Bored? want to play a game?
of that lorry0
that just crashed0
into a marshmallow0
shaped just like0
a giant penis0
that was strangely0
smelling of peas0
from the farmers0
market, that hadJustice for the 960
sheep in M250
, ooo eck, what0
was that noise'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
, car at 76mph0
went into theJustice for the 960
parallel dimension where0
the hell is0
a nice place0
but very coldJustice for the 960
so stay away'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
from the fridge0
, don't go intoJustice for the 960
it or you'll0
turn into aJustice for the 960
giant old man0
, editing posts out0
in the post0
bare countryside justJustice for the 960
beside the nudist0
camp, full ofJustice for the 960
swedish women jumping0