Bored? want to play a game?
he found in0
his left ear
-Spider-0 -
which was underneath0
the farmer's wife's0
carving knife which0
was melted down0
afterwards and hidden0
up the cat's
-Spider-0 -
bonnet, behind theJustice for the 960
sofa where all0
manner of weird0
bankers live with
-Spider-0 -
Jezmo who is0
complaining about something0
, never stops complaining,0
about being lapped0
by old granny0
sotonia who whipped0
up a storm0
in a teacup
-Spider-0 -
with a spoonJustice for the 960
-ful of sugar makes0
a car, coughJustice for the 960
and splutter when0
it has swine
-Spider-0 -
manure in the0
belching stinky mufflerSynapse Disc 3 Ultegra '14/CAADX 5 105 '110
creating the last0
one standing toJustice for the 960
pick up the0