Bored? want to play a game?
but a nastyJustice for the 960
barbecue ate bicycle0
, using the spokesJustice for the 960
as forks and0
saddle as spoon0
filling it withJustice for the 960
cream cheese and0
using it on0
his face to0
impress the ladies"It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal0
. He failed butJustice for the 960
mice loved him0
and chased him0
into a cow0
field and fell0
giggling into a0
local carnival that0
had a mad0
monster size bicycle0
eating hedgehog called0
Spiny Norman, inevitably"It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal0
it got punctured0
and he hadJustice for the 960
to get petrol'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
for his car0
, it was tooJustice for the 960
hot so he0
lay down and0
poured hot chocolate0
over his headJustice for the 960