hangovers - to ride or not to ride?



  • Pagem
    Pagem Posts: 244
    ricadus wrote:
    homercles wrote:
    Pagem wrote:
    spasypaddy wrote:
    my gran lives in hove! and my mate is at sussex uni studying media and something or other. Are there any good rides round there as i may go down to my grans for a weekend on the train and take my bike down



    Do I detect envy? :twisted:

    why? because he has a gran whom lives in hove, his mate is at sussex uni studying media (and something or other) and that he might go down to visit his gran for a weekend on the train and take his bike?

    envy? abso-bloody-lutely. lucky bugger.
    Only the meek get pinched. The bold survive.
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    ricadus wrote:
    jjones wrote:
    Riding is the best way to get rid of a hangover. You feel shocking for an hour, but then you're right for the rest of the day.

    Whether you ride or not, energy drink may help.

    A nice iced lolly helps with a hangover too. Something plain like orange or lemonade, Sparkles used to be perfect. Might not be the easiest thing to source on your commute in at 8am.

    I'd struggle to get on my bike at that time of the morning with a hangover. A nice leisurely 11am is ok but 8am :shock:
  • pigman
    pigman Posts: 76
    fidbod wrote:
    treat yourself to a bacon and egg butty because it is a friday

    guess what I want right now and no access to one?
  • paulym31
    paulym31 Posts: 51
    jjones wrote:
    Riding is the best way to get rid of a hangover. You feel shocking for an hour, but then you're right for the rest of the day.
    Fair point, but Christ does that hour hurt.
    I remember last Easter, 12 hour drive followed by night on the sauce on an empty stomach, followed by the Fochabers ring next morning. The first hillclimb brought me closer to death than any downhill I've ever ridden.
    Afternoon was fun though.
    I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Bloody hell bottle of wine, new bike, new wheels? I am going back to uni so I get more money :D
    I would propose working weekends and take the week off.
    After a good night, if riding drink litre of water before you leave and during ride.
    Only problem is you may need a pisssstop :D
  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    Bloody hell bottle of wine, new bike, new wheels? I am going back to uni so I get more money :D
    I would propose working weekends and take the week off.
    After a good night, if riding drink litre of water before you leave and during ride.
    Only problem is you may need a pisssstop :D

    Can't agree with that (I'll talk about the pissstops later) - now they have to pay their own fees and get student loans to survive. When I was a student in the 1960's I ran a car and went abroad on holiday on my grant - also those were the pre AIDS and other STD days. Bikes were crap compared to these days though.

    Its only us oldens who need a pissstop.
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    Actually, the best way to avoid the hangover altogether is to do an intense ride while you're still piss drunk. Tried it out yesterday night and woke up feeling not too bad this morning. My mates looked like zombies this morning and I was (relatively) fresh. Do choose quiet roads, though. And if the cops ask, you didn't get the idea from me!
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062

    the forum automatically changed my "p!ss" to "wee-wee"!


  • jonesy124 wrote:
    I have a hangover this morning and at 7am I was condsidering cycling to work (as i usually do) in order to perk me up. In the end i opted for another hour in bed and a lift to work.

    Should I have cycled? Would I be feeling better now if I had, or would I have passed out in the saddle?

    Hey Jonesy, do you race?
    you'll know the best thing is too ride through the pain barrier :D
    clean air will do you the world of good 8)

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • steve23
    steve23 Posts: 2,202
    i think we have all had a visit form the night monkey, you know, the one that craps in your mouth and ruffles your hair up. slaps you about a bit, then you wake up with your head killing!!!!

    IMO, when i have had a visit from him, i go out, nail it for as long as possible, then drink loads, and repeat! i usually get mega hunger pains when doing this after a skinfull though........
    If You Can't Cut It With The Big Dogs, Then Don't Pi$$ Up The Tall Trees!
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    drenkrom wrote:
    Actually, the best way to avoid the hangover altogether is to do an intense ride while you're still wee-wee drunk.
    From experience, I don't recommend riding up the Col del la Schlucht after having drank a bottle of red wine at lunch in Munster just beforehand - it turns what is really an easy col into a version of Galibier.

    At the last feeding station in the Dreiländergiro cyclosportive (170 km, 3300 m, from/to Nauders, via Stelvio), only 10 km short of the finish, they serve beer.
    Some riders consume it in quantities, presumably thinking with such a mini distance to go, 1-2 pints will present no problems. However the first 6 kms after the feeding station are a climb of nearly 450 m up to Norbertshöhe and cause many a rider's undoing.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    now they have to pay their own fees and get student loans to survive.

    Aha not if your Welsh and study in Wales or Scottish and study in Scotland, then all or part of your fees are paid :D
  • simon000
    simon000 Posts: 20
    After many hangovers, I always thought a nice gentle 20 miles first thing in the morning would sort me out, fresh air, peace and quiet, sweat it out etc etc untill last month that is, I bumped into another rider who insisted on joining me, as we were roughly going the same way, he was slightly older than me and he was not feeling worst for wear , so as you can guess the competative streak kicked in and I picked up the pace (what a fool I was), needlesss to say I ended up looking a right mess and nearly giving myself a heart attack :oops: Did I manage to out ride my new companion? the answer to that is a big fat NO :!: I have now come to the conclusion that yes if you are feeling a bit rough, there is nothing like a gentle ride in the morning to perk you up, but for heavens sake if a fellow rider wishes to join you kindly decline the offer informing them of your delicate nature.
  • HungryCol
    HungryCol Posts: 532
    jonesy124 wrote:
    i feel like a ride would sort me out now, but at 8am I would have struggled.

    Am I the only one who saw this double entendre?!
    Every winner has scars.
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    Best bike ride I had this summer was after 10 beers and a curry - lots of carbs!! But did take a SIS hydration drink and neck it in the first 20 mins.....

    With the 4 day weeks: a mate in the USA suggested - when told of my 35 days annual leave - that with the same he'd work 21 regular weeks take one weeks holiday (5 days) and work a 4 day week for the rest..... :D