What's your routine in the morning?

is_76 Posts: 24
edited September 2007 in Commuting chat
Alarm, quick shower (to wake up), feed cat, check have packed trousers and other work clothes, pack lunch in pannier, remove lunch from pannier to recheck I have packed trousers, shoes etc (after having imagined the embarrassment of not having appropraite work clothes), fill water bottle. Set off. cycle for 50mins, arrive at work.

Oh and wasn't it brisk this morning. Must look out gloves!


  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Alarm, get up, shave, cycling clothes on after sticking my head out of the window to see how cold it is, go downstairs, fill up drinks bottle, put breakfast into tupperware box and then into rucksack (packed the night before with shoes, pants, socks, belt, wallet, phone, keys, cufflinks, saddle bag), put on cycling shoes, helmet, gloves, glasses, grab bike and set off for the 18 miles (60 mins about) to work. Get to work, lock bike, shower, get dressed (trousers and shirt at work), have a fag :oops: and then breakfast.

    It's a miltary operation which really really narks me if I can't find something.

    And if I forget the cufflinks, treasury tags do just as well and look great. :?

    Am going to get another pair of shoes to leave at work along with lots of socks and pants (I cycle 3 days out of 5). Should make things even slicker and the bag on my back lighter. :D
  • cntl
    cntl Posts: 290
    I am one of the lucky ones: at work, the manager fixed a shower nobody used at the cost of 800 quid... just because of me (otherwise they wouldn't have bothered) Made me feel a bit guitly... :D
  • woke up
    got out of bed
    dragged a comb across my head
    found my way downstairs
    and drank a cup
    looking up - i noticed i was late...
    Good Luck and Be Fecund
  • baudman
    baudman Posts: 757
    Lif30057840, I think somebody spoke to you because you went into a dream!
    Commute - MASI Souville3 | Road/CX - MASI Speciale CX | Family - 80s ugly | Utility - Cargobike
  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    I wake up at 6:50, then either get up by 7:10 if I am cycling or 7:20 if I'm on the train. Wash, get dressed, and get out on the bike by 7:30. Needless to say there isn't much spare time. Getting the train is quicker than cycling, and actually a pretty nice journey, so I normally decide on which to do depending on how I feel when I wake up.
  • Tumble outta bed
    And I stumble to the kitchen
    Pour myself a cup of ambition
    And yawn and stretch
    And try to come to life
    Jump in the shower
    And the blood starts pumpin'
    Out on the street
    The traffic starts jumpin'
    The folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    6am - Up and downstairs for a bowl of porridge, cup of coffee whislt watching the news.
    6:30am - Upstairs and into my cycling kit
    6:45am - Put lunch into rucksack that my wife has lovingly made for me :)
    7am - Get my youngest out of bed and downstairs for his breakfast, the eldest fends for himself.
    7:15am - Bike out of garage and start the trek to the office.
    8am - Arrive at work, grab a shower.
    8:15am - Arrive at desk, cup of coffee and a bannana.

    God, I never realised just how military my morning routine was :?
  • Your wife made your rucksack? cool
  • 6am up.

    Then the following in no particular order.

    Boil kettle
    Make tea for wife and I.
    Eat bowl of muesli and fruit
    Have my morning dump
    Make toast and marmite
    Make milk for baby
    Put rubbish out on Tuesdays
    Shave, clean teeth
    Have a morning cuddle with my daughter
    Dress in cycling kit
    Fold up shirt, pants, vest, socks
    Load pannier

    7.14 Final urination in prep for.....
    7.15 leave for work. (This always comes last)
  • what's the story morning glory?,
    need a little time to wake up, need a little time to wake up, wake up
  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    6:30 woken up by the alarm probably the fifth time since I went to bed as I have 4 young children.

    I tend to take about 15 minutes after that to watch my wife get dressed (I really should grow up but it never gets old) then summon up the energy to get out of bed whilst shes downstairs making my lunch.

    6:45 I get out of bed put on the cycling shorts, and just lately my baselayer and top as well. Bit nippy in the mornings

    6:55 I switch on the PC, check the emails, troll forums a bit, hug kids etc etc, maybe hop into an online game and check how business went over night.

    7:10 I start my final preperations for heading out the door shoes on, gloves etc etc. Normally about this time my wifes packing my lunch in my panniers (she really is great)

    about 7:15 (although often if Im running late 7:30) Its time for hugs and kisses all round before I finally head out the door for the cycle to work aiming to be at work somewhere between 7:40 and 8:00.

    You may notice Ive missed out breakfast on the list unfortunately my stomach just wont allow me to eat first thing in the morning so I have to wait till Ive been at workfor a while before my stomach will let me eat anything :(
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    6.30 up
    Shower, shave, empty dishwasher and get kids' brekkie up together
    7.00 kids up
    brekkie (if not going to nursery), milk and dress them (if nursery day)
    7.20 other half down to take care of kids, I finish getting ready
    7.30 leave (kiss, kiss, kiss)
    7.42 arrive train station
    7.51 train leaves
    8.47 train arrives
    8.50 having extracted bike from 3,750 others chained to the 6 bike racks at Marylebone, head off
    9.15 reach office
    Breakfast (at last)
    9.30 start work

    How sad is that lot? :oops:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • Hmm, alarm goes @ 7.15, gets snoozed until 7.25, then snoozed again until 7.35.

    Finally summon the effort to get up at this point, make bed (slightly OCD about that) then straight into the bathroom for the beauty routine: shave, shower and all that lark.

    c. 7.55: Bag packed with shirt, boxers, socks for the day (trousers, shoes etc kept in the office) and sometimes lunch if could be bothered to make it the previous night.

    c. 8.00: get gear on with reference to what appears to be happening on the mean streets outside then final checks on waterbottle,bag packing etc.

    8.10: Carefully (usually) negotiate bike downstairs from first floor flat and hit the open road.


    31-36m later, pulling up at the underground bike storage at work. Breakfast at desk ensues. Only another 9hrs or so until I'll be back on the bike :D

    All of these do feel somewhat military!
  • mossycp
    mossycp Posts: 233
    Get up at 06:50
    Shave and shower
    Check thermometer, put cycling gear on according to temperature
    Fold shirt and tie
    Downstairs, pack lunchbox with the days fruit
    Wife kindly makes sandwiches
    Pack rucksack with lunchbox followed by shirt and tie
    Drink glass of OJ and maybe multivit and Omega3 tab
    Make bowl of Muesli and coffee
    Turn on TV, get paper from doormat
    Eat muesli and drink coffee whilst watching TV and reading paper
    Daughter should be downstairs by now
    Brush teeth
    Put on arm and legwarmers if chilly, shoes, helmet etc. kisses all round, head out the door. Leave for work at 7:45
    In work at 8am (ish!)
    Switch computer on, cool down for a bit
    Get changed into work clothes

    I am very regimented in the morning and dreadfully guilty of only looking after myself! Note to self - must do something about that!
    Breakfast is the MOST important bit. I love my muesli and is where I get a huge amount of my calories and carbs for the day.
    Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way {Dr Seus}
  • L60N
    L60N Posts: 223
    7:00 - Alarm goes off.
    7:15 - Drag myself out da pit
    7:20 - Long shower/shave
    7:40 - Get dressed
    7:50 - Feed Cat
    7:55 - Cycle to work
    8:05 - Apologize for being late :P
  • Hmm as i work shifts my routine varies alot.

    Early Shift

    up at 5.00am, check weather, dress accordingly, grab a biscuit, big drink of water, then cycle the 15miles to work.
    Arrive approx 6.20 ish, grab shower at work, change into overalls, and grab another big drink of water.

    On other shifts more or less same routine just differant times of day. food stuffs are prepared the night before on earlies, all other times its done a while before leaving.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    7.30 - first alarm goes off. i snooze it
    7.39 - same alarm goes off again, snoozed again
    7.45 - second alarm goes off
    7.46 - moyles pisses me off
    7.48 - first alarm goes off again, turned off this time
    7.49 - moyles is still pis[/b][/b]ssing me off
    7.55 - get up, doss around for 5 minutes
    8.00 - put shorts and t-shirt on for cycle to work, more milling around avoiding my parents
    8.05 - put everything in bag from inside of helmet where i put it night before
    8.10 - go downstairs and have argument with parents over nothing (hence the avoidance)
    8.15 - finish breakfast (some form of wheatabix)
    8.20 - switch iPod on
    8.25 - get bike out of garage
    8.26 - turn on garmin, cycle computer, attach lights/race blades
    8.29 - leave house
    8.45 - have near death incident
    9.00 - arrive at office, unlock door, put bike in back room
    9.01 - turn on computer
    9.02 - check email
    9.04 - get clothes for day out of the back room
    9.05 - turn kettle on, on the way to the bathroom to get changed
    9.10 - sit down at desk dressed with cup of tea
    9.11 - start my daily work (which involves doing nothing!)

    isn't that interesting?
  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    Its all a jumbled mess, apart from 1st thing. Thats to get some breakfast and kick start the biology.

    Don't want to get 10 mins into the ride and realise I need a dump..... :oops:

    Not happenned yet, but its not going to
  • L60N
    L60N Posts: 223
    7.30 - first alarm goes off. i snooze it
    7.39 - same alarm goes off again, snoozed again
    7.45 - second alarm goes off
    7.46 - moyles pisses me off
    7.48 - first alarm goes off again, turned off this time
    7.49 - moyles is still pis[/b][/b]ssing me off
    7.55 - get up, doss around for 5 minutes
    8.00 - put shorts and t-shirt on for cycle to work, more milling around avoiding my parents
    8.05 - put everything in bag from inside of helmet where i put it night before
    8.10 - go downstairs and have argument with parents over nothing (hence the avoidance)
    8.15 - finish breakfast (some form of wheatabix)
    8.20 - switch iPod on
    8.25 - get bike out of garage
    8.26 - turn on garmin, cycle computer, attach lights/race blades
    8.29 - leave house
    8.45 - have near death incident
    9.00 - arrive at office, unlock door, put bike in back room
    9.01 - turn on computer
    9.02 - check email
    9.04 - get clothes for day out of the back room
    9.05 - turn kettle on, on the way to the bathroom to get changed
    9.10 - sit down at desk dressed with cup of tea
    9.11 - start my daily work (which involves doing nothing!)

    Dood you forgot to get a shower :P
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    i shower in the evenings when i get in from the gym which i go to straight from work. shower before i go to bed and then i deodorise for the day ahead. Theres no point in showering before cycling to work and then there not being a shower at work!
  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    No showers at my work either.
    Stripwash over the sink in the bathroom and liberal doses of ‘shower in a can’
    It’s a good way to get rid of those ‘I didn’t have a clue what to get you’ birthday and xmas presents. Run out of the Lynx, so I’m currently using Paco Rabanne….
  • Well - currently the routine is:

    6am - Get up, switch alarm off, try not to wake missus/baby, have a shower
    6.12 - Get dressed (in the dark)
    6.18 - Make sandwiches for lunch, tea 'n' toast for breakfast
    6.25 - "Stuff" - need to make a bottle for the baby, sometimes stick the dishwasher on. Currently trying to watch the taped highlights of the Tour of Britain
    6.55 - Get socks and shoes, pack bag, etc
    7.00 - leave the house

    Currently I'm not commuting by bike :( but I should hopefully be starting tomorrow or Friday for some of my journey. (Currently Bus -> Train -> Train, but hoping to cut out the bus and 1st train ride as a starter)

    "Carpe Aptenodytes"
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,716
    7:00: Alarm goes off, regardless of what time I'm at college
    7:05: Get up, see how badly my joints are hurting, and decide whether or not to ride in
    If riding, and assuming a 9am start.
    7:10: Get breakfast
    7:20: Have a wash, get dressed
    7:30: Go back to bed
    8:00: Get up again, pack bag, put lunch in, get helmet, gloves, sunglasses mp3 player etc ready. Debate about whether to wear windproof jacket or risk it in a tshirt.
    8:30: Leave the house
    8:55(ish): Arrive at college, lock bike, have a quick wash, change top, switch to big MP3 player, into first lesson.

    If I'm on the bus I have to leave the house by 7:55 because it takes over an hour to get there, so I don't get my extra 30 minutes in bed.
  • 05:00 alarm - crawl reluctantly out of bed to find where I hid alarm clock night before to stop me hitting snooze
    05:05 tea + banana
    05:20 finish packing rucksack, try to remember to take lunch from fridge
    05:25 cycling shoes on, rucksack on, open front door and try to close without waking wife/kids
    05:30 bike out of garage and away - full of good intentions that today will be the day I break 55 mins for the first time...
    05:35 first hill, abandon hopes that today will be the day I break 55 mins for the first time...
    06:20 curse loadly at the bus that I have to follow down the last hill of my commute at 30mph because of the speed camera....
    06:30 arrive at office at same time as security guard
    06:35 strong tea (Yorkshire Tea - the only REAL tea) and pint of water - switch on PC
    06:45 start eating lunch as I realise that banana wasn't enough
    07:00 shower - fantastic "Niagra Falls" power shower in new changing rooms - there has to be some benefit for working in the public sector for an environmental organisation, at least the facilities are good
  • A - W
    A - W Posts: 253
    06:30 Alarm goes off, the wife gets up to do her stuff
    06:45 Get up and shower/teeth
    07:00 Wake kids up, bring little one into our bed whilst get dressed, wake bigger one up and leave to get his own breakfast. Then get little one dressed.
    07:15 Breakfast for kids
    07:30 wave bye to the wife, get kids bags ready
    07:45 Kids in car, drop off at childminders
    08:00 back home, bike out of shed, lunch in bag and set off for work
    08:20 arrive at work, lock bike up, lunch in fridge, get changed, yoghurt and nuts for breakfast
    08:30ish start work.
    FCN 10
  • 06:00 alarm goes off. Look out of window. If it's raining, go back to bed until 6:20 and drive in. If not, urinate, brush teeth, wash face and hands. Get dressed as quietly as possible (not very), trying not to wake wife. Go downstairs and have a brew. Fill water bottle. set off for work at about 06:25. Enjoy relaxing ride to work, arrive at about 07:20 - 07:25 depending on traffic lights, energy etc. feeling good! :D

    "on your bike" Norman Tebbit.
  • 6:40 Alarm goes off - get up, open curtains a bit to check the weather and decide whether or not it's a cycling or car day, go for a pee.
    6:44 Downstairs - test my blood glucose levels, turn on the Today programme and start making breakfast (usually porridge, smoothie and a cup of tea)
    While breakfast is being made make sure everything I need is at the end of the breakfast bar (blood testing kit, glucose, some carbohydrate snack, sandwiches made the night before and fruit for lunch), open curtains in the front room, get things out for making dinner when I get back home
    6:53 Eat breakfast while listening to the radio
    6:58 Go upstairs - turn the radio on in the bathroom, turn on shower (realise now that I am missing the weather forecast. Shower, shave and clean teeth.
    7:10 If it's a cycling day (which it usually is unless the weather is too wet or too dodgy) - dry hair with dryer to prevent "helmet hair", put on cream, dedorant, get dressed, fold up shirt with a pair of socks in the middle [shoes, trousers and tie are at work]
    7:23 Downstairs - pack rucksack with the things on the breakfast bar and my folded shirt (go back upstairs for something I have forgotten eg swimming kit)
    7:30 Get on my way for 20 minute cycle to work
    7:50 Put bike in the cycle shed, go inside and take lift to the 5th floor
    7:55 Put my PC on and then go and put the kettle on
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    6.45 Alarm, drag myself out of bed...
    Downstairs for Porridge & banana & cup of tea.
    Kids up and breakfasted
    7.00 Make lunches for me and kids.
    7.10 Eat Breckie
    7.30 Bike out of garage and upstairs to pack
    7.50 On Bike
    8.30 Arrive at Office
    8.35 After locking/covering bike go to get changed - Baby wipe wash down & tiny sink for a wash.
    8.45 -8.50 In Office, off to get a cuppa
    9.00am start time.

    Start a new job at the beginning of October and I'll be cutting time off the morning preps to get to my desk by 8.30am for an early finish !
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    7:15 Alarm/ get up,
    Get Dressed,
    Brush Teeth,
    7:55-8:00 approx start cycling,
    8:20-8:25 approx arrive at work,
    Quick change of top and deodorize.

    As a back up I can go a shorter but steeper route and leave later.
  • Stuww
    Stuww Posts: 203
    Alarm goes off at 5.00 am

    Carefully remove large bengal tom cat who has decided to sleep curled up in the small of my back!

    Cycle gear on, now includes merino base layer which is so snug

    Put cereal in snap lock tub, cover in layer of clingfilm, put milk over clingfilm, snap on lid pinching clingfilm in seal! (all will become clear!)

    Get roll from fridge, swig some water, eat handfull of dried fruit.

    Chuck everything in pannier.

    5.15 Head out into pitch black rural lanes.

    Dodge pot holes, deer, badgers, branches etc

    6.10 Arrive at work in Exeter

    Lock bike in bike shed, shower and change into work clothes. (great facilities)

    6.30 Arrive at desk.

    Remove snap lock lid from container, carefully slide clingfilm off allowing milk to slowly pour into cereal avoiding soggy breakfast!

    Check cycle forums \ email

    Get on with some work......