UCI Cheshire Cat cyclospotive



  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    I'm meant to be trying it on the 2nd of March so I know what it is like. But I still need to build my distances up so I'm not dead when I get there.
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Keep trying, Popette, and one day you'll simply find you can get up there. Don't forget too that on the day of the sportive you'll find that the presence of the photographer will help you to find that extra oomph you need to get up. And don't let your mind tell you that you can't do it because your mind doesn't know what it's talking about.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    my mom and her fella have asked me to do this. I am well amped to give it a go but have not ridden any sort of distance in years. Did 42miles on the 3rd time back on a bike in a good few years and didnt feel a thing during or after. I need to re-evaluate my climbing so am gonna head off to wales this weekend and see what needs some work and then concentrate on getting the legs strengthened
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Not long to go now. Has anyone had any details through yet ?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    cougie wrote:
    Not long to go now. Has anyone had any details through yet ?

    Hi cougie,
    No, nothing through the post as yet. I wasn't sure what to expect as the only "proper" sportive I have done was the Etape Caledonia and we had to register the day before and pick up timing chips etc. I suppose I should read the website again.
    I'm looking forward to it - should be good. My husband has only ridden a longest ride of 45 miles so far this year so it's going to be a bit of a shock for him I think.
    See you there
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Blimey. Is he doing the big one ?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yup. I can't tell him anything. He's got his own unique training plan! He keeps telling me that he's going to "DO IT!!" though so let's see. Maybe I'll be dragging him round, as I did on our last century? 8)
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Oh my...

    I'm sure he'll get round - eventually. Its not so bad increasing distance on a bike, but its a hell of a lot easier to do a ride that you have trained for.

    Mow Cop still looks a toughie though. I hope we can pull ourselves up on ropes.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    well i've done 93 miles so far this year so I hope that I'll find it ok. I'm looking at it as a training ride so if I get to Mow Cop and I'm feeling ok, I'll have a stab at getting up it. If I get off and walk (likely), I won't beat myself up about it. The important thing is to finish my longest ride of the year and get a bit more practice of riding around others.
  • fasterthankieran
    fasterthankieran Posts: 10
    edited March 2008
    Sign-On or Entry-on-the-line Facility : yes

    Any news on whether this is to happen?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    eh ?
  • thetrotter
    thetrotter Posts: 258
    popette wrote:
    well i've done 93 miles so far this year so I hope that I'll find it ok. I'm looking at it as a training ride so if I get to Mow Cop and I'm feeling ok, I'll have a stab at getting up it. If I get off and walk (likely), I won't beat myself up about it. The important thing is to finish my longest ride of the year and get a bit more practice of riding around others.

    Good luck with Mow Cop. But remember that there are two big climbs at the end and don't underestimate Bosley Cloud. Starts steeper than you expect and then drags on and on (although there is a little downhill section to help you get your breath back).
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Is everyone/anyone using saddle bags ? - I'm in two minds, due to vantiy (bit sad, I know :) ) - wondering whether to get one in the next few days - it's either that or putting the multitool/chainsplitter etc in a small bag in the back jersey pocket.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    i've got a little bag under my seat with bits in it. Is that what you mean or something larger?
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    Same I have a small bag with a few bits in, everything else goes into the Jersey jackets now. I'm getting nervous now. My longest ride has been 80miles, but that was back in January.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    No I don't use a saddlebag or a seatpack - though plenty will use the latter. I just stuff a minipump, spare tube and patches, phone, money and some food in my jersey pockets - and depending on the forecast maybe a waterproof or gilet.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    popette wrote:
    i've got a little bag under my seat with bits in it. Is that what you mean or something larger?

    Yes, one of those smaller saddle bags - after having had another look, think I'll get one. Amongst other things, I'm taking spare tubes, tyre levers, Multitool, Chain splitter, KMC missing links - (I'm a bit bothered that my chain's going to go, but probably unlikely).
  • Hi,

    Anyone selling their entry?

  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Just had a look at the Met office long range forcast for the Cat:

    http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/ ... ather.html

    Looks unsettled at the mo :shock: - happy enough in rain, not keen on headwinds.
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697

    Anyone selling their entry?

    I'm 90% certain not going to be riding, sadly - lurgy and all. And I gots to be right for Tour fo Flanders the following Saturday. I just gots to be!
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    Well it can't be worse than this weekend, I live on the route and we've had driving rain, gales, hail, snow and sunshine all in the space of a few hours. Not really been tempted out on the bike the last couple of days.
  • vermooten wrote:

    Anyone selling their entry?

    I'm 90% certain not going to be riding, sadly - lurgy and all. And I gots to be right for Tour fo Flanders the following Saturday. I just gots to be!

    If that the case Vermooten,

    Please contact me on onjayuk@o2.co.uk then we can arrange transfer.

    Many Thanks!!!!!
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    OK I've sent you that email.

    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    :evil: I really hope the weather does turn out to be better than this weekend! I would like to ride around on a nice light bike rather than slog round on a winter bike with snow and strong winds!

    Been back from Majorca for 6 days and it's been a rude shock! :? :roll: :x :wink:
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    The organiser's email's through now, with links for info - check your emails.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Weather round Whitchurch/nantwich/Chester was lovely yesterday. OK a bit windy, but no snow, blue skies (apart from 2 tiny hail showers) but all in all - a lovely 90 miles.

    I could see the snow on the hills in the distance tho ! V pretty !
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Forcast still unsettled:

    http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/ ... ather.html

    Hoping for sub 15 mph wind though :D
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Well - event done :D - did the 100 kilometer /60 miler - ride time 4:19 (probably 15-20 mins approx at Shady oak feedstop to go on? - will have to wait and see) - thoroughly enjoyed it - 1st half was far harder than the 2nd half - there was literally a constant headwind for much/most of the first 29 miles - in addition, plenty of hills including a what seemed like a few nightmares (the Yeld, amongst others......) - the 2nd half was much flatter and we benefitted at times from a tailwind - Partial ACL right knee is killing me, backsides hurting, bits numb, other than that, feeling good 8) Full respect to the 155k guys - one or two mini Peltons went past near the end (I'd estimate I started about 1 hour - 1:15 after them though - I started quite late) - they were shifting, and given that the'd already done 95 miles it was impressive 8)

    All in all, enjoyed the event - after this it's going to have to be the 155k next time......... if I've had surgery in time.

    Thanks to Geoff, other staff, helpers and that lady at the start/finish who had a few nice words both before and after :D
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    I found that really tough. Made it up Mow cop though. Yey!!!
    I cramped up not long after the Cloud, then I missed the signs and went the wrong way. -doh!

    The weather was great, even the wind had died down a bit compared to the last few days.
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    Yes it was hard, but fun. I also made it up Mow Cop. Also missed some signs and ended up doing 6miles extra. Ride time was 7hours 5minutes but no idea how much I added on queuing for the toilet and working out where we had got lost.

    very tired now!