Sportive section to the road area?

Matt Payne
Matt Payne Posts: 39
At the moment sportive topics seem to be dotted across a number of areas, rides, race etc is it possible to make finding these topics easier for riders by grouping them in one section?

For example, I would like to let riders known how Derek Boocock the ex-organiser of the White Rose Classic is getting on, I would like to ask riders opinions on feed stations on sportives where should I post these they are not rides as such, not races either......

Matt Payne
Actions speak louder than words, a man stands by his deeds, thought before action if you have time.


  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Great minds think alike Matt. I was about to post with the same request.
    As sportives are the biggest growth area in road cycling it would be good to see a section on the forum for unbiased reviews, information and discussion on the topic.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    If there's enough interest to create a new section we'll certainly do it.
  • Hw do we find out.......

    Do you post a sticky somewhere....????

    Matt :wink:
    Actions speak louder than words, a man stands by his deeds, thought before action if you have time.
  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    yep,I third Matt's suggestion. Good idea,we need a seperate sportive section for rides, info and general chat. Lets get it on PLEASE. :D
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,313
    One out - how about the near defunct ProTalk - and one in- for sportives - would be my suggestion (and yes I know you're facing technical issues with deleting a section without deleting the posts).

    I'd use it.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    I'd be interested
  • Good idea, I'm never really sure whether posts about these should go in ride or race at the moment and the truth is that they sit comfortably in neither.
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • Yes please - and about time too.
  • Yes, please.

  • Me too

  • Me too!!
    "To suffer on a bike is noble..." Henri Desgrange
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
  • Do it
    You hear that? He's up there... mewing in the nerve centre of his evil empire. A ground rent increase here, a tax dodge there? he sticks his leg in the air, laughs his cat laugh... and dives back down to grooming his balls!
  • Doom
    Doom Posts: 133
    FCN: 4
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    In order to keep the size of the road forum the same as it is now, and considering the fact that there's no need for Pro Talk and Race, it would seem sensible to simply rename 'Pro Talk' 'Sportive', and continue from there.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts, but this idea works for me.

  • Sounds good
  • Yup, this would be a section I'd turn to. I'd be interested in reading other people's recommendations in advance of a ride, along with any reports of people's scouting trips, and of course those stories of delight (or woe!) following the event
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    M.Cole wrote:
    In order to keep the size of the road forum the same as it is now, and considering the fact that there's no need for Pro Talk and Race, it would seem sensible to simply rename 'Pro Talk' 'Sportive', and continue from there.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts, but this idea works for me.


    Sounds good if you can do that. Thanks for taking note of our requests! :)
  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    sounds good to me too, thanks very much. Much appreciated allround I think :D
  • Sub3_99
    Sub3_99 Posts: 1,591
    Let's have a cyclosport section.
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    Sounds like a good plan.
  • yakk
    yakk Posts: 589
    Me too.
  • Wow how good is that :D

    If we do get a new sportive section which given the amount of vievs & post in such a short time can`t be far away.... :wink:

    Lets make life a bit easier for the tech guys at the bike radar office & flag up threads that could / should be moved to the sportive section...............

    Can I start with the multi page monster that is in the race section

    Any other threads.... :?:

    Actions speak louder than words, a man stands by his deeds, thought before action if you have time.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Sorry to be e negative, but it is a democratic forum :D
    I still don't see the need for it.
    A sportive is a ride and we have a ride section.
    It is not a race so woukd not be under race section.
    So currently there is a mtb section, then the road section which has track, rides, training, race?
    Is that not enough?
    I do not see any difficulty or confusion in using the rides section for sportives?
    Next we will be having another for audaxe, then charity rides, etc.
    Keep it simple, rides cover all rides except racing?
    Again, there are not that many posts in here for sportives so is there really justification for another section?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Good point oldwelshman...
  • I gotta agree with the democratic point oldwelshman :lol:

    As for demand 8 out of 20 of the threads at the moment on the 1st page of rides relate to sportives, 5 out of 20 on the second page so I figure there is no shortage of talking about sportives going on, the track section has less threads total and that is track RACING????

    However where it starts to get confusing is that the top 3 page thread in race is also a sportive thread.........

    Add to that the fact that the rides section is described as....Organising a chain gang? Know any good rides?....I just don`t think saying lump em in with rides works :?


    ps before all the trackies have a go at me amongst the events I am involved in promoting is a 13 round track league 8)
    Actions speak louder than words, a man stands by his deeds, thought before action if you have time.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    edited November 2007
    Sportives are different from just rides. If they weren't they wouldn't be attracting the sort of numbers that they are doing. The rides and race section would be better without being full of sportive threads. To replace the redundant ' pro cycling' section with 'sportives 'wouldn't add any more sections, but would make the existing sections rather tidier.
    There is a need for an independant sportive forum, because at present the only altenative forums, though in many ways excellent, are not totally impartial, and understandably perhaps , have their own agendas.
    It's funny how the word 'sportive' sometimes generates a degree of hostility in parts of the cycling community.
    Without doubt, however, sportives are one of the most effective ways of bringing more people into cycling. The forum should reflect this.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    It is really a case of is there enough demand.
    At the moment I don't think so.
    In rides, there have been only a total of 20 pages of posts since June and that covers all sections.
    I suspect some people post in other forums also.
    For example, you are right about track, that could be included in race now it is established there is not much action there, so to speak :D
    I race track, but use the veloriders forum for that as that is where the vast majority of track riders post.
    I know a lot of people post spotive posts in cyclosport forum.
    One of the good things about the old c+ forum was its simplicity.
    I ride sportives, track and race and look at most forums but to be honest the more sections there are the less I look.
    I hardly look at the race section as it is mostly about contineneal racing.
    These days I mostly use training, rides and beginners sections, then when I have some more spare time look in cakeshop, gear and know how and racing.
    When I log into rides, often there have been no changes since the day before si it is not that heavily used as in old forum.
    It is a pity so many of the old forum users dissapeared.
  • Might be a sportive section would bring some of the old forum users back from other forums & introduce new riders............... :?:

    Actions speak louder than words, a man stands by his deeds, thought before action if you have time.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Possible but unlikely.
    If you look at the number of posts, by far the most popular are :
    21697 road gear and know how
    17473 beginners
    16775 race
    11275 cake stop.

    Then :
    5530 training
    5574 rides.

    This does nbot surprise me as training info can be found on many websites so a lot of the posts tend to be questions about training and asking for advice and info on websites.
    Same for rides, as lots of info is available on the net for sportives and the cyclosport site is very good for advice and for events.
    The gear and know how is mpost used which again is no surprise due to experience of people in here being able to help quickly.
    Surprisingly the cake stop s more popuar, probab;y as it is a bit of fun to discuss non cycling things between cyclists :D

    If there is to be a new sportive section fine I am ok with it I just do not see current need so hope you don't build up your expectations to high :D