Bored? want to play a game?
squash them on0
His cheese board0
with his enlarged
-Spider-0 -
appreciation of erotic0
watermelons in handcuffs
-Spider-0 -
And other assorted0
fruit in bondage0
with his banana0
stuck up hisJustice for the 960
local football team's
-Spider-0 -
Deflated balls in0
the Manchester derbyCustom spec Scott Scale
Custom spec Salsa Fargo
Custom spec Scott CR1
Scott Speedster S10 -
six times he tried to2022 Specialized Crux Comp Gravel destroyer
Single speed 46x16 Traffic eliminator0 -
Use too many0
fingers in her0
Glove knitting pattern0
because three is0
the magic number0
that she dialsKeeping it classy since '830
from her brothel0
when she wants0
another portion ofKeeping it classy since '830
Paul Daniel's creamy0
Sponge cakes hidden0
between his buttocks0
to magically produce
-Spider-0 -
a brain cell0
that was unused
-Spider-0 -
since the dinosaurs0