The woman who stops traffic



  • I think that we all probably find what we consider a "safer route", sometimes however you just have to bite the bullet, and go with what is available. I am a sustrans ranger (flameproof suit on), I think what Sustrans does, and this probably sounds a bit simplistic, is to create those safer routes.
    Having said thatI can see that Sustrans doesn't always get it right. I rode part of route 1 along the North east Scotland coast from Montrose to Aberdeen, and a good part of that route is along the A94, not a cyclepath on the A94,The A94, scared the doodoo out of me

    I thought the chamber of commerce bloke left because he didn't understand the concept, ie get out ur Fin car :-)
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • BentMikey
    BentMikey Posts: 4,895
    In this case, I rather liked what Sustrans did. It was positive and well thought out.
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    Yeah, I was quite impressed with the sustrans woman.

    From the stereotype of sustrans on this forum I would have expected them to turn up with a pot of white paint and attack the pavement.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    Just watched the second episode in this series and it's left me feeling rather odd.
    I know talking about leaving your car at home and using your bike is basically like preaching to the converted on this forum but some of the people on this show came up with some excellent "excuses" for not walking, including:

    It's to dangerous, as apparently cars mount pavements to run you over in this town!

    The pavement isn't level (wtf??)

    One of the best one's though for not cycling came from one of the nurses who said it was "too dark" to ride in. Admittedly it might be a bit un-nerving if your not a confident cyclist, but you don't get experience without trying.

    It looked like it was going to go quite well, at the start of the day they got most of the mum's from the "rough estate" area walking the kids to school - the difference in the car park was amazing. It pretty much went downhill from there, and the traffic survey showed that traffic INCREASED on the no car day.

    I guess the thing that got me so annoyed was the fact that nobody seemed ready to give her a chance to hear her point and you really did get the opinion (or at least I did) that they only walked so they could get her off their backs! I wonder how many of the mums and kids would have walked if the free breakfast wasn't offered?

    I guess her real challenge will be changing the ways of the drivers in the city next week!
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  • neilwragg
    neilwragg Posts: 47
    The point is to take ownership of the problem yourselves as a community and see what difference each of us can make, and then together, collectively see the change.
    At least in Marlow most didn't think that it's all somebody elses fault.
    With the town, district and county council we have finally got printed a public consultation document proposing our suggestions to get signs and improvements to create safer cycle routes (not just cycle lanes) in and around town.
    The proposal is at
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  • dazzawazza
    dazzawazza Posts: 462
    The way I see it, the only way to really make a difference is to regulate (by force!).
    As far as I'm concerned the more congestion there is the better I feel when overtaking at twice the speed ++++. :lol:
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    congestion is good
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    Unfortunately Boston is in the heart of a region of the UK sometimes referred to as the "Skegness banana". It isn't that this area has pulled the short straw when it comes to transport funding, it's more like there were no straws left at all when it was their turn to draw. This has terrible effects on the local economy, and I wouldn't mind betting it's one of the poorest areas in the country. In many ways it's like going to a different country.

    Government are completely blind to the link between transport investment, especially public transport investment, and regeneration.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    I liked the the woman who said that the link between people driving short distances and obesity weren't linked and that it was due to low wages. How much does it cost to run a car?!?!?!?! Fat lazy pikeys
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    I think she made an admirable effort to be honest. I think that the trouble was that most of the traffic in Boston, unlike in Marlow, is through traffic from two major A-roads. There wouldn't have been much difference unless her campaign extended to the whole of Lincolnshire.

    What is most appalling to me is that there's a railway through the town that is severely under utilised - less than one train every hour. Believe it or not a two track railway can carry the equivalent freight and passenger traffic of a motorway and a half.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    I found last night's programme depressing. The stubborness of the majority of residents in Boston to recognise that they might be part of their congestion problem, and their unwillingness to consider alternatives to using the car, was staggering.

    Some hideous visual examples of humanity flashed across the screen each time the phrase, "Boston is officially the fattest town in the UK" was spoken. Unlikely to ever visit that part of Lincolnshire, thankfully.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    PS I really felt for her when she stood in the middle of the pitch, in the rain, at Boston Utd being booed by the crowd.
  • MrHulot
    MrHulot Posts: 173
    Several people have picked up on things I would totally agree with such as for an individual motorist congestion is not caused by them but other motorists. At the same time motorists are keen to support cycling as that might get cars off the road to make their journey quicker. Motorists generally refuse to think of their use of a car as traffic, other people are traffic. Until you break this circle by financial or physical barriers be that congestion charging (don't go there - just an example), reduction in parking or whatever, you will never get people out of their cars. I hear motorists harp on about being taxed heavily - which they are, me included - but obviously not enough to prompt a change in behaviour. Like many things such as junk food and poor health, if people listened then McDs would close (well obviously this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any purveyor of junk food).

    Sorry - download over.
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    Parkey wrote:

    Why do I always find out about these programs after they've been on, and why is there never a repeat?!

    Does anybody know if there's a torrent of this available?

    im reasonably sure there are several .tor's of this available. try searching in the usual places
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • derosa
    derosa Posts: 2,819

    Big H

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
  • neilwragg
    neilwragg Posts: 47
    it's on C4 on demand
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  • I am sure that the correlation between the rise in obesity, Junk food, and increased car use can be made, and I'm sure it would take some university research project to prove what we already know.
    In the early 80's McD's ( and the like) were thin on the ground, cars were expensive to run, roads poor by todays standards, and 3million were unemployed, so not much expendable income.
    Obesity problems have increased since the early 80's

    Make your own conclusions.
    Now where's my research grant? :?
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    Drawing a conclusion based on a simplistic correlation can be dangerous.


    As we can see here, global warming is clearly the result of the declining number of pirates worldwide. All hail the flying spaghetti monster!
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • Cunobelin
    Cunobelin Posts: 11,792
    I liked the the woman who said that the link between people driving short distances and obesity weren't linked and that it was due to low wages. How much does it cost to run a car?!?!?!?! Fat lazy pikeys

    There is an unfortunate concept that the car is a status symbol of your wealth. Cycling is for those who cannot afford a car.

    A lot of those interviewed cam across as " I can afford to drive - so I will" - fear of being see as poorer than you are.

    It is also interesting about how a few people are the controlers in these cases - "Fenside" changed from a closed community to a reasonably open one when one woman, the local "Matriarch" gave approval. Almost worryingly territorial.
    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)
  • karl j
    karl j Posts: 517
    Anyone know if last night's programme is to be repeated any time ?

    dvd-recorder failure stopped play !
    Morning route (when i don't get the train)

    Evening route ,
  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Channel 4 on demand. I'm watching it now. Laughing and head in hands in equal amounts.
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    Parkey wrote:
    Drawing a conclusion based on a simplistic correlation can be dangerous.


    As we can see here, global warming is clearly the result of the declining number of pirates worldwide. All hail the flying spaghetti monster!

    Just goes to show you can make up figures to show whatever you want, I once heard a great man say that 30% of statistics are made up on the spot!

    As for cars being seen as status symbols is a problem with our materialistic society in general and varies depending on the area, I'm sure a Pug that's got more filler then metalwork doesn't exactly show a high standing! Although I often find myself quite envious of those people on nicer bikes then me! Saw a guy in Camberwell today on a gorgeous black Willier racer, so I guess I'm a bit more materilistic then I thought, but i reality I couldn't justify to the wife (unlike myself, who fully understands) the need to spend more then £1000 on a bike!
    Who's the daddy?
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  • Adverts for Guinness have quoted Vic reeves as saying "88.2% of Statistics are made up on the spot"
    source Wikipedia
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • Parkey.
    Drawing a conclusion based on a simplistic correlation can be dangerous.
    Widespread suprise as 24 hr drinking licences leads to 24 hr drinking
    As experts predict 12 new massive casinos may lead to increase in gambling...
    A government spokesman denied any link between increasing things, and them getting bigger
    The above unashamedly plagiarized from Newsbiscuit.
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    Adverts for Guinness have quoted Vic reeves as saying "88.2% of Statistics are made up on the spot"
    source Wikipedia

    I think I took my quote from Homer Simpson :P
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • I think I took my quote from Homer Simpson Razz

    Possibly more accurate ? :P
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Wikipedia and Homer..........pretty much the same source.
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    So how do we think Kris is going to do in Durham? I know Durham has some of the most crowded trains in the country, so I'm guessing the road traffic's even worse.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • david2
    david2 Posts: 5,200
    Funny seeing that programme about the good burghers of Boston just as the BBC is starting to bombard us with programmes about the under representation of programming about and for the white working class of this country.

    Not sure where the BBC is coming from on that one 'cause whenever I look at the schedules there's football, soap opera, reality TV or talent shows with bits of Shameless and the Royal Family or Early Doors and whatever else the chavs of this country want to sit glued to thrown in.

    But I think I'm drifting off topic so I'll shut up now.
  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    david2 wrote:
    Funny seeing that programme about the good burghers of Boston just as the BBC is starting to bombard us with programmes about the under representation of programming about and for the white working class of this country.

    Not sure where the BBC is coming from on that one 'cause whenever I look at the schedules there's football, soap opera, reality TV or talent shows with bits of Shameless and the Royal Family or Early Doors and whatever else the chavs of this country want to sit glued to thrown in.

    But I think I'm drifting off topic so I'll shut up now.


    Shameless and The Royle Family are both multi award winning shows. With Shameless being the platform for some very bright young British acting talent. What would you schedule? Re runs of The South Bank Show!