Best overtake of a non-cycle



  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    the chase in that clip is a real car chase, the front police car has been digitally edited into being a police car (hence it looking different to the second car)

    the cyclist has been added.
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    Adamskii wrote:
    Try slip streaming in behind buses thats even more fun.

    I did that once on Vauxhall bridge, I thought I was being stupid but carried on.

    When we stopped on the other side I noticed the reg of the bus was 666 DYE (or something very similar with 666 and DYE in it).
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    pjh wrote:
    Last week I was following a a tractor pulling a cart-load of horse manure !! It really stank and I couldn't stand it so I shot passed him doing 25 mph .... the look on the farmers face was priceless :lol:

    It was even funnier when he tried to catch me up ... and couldn't ... haha

    Mind you it's worth pointing out ... that it was an exceptionally SLOW tractor :oops:

    Me and a mate did this after a long Sunday run - the tractor was doing about 25 so we sat behind it for a few home and realised I stunk like the manure - good decision to go round it....
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    On Thursday, every single vehicle sitting the Queue for the Tay Road Bridge (Does it count that I was on a different carriageway?)

    On Friday wishing I hadn't slept in and the only chance I had of getting to work at a reasonable time was to drive in the post morning rush emptiness.

    Also managed 2 cars and a bus, though the 2 cars were stuck behind the bus and the bus was at a stop as was the bus going the other way and the gap wasn't big enough for any car to get through :)

    Open road overtakes, er other cyclists :(
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    Best one's easy;

    Going along on a flat stretch of road, aston martin comes haring past, turns off down the hill I'm about to follow. It is a very steep hill, but a singletrack road. The verge is ride-able. I think you can guess the rest.

    That was a good day. :D
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Not overtaking but...

    Was out on a ride with a friend, along some country roads in Staffordshire. A tractor overtakes us, doing about 25mph. I say to my friend "Think you can draft a tractor?" and give a grin before getting out of the saddle and sprinting up to the back of the tractor. Turns out that yes, you can draft a tractor. Only stopped because I'd completely dropped my friend in doing so...
  • Brains
    Brains Posts: 1,732
    As a London commuter we all regularily beat traffic off the lights, however my most recent 'Personal Best' was overtaking 2,000 cars (esitmate, 8 mile commute, all solid traffic, 250 cars to the mile if each one is 7m in length including space) I was finally overtaken by 2 taxis in the bus lane over London bridge. So 1,000 to 1 ain't bad
  • My best overtake was probably a dust cart coming down the steepest part of Knights Hill in Upper Norwood, just after the Crown Point crossroads! No one was coming up so I changed up to my top gear and pulled out round him and a traffic island! Very dangerous but OH SO fun :-) My cycle computer was showing a Max Speed of about 45 by the time I got to the next lights!

    Unfortunately I don't use this route on my commute now as my aging bike is starting to develop a worrying wobble at these high speeds, so now I use the route straight through Streatham into Brixton and get to blast down the longer, shallower and slightly slower hill towards Brixton Police Station!
    Who's the daddy?
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    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • whome
    whome Posts: 167
    Also going the wrong side of a traffic island is quite illegal.
    Training, highway design and increasing cycle numbers are important to safety. Helmets are just a red herring.
  • My personal best (and probably the most dangerous) was coming down Birk Brow a couple of years ago - if you don't know it, it's a stretch of dual carriageway at 16%, on the Moors Road between Whitby and Guisborough.

    The two of us came down the outside lane at 55 mph+ and overtook a couple of (comparatively) slow-moving HGVs. The driver of one caught us up near Guisborough and used every fragment of his broken English to tell us exactly what he thought of us...
  • The two of us came down the outside lane at 55 mph+

    Seriously. I have an ambition to hit 40mph before 40yrs (about a year). Think i need some new legs.

    Love passing slow and stationary traffic. For reasons I can't fathom it brings a sense of peace to my head, followed by giggling.
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    Might not be the best, but it was the most satisfying :twisted:

    Last night coming up to a light controlled junction, two lanes, plenty of room for everyone...except apparently for the driver of a Bentley, who overtook me (a little too close, but I forgave them), then he pulled closer to the curb cutting me up in the process - no motor bikes around, and all the other cyclists were near the curb. By pulling close to the curb he just stopped everyong filtering through. A nice thought I believe.

    So my stunning piece of overtaking was to get off my bike, push it past him on the pavement and plonk my bike down infront of him, get on it and wait for the light to turn. :wink:

    No words of abuse or hand gestures. Just a smug grin inside...It was petty, I know, but gave me a great feeling....almost as good as when I filtered past him at the next set of lights. hehe
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • El Gordo
    El Gordo Posts: 394
    snooks wrote:
    So my stunning piece of overtaking was to get off my bike, push it past him on the pavement and plonk my bike down infront of him, get on it and wait for the light to turn. :wink: .

    Too right. I don't normally try too hard to filter to the front but if someone deliberately cuts in to prevent me from doing it then I feel like I should rise to the challenge and will go round the other side of them or something just to get in the way.

    Childish I know but I just can't help myself.
  • clarkson
    clarkson Posts: 1,641
    I know there's a lot of car hate on this forum, [/quote]

    car hate?? why? i dont drive, but they;re still fantastic. well, apart form the ones that run you over!!
    I said hit the brakes not the tree!!

    2006 Specialized Enduro Expert

    2008 Custom Merlin Malt 4

    2008 GT Avalanche Expert
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    El Gordo wrote:
    Childish I know but I just can't help myself.

    Neither could I...And the thought him having to look at my fat rse while waiting for the lights was even more rewarding! :twisted:
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • I once saw a motorbike pass four cars doing about 30, following a slower car on the way down the Snake pass and thought why not? So I followed him and got past all four.

    My favourite of all time was passing a four wheel drive in Richmond park on my way in to London from Surrey - he didn't like it and tried to stop me getting in despite the oncoming cars - so I made sure, after suitable friendly gestures that I passed the slower cars ahead and disappeared in to the distance...
  • overtook an articulated lorry this morning....... but i think it was stuck in low range
  • My favourite overtake was descending into Italy from France (somewhere in the Alps). We caught a huge timber carrying truck, with an enormous tailback of cars behind it. Overtook the cars no problem, but getting past the truck looked difficult due to its length. This guy pulled over to let us past, then accelerated and pulled back onto the road before any cars could get through! :lol:

    Laughed our way down the rest of the mountain!
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Overtook a single-decker bus (big square rear :)) on my Road-bike early this morning after drafting it for roughly 1 - 1.5 miles at 25 mph approx - got tired of waiting and went past seated on the flat/1-3% decline at 28-29mph approx - didn't exactly blast past, more cruised - there was a car sitting behind me for much of the 1-1.5 miles - usually I'll stay on the left but it was an easy draft at full road-vehicle speed so I sat in the middle - would have been nice to see the car drivers reaction as I eventually sauntered past the bus 8)
  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    Technically a commute I suppose. A few years ago while serving in HMF rode the 90km from Thumrait to Salalah in Oman. On the kin scary descent of the Jebel had to overtake a small refridgerated truck driving in a crawler gear, i'm up around 40mph and accelerating. A local in a BMW sees truck and strange european on bike and goes to overtake. I realise he's completely ignored the fact that I am shifting and think, "Can I stop? No! Options, crash or take the hard shoulder by the 150m cliff." Take option 2 and beat the BMW past the truck. Beemer kindly follows me to the next straight (8km 1 in 6) before he overtakes.

    If anyone has the same mad idea to cycle from Muscat to Salalah please dont buy me a G&T
    Help I'm Being Oppressed