Tossers who cant keep their traps shut

mailmannz Posts: 173
edited December 2007 in Commuting chat
Picture this if you will. For the last month, I have biked past the same guy every morning on my way to work and he always makes a point of saying "wrong way", as I cycle by him.

What really grates me though, is he is saying this in a one way street...where HE is the one cycling the wrong way!

This morning it came to a head, as I was just entering a up hill path and he was coming down saying "wrong way"...I just screamed aggressively at him "what f8cking way should I be going up this hill?" :D

Wonder if he will say anything tomorrow?

Anyone else get annoyed at people who cant help themselves but to say something to you while cycling?



  • JinjaNinja
    JinjaNinja Posts: 1,033
    yeah, i'm one of those people! But then i get it right when i'm saying that there in the wrong. I'm also one of those people who shout at car drivers to putthere lights on when its dark and they forgot... Does that make me a bad person?
  • WyS
    WyS Posts: 254
    clothesline him.

  • mailmannz wrote:
    Picture this if you will. For the last month, I have biked past the same guy every morning on my way to work and he always makes a point of saying "wrong way", as I cycle by him.

    What really grates me though, is he is saying this in a one way street...where HE is the one cycling the wrong way!

    This morning it came to a head, as I was just entering a up hill path and he was coming down saying "wrong way"...I just screamed aggressively at him "what f8cking way should I be going up this hill?" :D

    Wonder if he will say anything tomorrow?

    Anyone else get annoyed at people who cant help themselves but to say something to you while cycling?


    Are you Bill Murray in Groundhog Day?
    If you are, then he will probably say it again tomorrow.

  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    Maybe he's French orAmerican?
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It seems that you are not the one riding your bike, but he is. Who cares what he says or thinks. Get over it.
  • Andy65
    Andy65 Posts: 14

    When he says to you "wrong way" just reply "yes you are"

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    mailmannz wrote:
    Wonder if he will say anything tomorrow?

    Avoid him/her. Period.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Personally, I rather enjoy the feeling of cameraderie on the roads - nothing wrong with some jovial banter first thing in the morning.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    I only tend to shout at peds

    Otherwise, occasionally speak to cyclists, eg extremely easy-on-the-eye young lady whose back light needed adjusting...

    ...and me a married man... :oops:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    SecretSam wrote:
    I only tend to shout at peds

    Otherwise, occasionally speak to cyclists, eg extremely easy-on-the-eye young lady whose back light needed adjusting...

    ...and me a married man... :oops:

    Girls though, rraawwaar.

    Girls on cycles, rrrrrrrrararwraraaarwar!
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    JinjaNinja wrote:
    yeah, i'm one of those people! But then i get it right when i'm saying that there in the wrong. I'm also one of those people who shout at car drivers to putthere lights on when its dark and they forgot... Does that make me a bad person?

    No, last time I saw a polis man (on foot) and a car driving with no lights on after lighting up time the polis man shouted "lights" at the occupants, the reaction from with in the vehicle was the turning on of the lights.
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • BentMikey
    BentMikey Posts: 4,895
    I sometimes tell off red light jumpers, and I always tell off drivers on the mobile phone. Had one today, I was pointing at him and beeping my AirZound. He tried to ignore me, until I pointed the helmet camera at him, at which point he instantly dropped the phone. I made phone to ear and putting down signs to everyone watching, he was well embarrassed.

    OTOH your guy sounds like a right nutter Mailmanz. Loved your response, I can't wait to hear how he responds tomorrow!!!
  • neslon
    neslon Posts: 54
    On the edge of Gosforth park is a cycle path my mate Daz & I have named 'lunatic alley' after in honour of a cyclist with some major issues. If I am on my own, he simply cycles past & ignores me. If I am with Daz, he starts weaving violently from side to side & waving his hand in a 'get out of the way' sort of wave. This starts up to a hundred metres away. The only sensible response, of course, is to howl at the moon as we pass, make cockerel noises etc. It is entirely likely that he works at the DSS (a major employer just up the road) so is understandably mental. The other (not mutually exclusive) possibility is that as a total billy, he hates the idea of anyone with a friend.
  • Some teenager shouted 'Stop! Red light!' at me as I cycled down the road on the way home with no traffic lights in sight. He got duly ignored, obviously a bit special.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 12,152
    mailmannz wrote:
    Wonder if he will say anything tomorrow?

    So, what happened??!
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • is it on ahill where you pass?
    Once i was going down from jubilee tower into quernmore and passd an older guy coming up the 17% slope.
    He shouted to me "wrong way mate"- making out i was going the easy way, downhill.
    this isnt a one way street though.
  • dondare
    dondare Posts: 2,113
    He might have been making a joke, rather than putting you right.
    He might have been criticizing your cycling technique.

    But don't cycle along one-way streets in the wrong direction.
    This post contains traces of nuts.
  • I've just spent some time in Brugge, hired bikes, and had a great time, until riding along the rather odd one way for cars but 2 way for bicycles streets, I had some little $#!t on a Moped rding behind me pipping his horn. He could not overtake because of the traffic coming the other way. He eventually see's a gap, and whizzes past, giving me the finger on the way, to which I gave an appropriate response very loud in English. He then locked up the back wheel,(not sure if this was some attempt to intimidate me) he almost drops it, and then turns hard right across a footpath, and takes the front wheel out on a young girls bicycle as she was pushing it along the footpath talking to friends.

    I Guess what I am saying is: Never underestimate the Power of Idiots, and definitley never underestimate the power of idiots in large groups.

    BTW don't fortget to vote for Sustrans
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • BentMikey wrote:
    I sometimes tell off red light jumpers

    What are you? Some kind of lycra wearing vigilante?

    Get a fucking grip man its not like they've abducted maddy is it!
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    I once got shouted at by some random pedestrian "you've jumped a fuckin red light you idiot". He was about 5 yards away on the pavement approaching the associated ped crossing which was on green man. I was cautiously approaching T junction and checking for traffic before filtering into bus lane. I would have to had made a major detour onto the pavemnt & speed up a lot to put him in any danger whatsoever.

    I just smiled and said "morning"
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • BentMikey
    BentMikey Posts: 4,895
    BentMikey wrote:
    I sometimes tell off red light jumpers

    What are you? Some kind of lycra wearing vigilante?

    Get a fucking grip man its not like they've abducted maddy is it!

    Since I've had two cycling mates injured by RLJing fcukwits, and it's a huge problem for many non-cyclists in London, yes, actually, it is a little.

    If you don't like getting social pressure and public embarrassment, then don't do it. RLJers should get a grip, because it's not me breaking the law.
  • Ahh, my bad. I thought you were refering to red light jumping cyclists.

    My resoning for that would be " how can you harrang a motorist who's jumped the light and sped off", but then again you are talking about traffic in london.

    Please accept my appologies.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Ahh, my bad. I thought you were refering to red light jumping cyclists.

    My resoning for that would be " how can you harrang a motorist who's jumped the light and sped off", but then again you are talking about traffic in london.

    Please accept my appologies.

    I had to laugh this morning - watched a cyclist lambasting a driver for jumping an amber/red light. At the next traffic lights, said cyclist hopped up onto the kerb to avoid waiting at a red. The joys of living in a double standards culture.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    BentMikey wrote:
    BentMikey wrote:
    I sometimes tell off red light jumpers

    What are you? Some kind of lycra wearing vigilante?

    Get a fucking grip man its not like they've abducted maddy is it!

    Since I've had two cycling mates injured by RLJing fcukwits, and it's a huge problem for many non-cyclists in London, yes, actually, it is a little.

    If you don't like getting social pressure and public embarrassment, then don't do it. RLJers should get a grip, because it's not me breaking the law.

    Fair comment, Mikey - RLJ'ers are a menace and make drivers treat the rest of us like scum

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • BentMikey
    BentMikey Posts: 4,895
    Ahh, my bad. I thought you were refering to red light jumping cyclists.

    My resoning for that would be " how can you harrang a motorist who's jumped the light and sped off", but then again you are talking about traffic in london.

    Please accept my appologies.

    Actually I was referring to cyclists, but I've spoken to RLJing drivers as well in the past. Why would it be OK to harangue a driver and not a cyclist? Double standards on your part, surely?
  • Belv
    Belv Posts: 866
    Daniel B wrote:
    mailmannz wrote:
    Wonder if he will say anything tomorrow?

    So, what happened??!

    Oh dear.
    You don't suppose mailmannz got clotheslined the following day after his outburst?!

    (I must admit when i first read it, i did think it could have been some flippant remark regarding his own riding that became a sort of 'in' joke that he thought the two of them shared.)
  • Well its been somthing of an anti-climax, havent seen the bugger the last few days! :)

    Incidentally, since I havent seen him the last few days, my blood pressure hasnt been nearly as high as it usually is at our usual meeting point too.


  • tardington
    tardington Posts: 1,379

    Mailmannz, I reckon ths counts as a WIN for you!

    I must try this on my commute 8)
  • ellesse
    ellesse Posts: 103
    I usually shout at cyclists who jump red lights!

    i don't really give a toss if their hit by anything, (except for poor driver's who have to deal with some injured D**K head and a damaged car) but its the message their giving out to everyone around them.
  • Mailmannz - are you the one on Contractor UK?