Bored? want to play a game?
because it prefers0
Rubbing it into0
the losers who
-Spider-0 -
moved to teamroad- Trek 1000
XC trail anthem X4
school and shops- orange P7 single speed0 -
of no hopers0
just like themCustom spec Scott Scale
Custom spec Salsa Fargo
Custom spec Scott CR1
Scott Speedster S10 -
He rode without0
buttocks were raw0
as a red0
White and blue0
after a crash0
stuck firmly up0
pig, goat, dogGiant XTC Pro-Carbon
Cove Hustler
Planet X Pro-Carbon0 -
Rock, paper, scissors0
Can be used0
to undo aJustice for the 960
stubborn rusty zip0
etty - do - dahCycling weakly0
said the deranged0
dwarf who hadJustice for the 960
No thumbs because0
they got stuck0
up the long0
and winding road0
and down the0
water slide wearing0
a G string0