Cramp! Why?

Shavedlegs Posts: 310
I raced in the Wally Gimber yesterday, and while enjoying a break away I developed cramp. The pace wasn't particularly high but I was putting in a fair amount of effort naturally, it started as a couple of twinges but when I got out of the saddle to go up a small hill my legs sort of seized.

I managed to ride it off eventually but I'd lost contact with my companions (irrelevent as it happens). Could it be because it is longest distance I had ridden this year? or should I have eaten more before the race?

I just don't want it to happen again.


  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,079
    Plenty of fluids and electrolytes and nice warm legs usually works.
  • celbianchi
    celbianchi Posts: 854
    i sometimes find in the first 2 or 3 races of the season that I get cramp towards the end. I put it down to the body re-adjusting to the demands. I then never get it thereafter.
  • AndrewBye
    AndrewBye Posts: 35
    Cramp can be caused by a number of things...

    If that was your longest ride of the year I imagine that was the cause of your cramp, You were probably fairly fatigued at the start of the break and then spent 20 minutes or so riding pretty close to your limit?

    Might not be able to avoid it if you get close to the limits of your stamina, but eating / drinking more will quite possibly help.

    Thanks for waiting for me after I lost my chain - without that extra delay maybe the chase to the finish line would have been even more exciting :D
  • Shavedlegs
    Shavedlegs Posts: 310
    No worries. Yes, it was a shame we didn't make it a little more dramatic.

    I'm going to try and squeeze in a few longer training rides! It was a horrible feeling of being let down by my body. I admit to being hopless at judging my work rate/limits and just assumed I had the form of last September already.

    Congratulations on being so very elegant. You would certainly win a popularity contest too, I thought you were going get knickers thrown at you!

  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Technically, no one knows what causes cramp. All of the scientific progress in nutrition, training methods, medicine etc and we are still no closer to knowing what really causes cramp, but it is suggested de hydration does not help, lack of salt and over exhurtion of muscles, and it was probably the latter that did yours :D
    When racing, also with the addition of adrenaling flowing, you will push much harder than usual, it probably has nothing to do with the distance at all, more to do with effort.
  • Cajun
    Cajun Posts: 1,048
    Hope this helps some...
  • kenbaxter
    kenbaxter Posts: 1,251
    Got some great cramps on the Cheshire Cat sportive yesterday and often do on some of these brutal events! Often get them on long hard rides where I probably go a bit hard too early.

    Anyone tried stuff like Endurolytes?
  • Nope, but as a heavy sweater and prone to cramp cyclist I'm going to try them. If anyone has got some anecdotal evidence about their worth I'd be glad to read it.
  • Cajun
    Cajun Posts: 1,048
    Go to: 'What Supplements' in the Pharmacy forum..