 4th event this year, and like all that i have done so far, once i get this weight down, i will be back for more cycling and less walking.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    A rather sobering fact is that this ride was 8000 ft of climbing in 130Km, this year's Etape du Tour is 8000 ft of climbing in 165 Km.

    No wonder my legs hurt!
  • JL
    JL Posts: 23
    Very good again but still very tough.

    Agree about the descents on the country lanes...I took them very carefully.

    I am not sure if they are posting all the times on the website...the winning time last year was about 4:25 I think. I would love to know the time one woman did who flew past a group of us on the second climb in an orange Halfords Bike Hut kit...we all thought we were climbing at a respectable pace too!

    Hello to the Wolves fan from Bristol and the man in blue from Wiltshire who I rode with at the start and end respectively...nice to have the company!

    Managed 5:34 which I was v plsed with although I was cramping going up Symonds Yat.

    Next year?
  • I agree Joe about the North Cornwall Tor that was an absolute brute of a ride, and i only managed the short route. I have also done the Lakeland Loop this year, and i would say that was not as hard as Cornwall, becasue of the longer distance and time to recover between the big climbs, but the hills were very steep there. The FOrest of Dean was still tough, but not nearly as sadistic as the Cornwall Tor, which was painful.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • Joe
    Where can i see the time splits?
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • pdchaplin
    pdchaplin Posts: 27
    First time, enjoyed this course quite a lot - like riders, there wehere 3 hills which stood out and had me swearing quite loudly. :P It was well

    As a group we came in at 7:20hours, which we were quite pleased with seeing we were a dragging a mate along who hadnt even ridden a bike in 10years and 25miles only being the longest training ride! :lol: The most experienced of our bunch got rammed off the road by a car 100m from the finish at the lights and ignorant driver drove off. Still we all set a top speed of 53.7mph on the downhill back which brought tears to our eyes. Cracking. :P

    Anyone know how took the photos for the day?
  • dodge1302
    dodge1302 Posts: 40
    Sorry to hear about the stupid driver, they really do my head in! Much respect to you and your friend! To have only done 25 miles and then got round in what is a very respectable time is awesome.

    I believe the photos are being handled by a few photos are up there now, so have a look.


  • bonk man
    bonk man Posts: 1,054
    pdchaplin wrote:
    The most experienced of our bunch got rammed off the road by a car 100m from the finish at the lights and ignorant driver drove off.

    Did you report it ? there might be cctv in the vicinity of those lights..
    Club rides are for sheep
  • pdchaplin
    pdchaplin Posts: 27
    Unfortunately it was not reported, he was quite lucky considering the car swerved into him and not the bike. Matt was more concerned that his brand new Bianchi had been scratched!

    Shame it rained down so heavily at one point.
  • pdchaplin
    pdchaplin Posts: 27
    I enjoyed the hill! ... _itemId=59

    Shame your link didn't work!
  • pdchaplin
    pdchaplin Posts: 27
    Some good photos on that site, but it doesn't work properly at all.

  • I agree the site photos are good, but you can not register or order them.

    I want some.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • dodge1302
    dodge1302 Posts: 40
    Photo site seems a little hit and miss!

    Rob's is I think that should work, well it does for me... :shock:

    This is me, managed a smile on that pig of a climb!
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    Thanks Dodge.
  • pdchaplin
    pdchaplin Posts: 27
    Yeah the site is a hit n miss, but I have found that the link below is his main site:

    I recognise the fella - he was hiding behind the bushes to catch us unawareness on the climb! :lol: Contact details are on there too, so I am going to try my luck and get my shots produced.
  • Here are some shots of the Cycling Plus readers team, minus Karen as she was unable to attend:

    Dan and Ian out for a gentle Sunday ride and not taking it serious: ... temId=2077

    Howie giving it big licks on a gentle climb: ... temId=2131

    Must remember not to wear green as it makes me look fat!
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • dodge1302
    dodge1302 Posts: 40
    Much respect to you Howie! That first climb was anything but gentle that's for sure...

    I saw you at the last feed station actually, didn't realise that you were part of the Cycling Plus team. How did you get on time wise?

    Keep up the good work, you'll get there, see you at the GFC.
  • Hi there Dodge.

    I am not sure of my time, i think it is about 7 hours or so. I am waiting for the offical result with eager anticipation.

    Come and say hello at the Medio Fondo, and Karen is hoping to ride there also.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • dodge1302
    dodge1302 Posts: 40
    Sure will do Howie and well done on the time!

    How's Karen now, she was having problems the last I heard - hope that is all sorted.

    And how's that new bike of yours?
  • Hopefully Karen will be fine, she is under docs orders at the moment, but chomping at the bit to be back riding. I know for sure, when she does, i wont be holding onto her wheel.

    The bike is beautiful and clean today, took me a fair while to clean the grime from Sundays jaunt. Under orders from Coach Joe i had to do a 45 minute recovery ride, and boy did i need it. It was good to just ride in very low gears and spin the pain out of the legs.

    Power ride tomorrow and then some rest before the next big Welsh classic.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    Hopefully Karen will be fine, she is under docs orders at the moment, but chomping at the bit to be back riding. I know for sure, when she does, i wont be holding onto her wheel.

    The bike is beautiful and clean today, took me a fair while to clean the grime from Sundays jaunt. Under orders from Coach Joe i had to do a 45 minute recovery ride, and boy did i need it. It was good to just ride in very low gears and spin the pain out of the legs.

    Power ride tomorrow and then some rest before the next big Welsh classic.

    which one Howie?
  • Medio Fondo
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • mozwyn69
    mozwyn69 Posts: 170
    I failed to finish for the first time ever. I puncured, my computer sensor loosed then went through the spokes then my crank snapped andfell off on that 20% hill just before symonds Yat. Thanks to the kind lady who supplied me tea and chocolate biscuits whilst I awaited rescue. I feld crap towards the end which was disappointing. I managed just over 6 hrs last year and that was with an extra 9 miles after getting lost so was hoping for well under 6 this time. Hope i can find some form before the Fed next Sunday.
    Sometimes you have to lose yourself
    before you can find anything.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    dodge1302 wrote:
    Sure will do Howie and well done on the time!

    How's Karen now, she was having problems the last I heard - hope that is all sorted.

    And how's that new bike of yours?

    hi Dodge,
    I'm going for tests tomorrow evening - can't wait, I just want this sorted. I'm still doing 150 miles a week but no hills, which may be a problem for the Etape (2 months today!! :shock: ) Once they do the cardioversion thingy in a few weeks or so, I should be right as rain.
    Ta for asking :)
    I didn't make it to watch at the weekend either. My husband took part but abandoned after 30 miles - he felt really rotten, probably due to being really overdressed and overheated.
    Looks like it was a great event though and I shall definitely try to make it down for next years.