Old Git On A Bike battles with the wind (2000 miles ridden)



  • @ Mick851, I checked your Mongoose out on Google, a full susser huh, what weight does that come in at? I see that Wiggle did have the 2008 version for £539.99, no longer available, but isn't that a bit on the cheap side for a full susser, just going by the what bike posts I have seen on here, wouldn't a hardtail have been a lot better at that price for you, your choice though, hope it lasts you well.

    I still had some of my scambaiting website to finish off today, it's now completed, so I didn't do the daytime ride I had planned to do. One session on exercise bike, 15 miles at 18mph - 19mph, followed shortly after by my night ride, I only had about 5 hours sleep last night, if that, so I felt pretty jaded on the ride, I'm definitely getting an earlyish night tonight and hopefully have a longish ride out tomorrow, log for tonight:

    Sep 19th (sessions on exercise bike)

    15.08 miles (time 00:48:50)

    Sep 19th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 26.4 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.4 mph
    Distance = 16.20 miles
    Time 01:07:25

    Pulse before ride = 78 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 98 bpm's 10:54pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:04pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 78 bpm's 11:14pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:54pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2037.29
    Miles on exercise bike = 433.03

    Total miles ridden = 2470.32
  • old git on a bike,...i suppose you could say it is a bit on the cheap side, i don't know what weight it is only that its lot lighter then the cbr, which has got to be a bonus.i'd been reading some of the reviews, and about 85% said its a good bike. the forks and rear sus are rock shox, hydraulic disc brakes, 27 gears. i'll try and find out how much it weighs
  • Greetings OG - as another OG who has even less experience than you do you have any tips ? I haven't been on a bike for over 10 years but I don't smoke although I am slightly overweight :?:
  • Hi Jay, welcome to the forum, mate, if it's weight loss you are after, just get and ride as much as you possibly can, obviously take it easy to begin with and don't try to do too much, but gradually, the more you do, the easier it gets, and the more calories you will burn off.

    Don't starve yourself by crash dieting if trying to lose weight, otherwise you will only put it back on again, and you will have no energy for the actual ride, I know, I did that, eat sensibly, cut the rubbish out of your diet, make sure you take some food out for the ride to keep your energy levels up, flapjacks, fig rolls, bit of chocolate, jelly babies, banana etc, make sure you keep yourself hydrated, if you wait until you are thirsty to drink, that's too late, about a litre per hour is recommended, and if you intend riding quite a lot, get some padded cycling shorts for yourself, they make a hell of a difference.

    Another lousy nights sleep last night, no more than 5 hours kip again, felt shattered today, I left the ride as long as possible and went out late afternoon, did the usual, over to Pevensey, then headed towards Hooe, loop back to Pevensey, three runs along a 1.5 mile section of tarmac track that runs alongside some fields, useable again now that the pikey caravans have been booted of it, then back home.

    My heart beat was a bit erratic during and after the ride, and my pulse has not come down much since getting back from the ride, and it has actually gone up to 90 bpm's again an hour after the ride, I got a couple of little twinges in my chest and felt a little dizzy a couple of times, seems ok now, though, just the pulse that is high. I was going to do 10 miles on the exercise bike and then my night ride, but I think I'll give it a miss and just do the night ride, log for today:

    Sep 20th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 30.1 mph (road near Hooe)
    Avg speed = 14.2 mph
    Distance = 33.55 miles
    Time 02:20:56

    Pulse before ride = 64 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 106 bpm's 7:52pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 94 bpm's 8:02pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 86 bpm's 8:12pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 90 bpm's 8:52pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2070.84
    Miles on exercise bike = 433.03

    Total miles ridden = 2503.87
  • Re chest twinges........ you been to see your GP recently??

    Chest pain is not something to be ignored - may be nothing, but may be serious, so get it checked!!!
  • Hi Lunaeventerm no, not seen a doctor, I haven't even registered with a doctor since moving here in February, I'm not one for going to see a doctor if I feel ill, I just pretty much let nature take it's course, it's more than likely down to me not sleeping much lately.

    My pulse gradually dropped to 76 bpm's, but then went up again, so I am not doing my night ride tonight either, the computer will be going off extra early tonight, I need some sleep.
  • Hi OG - thanks for that - weight isn't too much of a problem with me but I need to build up stamina and improve my breathing - my other hobby is climbing - I'm aiming to do Kilimanjairo in 2010 - I think regular sessions on the bike combined with walking should do it but I need to discipline myself - have to say I admire the way you have stuck to this 8)

    Have to say I agree with Lunaventer about chest pains - particularly if you have an erratic pulse rate - fitness is good sometimes we all need medical advice
  • Dam, that so didn't come out right! I'm not calling you fat at all mate. Hopefully you knew what I meant

    I really should think before I type!

    BeOne Aspire 1.0
    RS Recon Race Air Solo 100mm
    Raceface XC and Easton
    Mavic 321, DT Swiss spokes, XT hubs
    Panaracer Rampage SC's
  • @ St Colin, no worries mate, I knew you were only messing about, hence my :lol: when I replied :wink:

    I decided to have a few days off to give my body a proper rest, I have been running myself in to the ground lately, what with riding, very late nights on the computer, and then other nights where I was not able to sleep much either, it was probably starting to take it's toll on me, and is probably what brought the erratic pulse on and the twinges in my chest, which have now stopped, I certainly feel better for the rest. Not wanting to go mad after not riding for a few days, I did one session on the exercise bike, 15 miles at mostly around 18mph, and then my night ride, log for tonight:

    Sep 24th (sessions on exercise bike)

    15.06 miles (time 00:50:54)

    Sep 24th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 26.5 mph (Bexhill Road)
    Avg speed = 14.5 mph
    Distance = 16.48 miles
    Time 01:08:11

    Pulse before ride = 64 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 108 bpm's 11:22pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 11:32pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:42pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 12:22am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2087.32
    Miles on exercise bike = 448.09

    Total miles ridden = 2535.41
  • I did a bit further for my first session on the exercise bike in the afternoon, 20 miles at 18mph - 19mph (mostly around 19mph), I took a rest after that, had a chicken sandwich, 3 small bananas and some fig rolls, fuelling myself up for what was going to be a 40+ mile ride out, no rain was forecast, but the sky suddenly blackened, it looked like it was raining out at sea and coming this way, so I didn't bother going out.

    Should have gone out because it didn't rain in the end, the sky cleared up at about 1/2 an hour later at tea time. I had a nice plate of pasta and tuna for tea, relaxed for a while to let that go down and then did a couple of 15 mile sessions at a good pace to make up for missing my ride, doth done at 19mph - 20mph, my thighs were burning badly, finished the last 15 mile session at 8:35pm, had a break until 9:10pm and did another 10 miles at 20mph - 21mph, that one really hurt, had another short rest afterwards and then went out for my night ride, 74 miles for the day in total, my best yet, shame more of them wern't done outside, but a mile is a mile and it did me good, log for tonight.

    Sep 25th (sessions on exercise bike)

    20.05 miles (time 01:04:29)
    15.05 miles (time 00:46:06)
    15.09 miles (time 00:46:18]
    10.12 miles (time 00:29:32)

    Sep 25th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 24.7 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.7 mph
    Distance = 14.66 miles
    Time 59:45:4

    Pulse before ride = 88 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 106 bpm's 11:25pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 90 bpm's 11:35pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 86 bpm's 11:45pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 84 bpm's 12:25am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2101.98
    Miles on exercise bike = 508.40

    Total miles ridden = 2610.38
  • owen908
    owen908 Posts: 170
    regarding your high pulse rate and chest sensations : when you do a considerable amount of exercise adrenaline can still flow around the body for a number of hours after exercise. This can produce symptoms such as high pulse rate and fluttering sensations in the chest.

    Just take it easy or you will end up overdoing it !
  • @ Owen908, I hadn't really though about adrenaline being a factor, maybe it was, but I did quite a bit yesterday and felt no adverse reaction to it.
    Just take it easy or you will end up overdoing it

    Yeah, the last thing I want to do is burn myself out by doing too much, even though I am now getting on for 3000 miles ridden, I still don't feel as fit as I think I should be, I reckon I am about 60% of what I want to be, I wont be happy until I can regularly do 100 miles in a day comfortably, without any adverse symptoms/reactions, so I still need to push myself a bit harder over the next 5 months, I wont try to do to much every day, I'll just do what I think my body will allow and play it by ear.

    I took it a bit easier today after yesterdays pretty high mileage, it was fairly windy, so I gave the outside rides a miss, but if the weather forecast is to be believed, the next 3 days gives us loads of glorious sunshine and winds right down to around 6mph, ideal opportunity to get some longer rides in on the road, with a little session indoors in the evening.

    I did two 15 miles sessions on the exercise bike this evening, first 15 miles at a lower resistance at 18mph - 19mph, second 15 miles at 19mph - 20mph at a higher resistance, compared to yesterday, I felt really tired on the second one, more than likely due to not eating much today, all I have had to eat is 3 slices of toast, 2 small bananas and 4 small cherry tomato's, reason for that was, I weighed 11 stone 13 (167LBS) this morning and didn't want to eat much as I knew I wasn't doing much riding today, roll on the weekend, log for tonight:

    Sep 26th (sessions on exercise bike)

    15.04 miles (time 00:48:33)
    15.06 miles (time 00:46:19)

    Miles on mountain bike = 2101.98
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2640.48
  • I went and rode the Cuckoo Trail again today, I felt drained riding through Stone Cross, there are some hills around that area, and I couldn't make it up one of them as far as I normally do, I had to stop and rest for a minute, my legs literally felt like lead, I was ok once I got to the trail and fairly flew along it to the end.

    I rode half way back down the trail, then sat down for a rest, had a drink, a couple of bananas and nearly a whole bag of jelly babies, I only had about 2 mouthfuls of drink left after that, and still about 20 miles to get home, I was planning to buy a few bottles of water from the Spar shop near the trail entrance, but it was closed, and there were no other shops open on my route back, I started to flounder without enough water, I stopped at Pevensey Castle, had about 6 fig rolls and the last couple of mouthfulls of drink, they seemed to give me a bit of a boost and I was ok after that.

    According to the signpost at the Cuckoo Trail, it's 13 miles each way, any websites about it also say it's 13 miles or so, but my bike computer tells me I did 11 miles from one end to the other, when I first set my computer up, it didn't have a wheel size setting for my 2.30 tyres, so I had to set it to something like 2.25, so is it a case that I have actually ridden a lot further over the last 6 months, as in, for every 11 miles I ride, I have actually ridden 13 miles? I weighed 11 stone 10 (164LBS) after the ride, wind is down to 1mph tonight and foggy, might do my night ride later, I'll see how I feel, log for today:

    Sep 27th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 24.2 mph (Hill at Stone Cross)
    Avg speed = 13.5 mph
    Distance = 53.88 miles
    Time 03:58:21

    Pulse before ride = 66 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 108 bpm's 7:45pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 94 bpm's 7:55pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 82 bpm's 8:05pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 80 bpm's 8:45pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2155.86
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2694.36
  • Just about to go out for my night ride, hmmm, back tyre seems a fair bit flatter than it was earlier on, down to about 40psi, pumped it back up to 60psi, and I can hear a low hisssss, checked the tyre and I can see a small slice in the tread, when I put my thumb nail in it, the air is pouring out even more :evil:

    Because I was late getting back from my daytime ride, it had got almost dark by the time I reached Bexhill, I couldn't use the road with no lights on the bike, so I had to use the shingle beach track for the last couple of miles, I reckon a bit of sharp seashell has gone in to the tread.

    Oh well, I have been waiting for an excuse to fit my Continental Travel Contact tyre to the back wheel, the one that came delivered with a hole already in the tread from new :x, I'll have to plug that hole by cutting a bit of rubber from one of the knobbles on my knobbly front tyre, and superglue it in place to fill the hole, then stick some more super glue in the current back tyre to seal the slice in the tread and stick that one on the front wheel, this should be fun and games trying to swap tyres and tubes, really can't be bothered to do it at the moment, I'll try it tomorrow, there is not a drop of wind outside either, proper annoyed :evil:
  • I didn't do any riding during the day, my legs and lungs were killing me after yesterday, it was also my other halfs birthday today, and I don't think she would have been overjoyed had I went out riding, but you know how it it, tell them you really wanted to go out today, but as it's their birthday, you will give up your ride and spend time with them instead ;)

    I did manage to squeeze in some time to do my puncture repair and tyre changes, though, it was a lot easier than I expected, and the only tool I needed was a desert spoon handle to get the last bit of tyre over the rim, it took about 25 minutes to take the rear wheel off, remove the tyre and tube, put the new tube and new Continental Travel Contact tyre on, but then I had to take it off again as I had forgot about the direction of the tyre, and I had it facing backwards :oops:.

    The front tyre change was a doddle, only took 10 minutes, I decided to put a new tube in to be on the safe side, and the Continental Double Fighter II tyre from the back is now on the front, I superglued up the hole and split in the 2 tyres, that worked out well, although the Double Fighers have done me pretty well, they are just a little bit soft and fragile, so I might have to invest in another Travel Contact tyre for the front wheel to make it a bit more puncture proof.

    I took the bike for a spin tonight, it's so much quieter without the buzz from the knobbly front tyre I had on there, I can't say I noticed much difference speed wise, thought it would have been a fair bit quicker with the tyre changes, then again, it's a funny wind out there tonight, it seemed to be against me going there and back, anyway, log for tonight:

    Sep 28th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 26.5 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 15.0 mph
    Distance = 15.18 miles
    Time 01:00:33

    Pulse before ride = 62 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 90 bpm's 11:28pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:38pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:48pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 12:28am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2171.04
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2709.54
  • I might not be able to get out much for the next couple of days, winds in excess of 30mph are forecast, along with rain, it's proper dreary looking down here, at least I can ride indoors :).

    I took a ride over to Bexhill earlier on to take a few photos at sunset, I didn't bother taking my pulse for that ride as I was stopping a lot to take pictures. I went along the shingle beach track to test the tyres out on it, the tyre change isn't very good for going along there mow, I came off once when the front wheel sank in to the pebbles, and nearly lost it a couple of other times with the wheel sliding away from me, I managed to stay on those times and keep going.

    I went out for my usual night ride, the wind is getting right up now, pretty bad headwind tonight, I struggled to keep the pace up to about 13mph -14mph at times, legs were burning, I know I'm definitely fitter now compared to what I was, but a lot of the time I don't feel fitter, if that makes sense? Log for tonight:

    Sep 29th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 27.8 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 13.0 mph
    Distance = 11.26 miles
    Time 51:38:8

    Didn't bother with pulses after slow ride to Bexhill for photos

    Sep 29th (on mountain bike - 2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 28.1 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.6 mph
    Distance = 14.66 miles
    Time 01:00:10

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 100 bpm's 11:07pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:17pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:27pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 70 bpm's 12:07am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2196.96
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2735.46
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    yeah know what you mean, because you are fitter than when you started you just end up going faster and further and still getting knackered heh but for me the next day my legs no longer feel like i've run a marathon. it's like a few hours post ride i feel a bit tired and weak but then recover quite quickly compared to when i first started riding again which was sore legs for 2 days.

    congrats on 2000 miles m8 :D
  • dunker wrote:
    because you are fitter than when you started you just end up going faster and further and still getting knackered

    Hi Dunker, yeah, I think that to myself when I'm out on the bike, I say to myself, well, if my bike weighed 24 pounds instead of 41 pounds (nearer 45 pounds with bottles, tools, tube, pump, food, repair kit etc), I would be going a lot faster, but still feeling not as fit as I would still be knackered, vicious circle aint it :lol:

    I decided to have a rest day today, it is windy as hell anyway, and give the indoor bike a day off as well. September was a pretty good month, I got quite a lot of miles in on the new exercise bike, that has been a godsend, and with the winter weather approaching, I will no doubt be on it a fair bit, I would have liked to have got a few more miles in on the road, but such is life, just over 800 miles for the month isn't too bad at all, I should hopefully clear 1000 miles in October if all goes well.

    Miles per month I have ridden since the start:

    February = 34.69 miles
    March = 197.93 miles
    April = 286.61 miles
    May = 343.63 miles
    June = 279.84 miles (missed riding for about half of this month)
    July = 600.76 miles
    Aug = 184.92 miles (many days missed with bad weather, broken spoke and injured ankle/knee)
    Sep = exercise bike = 538.50 - mountain bike = 268.50 - Total = 807.00 miles
  • I decided to take 2 complete rest days in the end, because my thighs are still aching more so than usual, even now 3 days after my last ride, there is still some soreness, either I'm trying to do too much and taking longer to get over it, or is it just torn muscle fibres which are repairing themselves and building more muscle?

    Another thing I have noticed with my last few rides, when taking my pulse after the ride, say the pulse is 100, ten minutes later it will usually be high 80's or low 90's, but my recent rides have seen it drop down to the 70's ten minutes later, would my recovery times just suddenly start getting better like that, it seems strange that they would? Log for tonight:

    Oct 2nd (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 26.6 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.8 mph
    Distance = 14.74 miles
    Time 59:42:8

    Pulse before ride = 58 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 100 bpm's 10:58pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:08pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 68 bpm's 11:18pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 64 bpm's 11:58pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2211.70
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2750.20
  • I have been a bit off colour for the past week, not sure what it was, felt a bit like a cold with the sniffles etc, but my chest was pretty bad with it, I have not been sleeping much either, feeling totally drained, I didn't even have the energy to go on the exercise bike.

    Today was my first time outside since the 2nd, I took a gentle ride along the Pevensey back road, I had a long rest at half as I didn't want to go too mad and also to take some photos, it's really nice out there, only the very slightest of breezes, perfect riding weather, more of the same tomorrow, so I'll be back out then for a longish ride, I'll do a night ride later on as well, log for today:

    Oct 8th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 27.9 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.6 mph
    Distance = 20.34 miles
    Time 01:23:09

    Pulse before ride = 76 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 106 bpm's 7:29pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 94 bpm's 7:39pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 82 bpm's 7:49pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 86 bpm's 8:29pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2232.04
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2770.54
  • gt3mad
    gt3mad Posts: 19
    I agree with Foregoneconclusion, and in stead of buying a new CBR why dont you just buy a treadmill for the same price, or a bicycle machine in stead it is a bit cheaper and better for you, so if your heart does stop or cardiac arrythmia your in ur home were theres a phone.

    Because if your out on your own and theres no phone acsesable ur bugerd arent you.
  • @ Gt3mad, I'm not buying a new CBR, when I get a new bike, it will be a lot better specced and a lot lighter than my CBR. I had thought about a treadmill, but I don't really like them, had a go on one a long time ago, it just didn't feel right, if you look through some of the last few pages, you will see that I did buy an indoor exercise bike for days when the weather is bad.

    I honestly don't think I am going to croak while out on the bike, if I was going to, it would have happened right at the beginning when I was really unfit, the heart problems are just things that niggle me, not a big problem really.

    Just in from my night ride, I went a slightly different way to add an extra hilly road in, and still managed to do a decent average speed over 15mph, that's better than when I do the usual flatter route, the forced rest from being ill must have done me some good, and the light wind helped as well, log for tonight:

    Oct 8th (on mountain bike, 2nd ride of the day))

    Top speed 26.4 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 15.1 mph
    Distance = 15.03 miles
    Time 59:38:4

    Pulse before ride = 74 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 100 bpm's 11:17pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 11:27pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:37pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 12:17am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2247.07
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2785.57
  • That was really hard going today, the head on wind at the start was worse than it was supposed to be, and despite having no pain prior to going out, after about half a mile, I was getting very bad pains on the inside of the top of the legs, that didn't ease up until I had gone about 8 miles, really annoying. I had planned on going out earlier in the day for a longer ride, but I hadn't been told until this morning that a parcel was arriving, so I had to wait in for that to be delivered, which finally got here at just after 5:00pm, meaning the whole day was wasted.

    Due to the time I went out, all I could do was go to Pevensey, have a little ride around the area and then headed home, because of the headwind going over there, my average speed was down to a lowly 12.1mph, but it was a doddle coming back, though. I might give the night ride a miss tonight, not decided yet, and will probably be on the exercise bike tomorrow as the winds are back up again, log for today:

    Oct 9th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 29.5 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 14.2 mph
    Distance = 26.88 miles
    Time 01:53:01

    Pulse before ride = 62 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 7:26pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 92 bpm's 7:36pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 7:46pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 82 bpm's 8:26pm

    Miles on mountain bike = 2273.95
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2812.45
  • No riding again for the last 2 days, on the 10th, my legs were sore as hell, the soreness is never ending, any time I stand up and tense my leg muscles, it's sore, even if I have not ridden for a few days, the muscles don't seem to recover now.

    I just couldn't be bothered to go out and ride on the 11th, no get up and go at all, I need to give myself a good kick as I am smoking more and more again, feeling breathless and getting lazy, the other half says I am losing interest in the bike, not quite, not sure what it is, I just don't feel as motivated all of a sudden. I did go out a couple of times today, just over to Pevensey with my loop round near Hooe and back, then my usual night ride where I pushed myself a bit harder, logs for today:

    Oct 12th (on mountain bike)

    Top speed 30.3 mph (Steep road near Hooe)
    Avg speed = 14.5 mph
    Distance = 30.09 miles
    Time 02:03:54

    Pulse before ride = 66 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 110 bpm's 6:32pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 96 bpm's 6:42pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 90 bpm's 6:52pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 82 bpm's 7:32pm

    Oct 12th (on mountain bike, 2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 26.5 mph (cycle path hill)
    Avg speed = 15.2 mph
    Distance = 14.66 miles
    Time 57:29:7

    Pulse before ride = 76 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 11:11pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 84 bpm's 11:21pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:31pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 12:11am

    Miles on mountain bike = 2318.70
    Miles on exercise bike = 538.50

    Total miles ridden = 2857.20
  • mick851
    mick851 Posts: 56
    old git on a bike,..i know exactly what you mean! i get like that, for me these dark mornings dont help. i get up at 5:30am and set of to work on bike at 6:15am. the same old route over and over again, 65 miles,a week seeing the same old stuff. it can get a bit depressing, even more so when its cold, windy and raining. then saturday i'll go off for a few hours bike ridding, prob do 40 miles but its a change of scenery and i usually feel better, oh and yes my legs still ache or i get a pain in my left knee. do you think you need a new route to go on? a change of scenery? plus you cant give up now! all that hard work you have put in! the longer you leave it the harder its going to get!!!!
  • My knees were hurting but I've found cycling tights (Altura Summer Cruisers for me) have pretty much cured that problem. Read somewhere that you shouldn't expose your knees below 18 deg C. Probably a bit high, but I'm inclined to agree.

    Just bought a pair of Winter Cruisers which are a fleece lined version for the winter. Yet more expense, but if you're not comfortable you're just not going to ride.

  • Cps
    Cps Posts: 356

    What's happened to the BLOG ?????
  • dmb
    dmb Posts: 26
    thought about joining a club? riding on your own esp in winter can really demotivate
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    OGOAB where are you?

    anyone heard any news? starting to worry now :(
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • New to this forum and just spent most of the night reading this thread. Hopefully it's going to have a happy ending!! :D