Pictures of your touring bike



  • rdaviesb wrote:
    How do you find the Carry Freedom when touring? We also have a large Y frame, which we use for shopping, trips to the recycling centre etc, but we are wondering if it will be as good over longer distances. Also considering wheel trailer for the holiday season.

    It suits me very well. It tracks perfectly and on the level or slight inclines the bike feels totally 'normal', i.e. it does not feel loaded and unwieldy. Of course on the hills it does add weight and doing the C2C was pretty tough fully loaded. Getting on trains can be a chore as most train companies don't like them - I have had to dismantle it several times. As you will know it can carry prodigious amounts (which is not always a good thing) with ease.

    It can be stashed in porch area of my tent easily and quickly.

    Downsides are that it requires some practice in negotiating small gaps and bounces a lot if not loaded. Also one more dangerous thing that I have found is that during long downhills, the locking pin that attaches the trailer to the hub bracket has a habit of working itself loose and falling off. Potentially the trailer could have then detached from the bike. A bit of brute force repair has been necessary on more than one occasion.

    On balance I would recommend the trailer for touring.
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days