Bored? want to play a game?
either side of0
the political spectrum
-Spider-0 -
and be bombed0
the little townJustice for the 960
because it stinks0
of, a mixJustice for the 960
of vodka and0
WD40 so that
-Spider-0 -
everybody's as drunk0
as Queen Lizzie
-Spider-0 -
on a pub0
pool table with
-Spider-0 -
a few balls0
placed, rather uncomfortably,
-Spider-0 -
very close to0
the pockets, little0
did she realise
-Spider-0 -
that it was0
going to start0
raining and she0
was only wearing0
a pair ofi like bike0
glasses that sheJustice for the 960
made out of0
red Lego bricks0
lorry tyres, and
-Spider-0 -
she looked a0
absolute load of0
hookers on tourJustice for the 960
going to Nantucketi like bike0