What's your routine in the morning?



  • Hi, I'm new here and thought I would use this thread as a bit of an intro. I work shifts (days and nights) so I could be leaving for work at 05:30 or 17:30 or even later.

    I have to plan my commutes as my work kit is bulky and I work from 3 different locations. However an early start goes something like this:
    0445 Alarm goes off
    0450 alarm goes off
    0455 alarm...you get the idea, I hate earlys!
    0500 get up
    0502 brush teeth
    0505 pull on cycling kit
    0510 breakfast (usually cereals) whilst lurking here (very recently) or on Talkbass.com, and check emails
    0525 Check rucksack which I will have packed the night before plus put lunch and drink bottle from fridge in.
    0530 Go back upstairs, kiss wife and kids, then go to retrieve bike from shed
    0600 Arrive at work, ignore jibes from colleagues re lycra etc
    0605 Shower,shave, generally tart myself up
    0630 Sort out tea for myself and the guys (and gals) on the night turn if no one else is on the case
    0645 Find todays crewmate, check ambulance and equipment, stow personal kit
    0700 Hopefully sit down for a little while but usually respond to the first call of the day